love this format of delivery, please keep it up, and maybe do one suggesting how to avoid all these bad foods, like cooking stuff simply from base ingredients and making it tasty, because that is what people find hard
Ответить"ah high fructose corn syrup. the white mans poison"
ОтветитьMy grandfather ommited most sugars from his diet and ate a very strict diet consisting of healthy meats and vegetables, but he would always have 1 or 2 scoops of ice cream everyday for desert and he lived to be 102 and was still very active and able minded. So its not that bad for you, you really have to be eating in excess for it to have huge effects. Saving some oreos or cookies to eat as a snack here and there, or having spaghetti and meat balls some nights is not gonna be drastic.
ОтветитьI feel good eating cake soo I don't believe you
ОтветитьI've been dealing with gout for about ten years now. I finally figured out to reduce my carbohydrate intake instead of my proteins. For the past six months, I don't even need to take colchicine after eating meat or working out. I still drink alcohol, just less often. I still smoke cigars. I haven't really lost that much weight but I clearly carry less fat and have more muscle tone. I really didn't improve my diet that much. All I did was stop eating sugar...
ОтветитьWhat if I eat a cake with added sugars, but that cake has fiber, protein, and fat in it? Doesn't that redo the effect of concentrating the sugar from something? For example, if I eat plain white sugar but with broccoli (as my fiber), cottage cheese (as my protein), and butter (as my fat), would that make the added sugars/the cake "healthy" again?
ОтветитьHow about using dates as sweeteners? Is that considered healthy?
ОтветитьReally love your videos. Would be fantastic to see how you do your research and use your sources
ОтветитьI gave up soda like over 10 yrs ago. Pretty much just drink water and unsweetened tea on the daily. Everytime the waitress messes up and gives me sweet tea, I feel like its so sweet that its undrinkable.
ОтветитьActually cooking level 1: ah dis healfy. Level3: pour fat n sprinkle sugar in
ОтветитьI think itd be interesting to see you speak more about maple syrup and honey following this video. To my understanding, they are a much healthier alternative to the typical sugars we have in our diets, and come with some pretty decent health benefits if used in moderation.
Ответитьnot just sugars, but anything in excess can cause fat gain/expansion.
Ответить"So is there anything added sugars are good for?"
Me, an endrance athlete: here comes my part!
It came from India.
ОтветитьSugar is shit
ОтветитьSurprised no one mentioned wii fit.
ОтветитьSurprised no one mentioned wii fit.
ОтветитьI think that making informed decisions is the most important thing. I’ve been working on fixing my diet to make it more varied and nutritious but it has to be sustainable. Part of making it sustainable is allowing room for junk food here and there. I would rather live a shorter life with sweets than a longer life without them. I can cut back on them but I’ll never give them up. The important thing to me there is that it’s an informed decision I’m making for myself. Having added sugars on the nutrition facts label is so important for allowing more people to make informed decisions about their health. Life is about trade offs but it’s best when you are aware of the trade offs you’re making.
ОтветитьTier List sugar, when?
ОтветитьOr you can eat all the garbage you want and when you get sick, you can blame it on your age or genetics 😂😂😂.
ОтветитьIts not just processed foods I notice so many recipes people add tons of sugars, condensed milk, evaporated milk, honey, etc to make their food extra sweet but its so unhealthy.
Ответитьi kind of miss the slightly less scripted and more conversational / more personal cadence of your voice in these older videos. of course, please keep making videos however you see you need/want to, but i would enjoy a return to this style of video every now and then
ОтветитьThis channel is going to be an essential resource as I reengineer my diet.
ОтветитьThe real question is: can you prevent the spikes of added sugar by mixing your chocolate bar with fibre, protein, and fat??
ОтветитьIts crazy how dependent some people are on added sugar. If you take it off your diet and replace with actual whole grains and beans youll realize how an actual stable blood glucose levels does miracles for energy regulation and appetite control.
ОтветитьHey can you do a real killer video about alcohol sugars? I JUST started seeing it on labels (especially for protein bars/shakes) what exactly are they??
Ответитьlmao "i'd like to say no, but we got here somehow"
ОтветитьI don't eat added sugar often because it makes my joints hurt. So I try to avoid the sneaky ones and eat it when I want a nice dessert. Why though can the nutritional label say 0 added sugar, but sugar is on the ingredient list.
ОтветитьDo fake sugar
ОтветитьI used to be quite a bit overweight as a little kid, but around the age of 15-16 I quit soda, and I lost some weight over time, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case, because I switched super sugary drinks for water and tea.
ОтветитьPretty much any processed, pre-made food at the grocery store has way too much added sugar and sodium. Even foods at health stores are loaded with too much.
Ответить wonder why I feel so much better. May be late to this awesome vid but I'm starting to avoid added sugars (even if people like my mom hate on me for it) and I'm doing great! Thanks Talon
Ответитьthe whole fatphobia agenda is actually the worst killer to humanity
no, don't be proud of being fat, it's not the same as being a minority like a woman a gay or a negro
being fat it's entirely a selfish decision and it's costing public health a lot of money and resources that in the end the rest of us have to pay to keep these fatties alive
We talking about Amerika right?
Ответитьhoney too 🥲??? That sucks I just bought a big jar
ОтветитьI eat too many sweets, and honestly I hate it, I hate eating sugar. It's addictive and I don't want to lose my health because of it, but breaking out of such a normalized addiction is really hard
ОтветитьJust wanna point out the fact that I love your montage.
It's unique, I never seen that in any video, and it's so effective.
Congrats man !
Watch: sugar: the bitter truth. It explains the difference between glucose and fructose. Fructose without fiber is what kills you.
Ответитьim always in the wonder about the ''zero sugar'' drinks, how can they still be sweat? i feel i shoudnt drink them anyways
ОтветитьJust a little crack is ok
ОтветитьIs honey any different than eating chocolate and other sweets?
ОтветитьI had to quit 3 addictions in my life so far and smoking was easier than quitting sugar.
No one wanted me to smoke, but when I quit sugar everyone was weired out by that.
"Are you on a diet?"
"Come one little piece isn't gonna hurt you"
It was even worse than not drinking alcohol at family gatherings/parties (I'm Polish btw)
Next do The Real Killer ArTiFiCiAl SwEeTeNeRs. The fact that Aspertame is approved by the fda is a joke!
ОтветитьI really hate added sugars a lot. And I mean a lot.
I don't mind it being in sweet treats, I just mind that they put huge amounts of sugar in those treats like dunkins butter pecan swirl and in foods like houmous. I mean isn't that unnecessary to put random sugars in foods it doesn't need sugars?
If there are any other things out there that you think have earned the title of a "Real Killer", go ahead and let me know here! I hope this series can go pretty far in bringing awareness to the simple changes and choices one can make that can go a long way.