Tell Me About Yourself Interview Question  (How To Introduce Yourself In An Interview)

Tell Me About Yourself Interview Question (How To Introduce Yourself In An Interview)

Deniz Sasal

3 года назад

282,376 Просмотров

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@sagarnsw - 25.09.2021 14:03

First of all thanks a trillion to help us get prepared for the interviews. I would like to ask you what are the options for people like me without a professional background. Please make a video for the beginners like without job experience how to pass the 1st interview for admin job : )

@yufengzhu8290 - 26.09.2021 09:09

Hi Deniz, I hope you don’t mind that I ask another question. I would like to know your views of various PM training program - PM I, Prince, six sigma, etc. Do you think I should get any of those? Do you see values in them?

@КатеринаБогусевич-р4ф - 26.09.2021 15:35

Interesting.Very.But the sound is very poor

@shahbazali4144 - 26.09.2021 19:58

Thank you Deniz for your invaluable videos. Your videos helped me land a great job at one of the world's most successful companies!

@alexisg1989 - 08.10.2021 03:08

Thank you Deniz !! I ve been following your videos and I just got a job offer which is exactly what I want after countless rejections. Never lose hope guys. Never. Prepare for your interviews meticulously and you will be rewarded. It is not easy, there will be rejections and disappointment but you have to keep going. Thank you Deniz! Very insightful videos.

@street77728 - 08.10.2021 12:09

Keep doing what you are doing Deniz.

@nidigattupaul - 12.10.2021 18:06

Your videos are life building Sir. Thankyou. I aced an interview today

@StealthyNomadica - 18.10.2021 00:14

First impression is the lasting impression.

Most times after I spend several hours preparing for and going to an interview, following all the criteria to the letter, I get crickets. The interviewing company doesn’t bother to let me know that they didn’t select me, much less why, even if I call and ask politely for status. Sometimes, many weeks later, I will get an emailed form letter telling me that they have selected another candidate and thanking me for my time. Actually, this is better than having no response at all. Society has lost their manners.

@Hornbilltales - 19.10.2021 18:41

Expect more videos.. Long time no see

@ailecdreifuss8627 - 20.10.2021 15:10

Thank you for doing this videos. I just finished your video on PM and I wished I had come across your channel sooner.

@Indeed - 21.10.2021 20:45

Loved your tips on leaving something behind for the interviewer. Great video, Deniz!

@tendaiparwa3672 - 02.11.2021 05:53

I loved this presentation… i got the job a month ago but i lost the job after a month but my conscience was is clear about it ….my departmental manager was threatened by my expertise ( i asked him hard questions, with the intention to learn and not undermine his education level)… one Monday morning he just said he has made a decision to cut my contract coz im not a good team player and i undermine his education 😃😃😃🤔🤔 i was sad but yeah i moved on

@phd_angel - 18.11.2021 08:05

Deniz, I'm always looking forward to your videos. I joined your LIG program and got a job at a multinational over a year ago. Now, another even larger multinational wants to interview me for a leadership position. Thanks so much.

@dianafarhat9479 - 01.12.2021 10:53

So glad you're back!

@xanvong1501 - 06.01.2022 08:49

Thanks so much for this video! You are a great mentorship.

@youcan_sprules - 13.01.2022 20:54

First time I watched your videos, it's so informative. I really liked your representing style and tacky words, so finally ended up with the subscription. Hoping to see a lot more good videos from you in the coming future.

@lucindagaskill7137 - 27.01.2022 06:27

I have a fool-proof way, to know if the company you are interviewing for is worth the trouble.
Send me. If they hire ME, then something is wrong.
Go somewhere else.

@anthonyakwawa3936 - 12.03.2022 08:34

If i had watched this video few weeks ago, i wouldnt have failed my interview. However I will use this strategy in my next interview

@Rocko245 - 29.03.2022 18:26

Before few years i started to search how to pass the interview and when i found deniz sasal i stopped.
And just with few videos i learned what actually I have to do thanks so much May God bless you sir

@mara4787 - 12.04.2022 21:24

I loved your video! Thanks for not beating around the bush and saying it like it is!

@kristinarodriguez3 - 18.04.2022 21:35

Thank you for the great content. New subscriber. Just a tip, your sound quality was off in this video, it would be quiet and then loud making it hard to follow along with what your saying since I kept adjusting volume.

@sirkinetik8450 - 04.05.2022 13:05

I had my first interview a week ago and did pretty good and go for my second today wish me luck

@JonasPortgas - 04.05.2022 16:09

Thank you!

@nayelimedrano7606 - 10.05.2022 14:45

What about a volunteer position? There is no job description, how do I know what kind of questions they will ask?

@kenfrancisnnamdi2540 - 21.05.2022 10:14

Hi Denis, thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and your help to humanity. My question is how do I answer *tell me about yourself *. I am switching careers from Biochemistry to Salesforce Crm. I have about 12 yrs of experience working in the pharmaceuticals industry with many roles and just started transitioning. What will your advice be. Thank you as I look forward to hearing from you soon.

@nikolasasal - 03.06.2022 20:44

I trust you, only because we have the same surname…

@Lisa-sg6lp - 10.06.2022 19:57

Thank you

@bluesbulletin - 12.06.2022 02:57

This is some of the most genuine advice ever.

@chefCozmo - 23.06.2022 07:35

Jesus loves you

@nadeem2764 - 09.07.2022 12:37

This is the most pragmatic and realistic interview advice I've seen on the internet.

@vrsatyanarayanarajurudrara7834 - 19.07.2022 23:31

Hi Deniz, Would like to bring to your attention that your presentation link is not working

@criptovida - 22.07.2022 21:49

This is gold. Thanks for sharing.

@hodanzm4391 - 25.07.2022 04:23

Hi Deniz, thanks for the helpful video. could you please check the link for ppt file? I couldn't download the file. thank you.

@robinraka7405 - 09.10.2022 00:40

Thank you Deniz. Video from 5 years ago ensured I got the job which I am in today. I performed very well during the interview. I was in fact advised straight after the interview I was accepted. I would like to urge anyone in job search to go through his videos. They will change your life..

@marikadeperroy9766 - 13.10.2022 18:26

Thank you so much Deniz👌. Your videos helped me to prepare my interviews. I'm starting a new job next monday. Encore merci. A french follower

@tatjanaelevate - 09.12.2022 14:48

Wow!!! Excellent pointers! Thank you so much. I am using these to get a job here in Deutschland!

@kashipukanakadjuu3963 - 05.02.2023 19:51

All i want to say is thank you ,You got me my first Job and Second job

@bindu833 - 31.10.2023 00:02

Thank you so much very rare explain the way you have explained ….

@Ab-ly8cq - 02.11.2023 10:39

I love how Your explanation of the hidden concepts and principles in the world of recruitment

@nnamdiobianwu5996 - 02.11.2023 14:35

Hi Deniz, this is another video of yours which helped me tremendously in my recent interview and I even got to use your template and made it my own for my interview. It wasn't expected by the interviewers and I believe it gave me a slight edge in getting the role almost immediately. I just wanted to say thank you for this content and keep up the good work.

@lemlemdema567 - 04.11.2023 16:14

Deniz Thank you

@vjp724 - 11.12.2023 08:02

I appreciate your honest insights. They are very helpful. Thank you.

@iNTERnazionaleNotizia589 - 07.01.2024 18:05

I implemented all your tips and tricks and successfully secured an MSc scholarship in the UK! I am now revisiting here to prepare for the job interview and to relocate overseas! You changed many people's lives, Deniz!

@nonhlanhlavezi1484 - 28.02.2024 16:49

Just came across your videos and all I can say is wow! I've been looking for your sample interview questions and answers. Where can I get them? I'm also preparing for an upcoming interview. Please help!

@tasnimnasr9922 - 13.04.2024 02:37

I just want to thank you i watched your videos before my interview and it helps me alot and thank GOD i got the job .. really thank you ❤❤

@crd525 - 12.05.2024 19:07

Deniz, you are absolutely correct. You hit the nail on the head. It is not HOW MUCH. You know, it is how you want to present so you don’t scare the hiring manager, and make him feel insecure! I have seen it over, and over and over and over again!
Soooo many talk about what you need to say and act, but they ignore the main point, which DO NOT MAKE THE HIRING MANAGER FEARING FOR HIS JOB.
There is a saying in the US: do not appear smarter than your boss!
Great video!

@shenghuang7742 - 22.05.2024 13:41

Hi Deniz Sasal, I want to join your LIG program, however, i just With a bachelor's degree in computer science. Could i Join in ? you said :"Is LIG relevant to Master's Graduates?More than relevant, it's a must." I want to consult. thank you!
