In Neil Jordan's 1996 biopic of the original independentist Irish Republican Army (IRA) founder and pro-Anglo-Irish deal precursor of the Christian democrat right-to-centrist Fine Gael ("Clan of the Gaels") party Michael Collins, an Irish Republican/Sinn Fein ("We Ourselves") political rally breaks apart into a typical Irish "faction fight" (fight between groups of people) with the Royal Irish Constabulary which mostly involves a lot of people stick fighting.
Shared for mere educational ends (on Irish stick fighting). All rights belong to its rightful owners.All rights belong to The Geffen Film Company and Warner Bros.. Credit also given to the John W. Hurley's 2007 book "Shillelagh: The Irish Fighting Stick", for exploring all the Irish martial arts and listing all the surviving Irish stick fighting films and TV there is.
Na fita biográfica do fundador do Irish Republican Army/Exército Republicano Irlandês e precursor pró-trato Anglo-Irlandês do partido Fine Gael ("Clã dos Gaélicos") de-direita-a-centrista democrata-cristão Michael Collins de 1996 de Neil Jordan, um comício Republicano Irlandês/do Sinn Fein ("Nós, Nós Mesmos") descamba numa "luta de facção" (luta entre grupos de pessoas) típica irlandesa com a Royal Irish Constabulary (Guarda Irlandesa Real), a qual envolve principalmente muita gente a lutar com paus.
Partilhado para meros fins educativos (sobre jogo do pau irlandês). Todos os direitos pertencem a The Geffen Film Company e Warner Bros.. Crédito também dado ao livro de 2007 de John W. Hurley "Shillelagh: The Irish Fighting Stick" ("Shillelagh: O Pau de Luta Irlandês"), por explorar todas as artes marciais irlandesas e listar todos os filmes e TV sobreviventes de luta com paus irlandesa que há.
This video is under Fair Use. Copyright Disclaimer (Section 107 of the Copyright Act in 1976). All rights belong to its rightful owners.
#Neil_Jordan #Michael_Collins #Michael_Collins_(film) #Michael_Collins_(1996) #1996 #1996_in_film #Irish_Republican #Irish_Republican_Army #IRA #Sinn_Féin #We_Ourselves #Fine_Gael #Family_of_the_Gaels #United_Party #Fine_Gael_-_United_Party #Clan_of_the_Gaels