BTS Jimin unable to recoup $74,000 he lent to Lee Jin-ho, who has engaged in illegal gambling

BTS Jimin unable to recoup $74,000 he lent to Lee Jin-ho, who has engaged in illegal gambling


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@celticgirl8882 - 14.10.2024 17:53

so LJH is a CON ARTIST, he should be in jail ... bet JK gave him a talking too, never lend money to acquaintances

@dhezzuoh6320 - 14.10.2024 18:00

Jimin really has a good heart, imagine he even offer him to pay him within 10 years. If it was me, we're settling it in court. lol!

@angiedinwiddie9823 - 14.10.2024 18:05

I don’t believe this this is 2024 and this is just coming out making Jimin look like a victim

@patrice942 - 14.10.2024 18:15

Yeah, when you give money to family or " friends" you should always think you are never going to get it back. That is the only way to stay sane.

@linseyv0613 - 14.10.2024 18:30

Is thats true that is so jimin😂 sure a pure heart the comedian pay him back and if only In penance for the wrong doing. more importantly hope the comedian gets help

@jessicaregina1956 - 14.10.2024 18:56

🤣 as if 74 thousand dollars is a big deal to any major celebrities.

@annanamoose9943 - 14.10.2024 19:03

The graciousness of Jimin to say "pay me back in 10 years". I hope that guy gets help because everyone now knows not to lend him money, no matter the sob story

@AA4PJM - 14.10.2024 19:12

It doesn't matter who you are...A friend betraying you is so dissapointing and gut wrenching. Everyone knows how kind and generous Jimin is, Lee Jin-Ho took full advantage of him, lied to him and betrayed him. I hope Lee Jin-Ho is punished and brought to shame.

@drarchaeo249 - 14.10.2024 19:15

The problem is that unfortunately you do not help gamblers lending them money

@chariemariefuller6868 - 14.10.2024 19:33

Jimin heart is so pure … and people take advantage on it

@bengbeng208 - 14.10.2024 19:38

Well, lesson learnt for Jimin. He is kindhearted and the man abused his kindness. What are you going to do Mr. Lee when time comes, you really need the financial help?

@pang-ngiavang5958 - 14.10.2024 20:08

I thought it was illegal to gamble in skorea!!!!

@ll3328 - 14.10.2024 20:27

jimin learned an expensive lesson, at least he found out that not all people are good people and cut those type of ppl out of his life for good. I've been there too. I never ever lend money to family or friends unless i expect it not to be paid back most likely. even your own blood can do these types of things sadly. Jimin is a wonderful kind hearted soul. too many people are cruely to him and judge him because of his beauty and kindness. they are so incredibly jealous of the best people in the world. A true rolemodel to everyone. HIs parents did amazing job in raising this man.

@TheBlackcoffeeable - 14.10.2024 20:46

Why did he lend him so much money when he knew that guy had a gambling problem?

Hasn't Jimin ever heard the phrase, "Don't lend money that you might not be able to let go of"

@chartierart5794 - 14.10.2024 21:46

Defrauding Jimin was the worst mistake he could make. We all know what the wrath of ARMY can be like. Jimin is a sweetheart..

@debbiecharron2767 - 14.10.2024 21:51

Hes a thief, disgusting

@jobione3620 - 14.10.2024 22:10

It’s irrelevant that Jimin can afford that loan, his belief was that this guy was a genuine friend. The loss of trust and integrity is the damage. ❤

@stillpurple - 14.10.2024 22:28

Since the truth has come out, is there no legal action that can be taken against that cheater? I really hate cheaters like that guy, who had no intention of paying back. I hope Jimin will be able to get his money back, such a large sum of money.

@annatenney-official - 14.10.2024 23:07

I this guy needs to pay everyone back asap. These celebrities trusted him because he is a celebrity himself . Yeah he needs to pay Jimin and the others back immediately.

@jennifervaughn1541 - 14.10.2024 23:15

So he didn’t actually steal it from Jimin. Jimin gave it to him, but the guy squandered it and lied.

@ROYALARMY613 - 15.10.2024 01:01


@specky4ice - 15.10.2024 01:20

Just shows you, never trust other people, people lie all the time. They'll do it everytime if they can get something out of you. Cheers❤

@sandralovecchio7530 - 15.10.2024 02:19

So does this guy get to go to jail for theft? Or because he said he regrets it he is forgiven?

@kathyshoffner7447 - 15.10.2024 02:41

Sorry to hear he got scammed! It's a tough lesson to learn...

@dodiedulay5031 - 15.10.2024 03:53

It is a hard earned money.
Lesson: we only give some amount that will not hurt us if they not return back to us.

@AlejandraNightingale - 15.10.2024 04:13

Apart from Jimin, Lee Soo-geun had a gambling problem back in the day too, the fact that 1. You ask for money from Jimin was simple because you knew he had a lot of it because he is from BTS 2. Asking for money to someone who had a money and gambling problem is really low.

@iluvfluffy - 15.10.2024 04:17

Jimin is such an angel. Instead of suing he gave him 10yrs to pay the debt! That's just too kind😭BTS indeed is rare😢they just help anyone in need💜 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMIN!🎂

@pazfan999 - 15.10.2024 05:11

Broo..when superstar like BTS members give u or lend u some money please use it a small bussiness or what...payback his kindness..not gambling...bruhh if jimin give me money i will kept itfor the rest of my life😂

@JobjobJob-f6e - 15.10.2024 06:30

Jimin had $74 000 to lend to a casual friend. Interesting.

@lalaineportillo5425 - 15.10.2024 07:59

That’s a shame really . He just using Jimin because of the kindness and pureheart . I pray hard for you Jimin don’t worry God will repay you Many blessings. God will do in a Mysterious way!💜💜💜💜💜🙏🙏🙏🙏

@nttm5901 - 15.10.2024 09:57

Not only korean media and govt, but also korean general people and artists use BTS 😅 Korea

@poypoypalaboy1412 - 15.10.2024 11:17

Please pay Jimin in 10 years.... That should be enough for this comedian to realize how good hearted Jimin is but was brave enough to betray his good deed. Hope you'd be able to pay everyone you had debt with and live a new version of yourself.

@עדישעשוע-ר4מ - 15.10.2024 12:14

I think that a gambler is the worst there is, he can sell his family to gamble, this is a very difficult problem that we will not know, in short he needs treatment and maybe to help him with treatment🌸🩷🇮🇱

@X-Fauve - 15.10.2024 12:17

What's with the heavy British accent. Gambling is an addiction just like drugs. You can't trust their words at all.

@rosyylin - 15.10.2024 12:48

Please dont involve bts member in some issues they pay so much hardwork on there career please have a respect korea

@rosyylin - 15.10.2024 12:49

Love you jimin no matter any issues involve you and bts members we didnt trust them just only bts

@ConstanceWallace-p8i - 15.10.2024 13:28

Jimin has a pure heart ♥ he was nice enough to lend you the money be responsible and pay Jimin back. My Jimin love you my cute pie Mochi 😊

@ConstanceWallace-p8i - 15.10.2024 13:31

Lee-jin ho you need pray with pray all things change with pray Amen❤❤

@jesminaharapej2127 - 15.10.2024 16:58

That's disgusting what this man did, i hope Jimin open his eyes and learn, because he can expect everything from this called friends, peoples this days always smell thé money ,

@CAMC4955 - 15.10.2024 18:26

I'm not surprised Jimin helped someone when he was in need and trusted his word he would pay it back. Jimin has integrity and believes honoring your word. Losing the money probably doesn't hurt him as much as the betrayal. He learns from this to be more careful, but he is still a kind and generous person to his core. He chooses his charities that make a big impact and are more emotionally & morally rewarding to him and his family.

@hopeworldstudio - 15.10.2024 21:10

Is this for real? Jimin is such a sweetheart.

@genovevalara3989 - 16.10.2024 03:04

We see kind and sincere faces, but their hearts are far from been kind and sincere. That’s why there is a saying, bad associations Ruin good habits. We need to be careful when choosing our friends. I feel for Jimin because his so kind hearted. I hope this guy pay him as soon as possible and not in 10 years and he should look for professional help for his addiction for gambling, his only throwing away his life. We shall always love Jimin and support him forever. 💜💜💜

@em5522 - 16.10.2024 16:26

Ik it can't be everyone, but these stories make me just wary abt the ppl around BTS.

@Chimmy-k2t - 18.10.2024 02:57

Omg...Jimin such an Angel,10 years time.If he go to loan shark i bet he can't paid it coz the interest will grow up unimaginable 😂

@prettywhenthewindblows7 - 19.10.2024 14:41

10 years… Jimin definitely knew he was never going to get his money back. I know this isn’t some huge financial blow for Jimin but it’s still shitty to take advantage of someone’s kindness like this. I feel like if I borrowed money from someone under false pretences and that person chose to let me keep the money even after figuring out that I have no intention to pay them back, the guilt would eat me alive

@uttarakambhammettu2296 - 20.10.2024 12:45

Jimin is an angel...He is too good for this world. I wish that God always protects him from bad people and bad vibes.

@IvettNaranjo - 26.10.2024 06:51

Envien a la carcel a Lee jin ho por estafador

@CutiePie-hh3gg - 26.10.2024 14:17

That's pocket change for him

@sarahtelles1931 - 25.02.2025 16:54

How can we trust Korean news with how they treated that actress who recently unalived herself. You know what, if Lee unalived himself then good but, you guys will never learn your lesson and move onto demonizing the next human celebrity who makes a mistake.
