Blake Lively UNINVITED To Super Bowl, Craig Conover Shares His Truth About Paige Desorbo & More!

Blake Lively UNINVITED To Super Bowl, Craig Conover Shares His Truth About Paige Desorbo & More!

Daily Dose of Dana

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@lesliewilliams8980 - 09.02.2025 01:27

Yeah BUT is their relationship really THAT LOYAL and TRUE when you USE someone as LEVERAGE!!

@LL-cc4ro - 09.02.2025 01:43

There was a pod cast that went through “The Art of the Takeover” .. accept the Role for short $$ claiming you love the script.. Everyone loves you for that.. wait until 1/2 the movie is done and start making demands, film more, demand more, make sure JB knows who’s the star, Sony getting concerned, money getting tight, push JB aside, demand producer credit and more demands or you will not finish the movie. He’s desperate now, she continues to demand, RR bullies him in the penthouse, he’s defeated, Sony Caves, then the nail in the coffin, accuse him of Sexual harassment to get the movie rights back to Colleen and she sells it to BL and RR

@nicolaball3313 - 09.02.2025 02:09

Hi Dana London is not in Europe, we left the EU a few years ago

@shannonfrasier7073 - 09.02.2025 02:51

Are there any real friendships in Hollywood? I think Hollywood is a very fake and cold place. I think the same way about Hollywood marriages.

@ArcherGinger - 09.02.2025 04:22

Maybe as with the biblical Samson Justin lost some of his power when he cut his hair. I realize the back story is totally different, but it popped in my mind. It seemed he was on such a terrific ride with getting the movie made then Blake, the snake, took him down at least for a while.

@ArcherGinger - 09.02.2025 04:49

Based on the last episode of Southern Charm they wanted two different WORLDS! He took her to animal farm & Bee keepers to encourage her to the world he envisioned for them. He loved it…She hated it all! They were good as long as she was her WORLD in NYC! He just couldn’t she didn’t fit in his life!

@ArcherGinger - 09.02.2025 05:30

IMO: Maybe she thought he was going to propose to her on New Year’s Eve in London. She knew she couldn’t say “yes”⁉️

@kellieellis6889 - 09.02.2025 05:31

I think you look adorable hahaha

@ArcherGinger - 09.02.2025 05:36

🌍Although England is no longer in the E.U. technically/geographically it is still part of the continent of Europe❗️

@ArcherGinger - 09.02.2025 05:51

In addition to being Austin’s “crazy”ex. Madison is the current “Cameron” from the first seasons of S Charm. She’s the narrator and friend to various case members; and hairdresser friend to rich matriarch, Patricia.That’s how she states relevant!

@carol-l8u - 09.02.2025 06:04

If this woman has something to say and put out there, put it out there. This game playing and gossipy "hints" is just irritating. Why are you letting this woman use you and game play with you and putting out their manipulations through you? I think she's using you because you're willing to repeat this stuff on their behalf. If she has something real to say, say it instead of playing games. Otherwise she needs to go away.

@YaelHorvath - 09.02.2025 06:16

Dana, I’d bet you that lady in your DMs is Blake under a fake account !

@carolinamyatt5934 - 09.02.2025 07:09

Ryan Reynolds doing Nicepool Character in the movie was so totally psychotic and deranged I do not think i can see him in a better light after this unless he announced that he is suffering some sort of Mental illness otherwise he just announced to the world how bad of a person he really is

@MBShotzzy - 09.02.2025 12:35

BeeBetter, he is amazing. Blake had a hardcore campaign against Justin. Idk who he was except, the nice, man bun guy.

@MBShotzzy - 09.02.2025 12:40

Balanceiago... Nobody ever says anything about this..Why??!! Blake was wearing Balenciaga at the Super bowl, last year 😐Type that name in Balenciaga, exploiting chil.... Why hasn't anybody been bringing that up about Blake? Just wrong.

@Jude74 - 09.02.2025 12:41

You look like you sleep outside.

@lauriemyers3 - 09.02.2025 16:25

Ahhhh…you even got the booties on!! Nice!

@ann-kristinjansen8277 - 09.02.2025 16:31

Take a lesson from Amber Heard. A woman can also be abusing.

@GabeWalker-hf7kf - 09.02.2025 16:44

There are people who will boo the queen dragon at the bowl I hate watching the game knowing it's going to be there.

@bymilliebphotography8249 - 09.02.2025 17:50

You mentioned “thinking 3 steps ahead.” This is where Blake has failed miserably in executing the takeover, her campaign to ruin Justin, and her lawsuit. In the past she’s easily gotten people fired without having to provide proof. Justin is the first to drag her out publicly & forcing her to provide proof. She doesn’t have proof because she really doesn’t think 3 steps ahead. She never needed to before.

@coolcat3452 - 09.02.2025 18:03

That Cochella just drop me off at the Burning Man joke is hilarious lol!!❤😂😂😂

@cazziecol - 09.02.2025 18:19

What's wrong with Candace Owens? I like her, she's totally unwoke.

@eddiemac6648 - 09.02.2025 20:11

It’s disgusting that you don’t realize your so called source is using you to further smear Justin and it’s obvious she’s on Blake’s team !!

@NotoriousMOM - 09.02.2025 20:18

I feel like your source is pulling you in by dropping info that someone close to BL would know, but then sprinkling in anti Justin stories. Be careful that you don’t get sucked into doing their dirty work for them by repeating the Justin hotel gossip that has never been discussed before. Sounds sus🧐

@patriciapfeiffer8184 - 09.02.2025 20:18

Paige broke up with Craig after thanksgiving over the phone..Craig said he thought she might just behaving a bad day or a breakdown and did not believe it....I think its 50/50..I think he should have realized she was more serious about breakup, but I feel she led him on but he also is very naive.. I never thought it would work for the last 2 years with them.. On the phone breakup to me is shame on her..3 years and he gets a call????..

@Carolinec222 - 09.02.2025 21:42

Snake Lively will be there because it means more camera time for Taylor Swift.

@deborahbreeden4394 - 10.02.2025 00:19

I have NEVER listened to ANY Taylor Swift song😂

@FrancisHaydenDbaWingspanPLLC - 10.02.2025 02:25

Now that’s entertainment! Seriously enjoy your show so much!

@DirtBikePastrana - 10.02.2025 02:45

We love Craig

@Swexican74 - 10.02.2025 02:52

Hey Dana! Love your coverage of Blake and Jusitn. I madly respect you for listening the the facts of the case after Justin was gaslit by Blake when everyone was on her side in the initial complaint with NY Times.

Have you thought of a collab with the original interview of Blake "Kjersti Flaa"? I think it would be really interesting to hear the both of you discuss this issue as you have unique personalities and different perspectives on the case. Keep it up, and look forward to another dose of Dana this week when Blake "ammends" her BS lawsuit.,

@MommaRoll712 - 10.02.2025 08:36

Why is no one mentioning if Taylor is going to dump Travis after the Chiefs lose? Their relationship contract is up! Taylor can’t be with a loser! The breakup may be how her and Blake reconcile… Taylor will need a shoulder to cry on as she writes Travs album. But then again, Both breakups that’s two back to back albums. Has Tay-Tay ever written a bff split album? Both could be very lucrative for her! Not sure what the going cost of a Grammy will be next year, she’ll have to ask JayZ and Beyonce or one of their kids. He bought the kids a Grammy before Beyonce right? Taylor may want to skip the Grammy’s and maybe try for an Oscar. Best Song in a Motion Picture is a good one. She should maybe not fire any music producers in the movie though. Pretty slimy thing to do, but that’s what friends do right? They give you the power ( especially after they steal every aspect of the movie)to fire a music producer that you don’t like as a way to say thank you for spearheading the NY Times article spreading their lie! Can you imagine how embarrassing that is for Taylor Swift? She probably thought she was standing up for her bff and went to of ALL people! But the man who spearheaded the Me Too Movement, Ronan Farrow! Though Ronan is a award winning journalist, he’s NOT going to factcheck Taylor Swift! I mean it’s Taylor Swift! So Ronan thinking he has the scoop! The HUGE story thats going to shake Hollywood! Ronan, inadvertently covers his behind by giving it to another journalist to write. Of course they aren’t going to factcheck too much either because it’s RONAN FARROW! The Times, just as Blake and Ryan planned, ONLY factchecked Blakes story of lies! And as the whole world knows. they ran the story! Taylor now has mud on her face by telling Ronan Farrow things that were not true and never happened! How humiliating!!! Fast forward to Taylor realizing Blake turned her and Ronan into nothing but Gossip Girls! They irony! I don’t blame Taylor if she saw RED! (Pun not Easter Eggs intended) Now if only Justin would amend his lawsuit and file against Taylor for $400 million dollars, (She spread defamation on purpose about Justin Baldoni and she doesn’t deserve a pass!) Ronan Farrow $400 million dollars ( ALWAYS FACTCHECK! NOT ALL WOMEN TELL THE TRUTH!) Sony $400 million dollars ( they gave into Blake and Ryan’s threats) Disney $400 million dollars ( positive pool 😡) If Justin won all those lawsuits alone, he’d be the first to become a billionaire via defamation! Talk about a new Era! 😉♥️

@sarahbelle8791 - 10.02.2025 12:16

I’m very liberal and I don’t like Taylor

@squarestar326 - 10.02.2025 18:18

England exited the european union tho.

@pass5289 - 10.02.2025 20:54

Taylor's father has 90% of what she does and doesn't do.

@pass5289 - 10.02.2025 20:55

no more talk about crag and paige....

@sarahbelle8791 - 10.02.2025 21:40

If you want insight into JB character watch the ep Dave Neal put out this weekend regarding Justin doing a podcast

@trlyng1 - 11.02.2025 00:03

If you felt the need to mention cystic fibrosis, you could have just said one of your sister’s best friends HAD cystic fibrosis, not died of cystic fibrosis. That’s really insensitive to the cystic fibrosis mom.

@ravihertzig5999 - 11.02.2025 00:48

I am not a fan of Madison & Austin's "best buds" friendship! It is too flirty. I am not sure I agree with the love aspect you mentioned or if they are just madly attracted to one another and possibly even miss the drama their relationship brought. Many people love the adrenaline of a toxic relationship. she may be trying to bring some of that drama to her current relationship by hanging out with Austin. I feel badly for Brett though especially if he is still living in CA part time.

@CapeCodTrueCrimeChannel - 11.02.2025 02:52

Wonder how Ryan Reynolds’s would feel if he were wrongfully being called a predator? EHAT a disgusting thing to say of someone who is NOT! Personally Ryan has beady eyes ANd he looks actually to me he looks and acts like a weirdo predator ! Justin doesn’t appear to have a bad bone and I believe he was manipulated and terrified!

@CapeCodTrueCrimeChannel - 11.02.2025 03:31

It’s abhorrent the amount of bullying done by Fake and Cryan! DESPICABLE DISGUSTING AWFUL! They convinced that whole crew that Justin was this big bad awful person WTH? JUSTICE FOR JUSTIN!

@CapeCodTrueCrimeChannel - 11.02.2025 03:32

Oh and btw, Justin is so hot wayyyyyyyyyyyyy hotter than Ryan and I believe Ryan was not happy about that!

@CapeCodTrueCrimeChannel - 11.02.2025 03:59

Omg I LOVE Justin he’s so hot and sweet and lovable…… TO ME! ❤

@CapeCodTrueCrimeChannel - 11.02.2025 04:10


@l.m580 - 11.02.2025 09:29

Bee better involves himself in drama for clout

@barbMahnke-if9gn - 11.02.2025 10:55

Taylor and Blake's relationship is 100%transactional.

@IdilOsman-g7t - 13.02.2025 23:55

I don’t know if this host it’s from a different planet we all watch Southern charm and summerhouse. Clearly Craig knew the break up was coming all Paige it was I’m not sure about the future. I’m not sure about the future repeatedly indicating eventually they’ll break up. You might as well said Craig had his head in the sand refuse to see the red flags flying right in front of his eyes

@bettygarcia162 - 08.02.2025 00:29

Hi Dana !!!! I heard that BL is still invited to the SuperBowl but she will have to sit in the kidding
