Of course the City wants more money!
ОтветитьIn a state run by women you can expect them to ignore this. Which they are. Your kid is a thug! He goes to jail. For life....its his choice. None of these attorneys have ever been in jail they haven't a clue what there talking about! Ding Bat Women!
ОтветитьThey want more money! Lawyer's.
ОтветитьLet them live with this .... Paul Blum. A Rich lawyer.
ОтветитьIt seems to only be a problem in the Twin cities. Doesn't it clueless lawyer.
ОтветитьNot a word on gang usual. This Lawyer is full of crap!
ОтветитьTwit News!
ОтветитьGiant bbq
ОтветитьEverybody can be sure to thank the Democratic trifecta at the State. Walz, and the Democratic House and Senate. Ya think COVID rules have anything to do with this behavior? Thanks Timmy Parents are responsible for their own kids - period. Don't reach into my pocket to pay for your lack of parenting.
ОтветитьIf we're lucky, crime will get so bad that someone like Nayib Bukele will come along and address the issue.
ОтветитьOther states have facilities for these kids because they are not overwhelmed with the level of violence Minneapolis is seeing.
Minneapolis needs to learn from other states.
Why dont they have a teen violence problem like Minneapolis does.
Address the problem on the front end not the back end.
I suspect many of these kids families are from out of state attracted to Minneapolis for our liberal social programs.
Unfortunately these families come with alot of trauma that we also end up paying for.
Minneapolis politics has created a big problem that isnt going to get fixed anytime soon.
At least Moriarty is lgy2k, so all of this is cool. Keep living in your bubble with your cats, ordering Door Dash.
ОтветитьWOKE IS BROKE. Get a clue Mpls politicians and prosecutors. Releasing isnt the answer.
ОтветитьNeed facilities, need staff NOW to keep these kids and the community safe! Enough is enough!
ОтветитьWow, just look at the people in charge of this mess. There should be no confusion on why this problem only gets worse.
ОтветитьCity Government needs to make this a top priority tomorrow and not stop until these kids and the community are safe from this behavior.
ОтветитьWhen they say "resources" and "investment", they mean your money in their pockets.
ОтветитьWaltz said crime is down. Pos
Ответитьthe younger the child, the parents should be held accountable. I can remember my parents telling me, "if I did anything against the law they were responsible." and they would have to pay for it.
Ответитьbecause there is zero criminal accountability. criminals are treated like victims.
ОтветитьWOMEN DID THIS with their crocodile tears for juvenile criminals
women will destroy western civilization by letting juveniles run wild and women want to disarm grown adult men us veterans based on their crime on their single mother children
What they ignore is that there is a thing as a bad seed.....
ОтветитьLord save us from democrat policies. Their destroying our communities.
ОтветитьStaffing levels at these facilities is a clear first step, glad they highlighted this a bit. If you don’t fund them at a level high enough to pay staff to stick around you start to rely on the far more expensive detention route.
ОтветитьMillions immigrants are heading to Minnesota
ОтветитьAnd also the school system parents and teachers are not doing their job properly
ОтветитьWell I’m 30 now back when I was 13 to 17 I did almost 3 years at JAF in Jordan & also the RedWing facility for petty stuff, fights at school, failing UAs for THC, now these kids can do whatever be out next day.. I spent the most crucial years of my childhood locked up for nothing basically.. the state of Minnesota & specifically Hennepin County has gone soft on these kids just 10 years ago we were getting locked up for nothing.
Also I have never been in any trouble as an adult you know what changed me sitting in that cell not the programs that cost the county / state arm & leg sitting in that cell is what did it.
I've been to every one of those places as a juvenile you smart bleep haven't figured it out. Wow. How about you start off by your clothes down a handful of juvenile detention centers. Terrible programming. He never involved the family. You shoved a kid like me that was from the suburbs in the South Minneapolis. Level three sex offenders in the halfway house. That's how smart you guys are. 180 halfway house. I remember. How is center from Red Wing I think I was 14 or 15. You need to build a families back up. Before you just cycle people through the system. Red Wing is a good program. Falls short once the kid leaves. You never involved the families. The time locked up was excessive believe it or not. One week being grounded feels like forever so imagine being locked up 6 months to a year away from your family. Was strangers. Weird
ОтветитьReally fires me up. In jdc downtown Minneapolis. No kids should be locked up in their. N go see where the kids play basketball to get sun. Disgusting. Too many ego run the system get away with too many things
ОтветитьExile them to Outer Mongolia.
ОтветитьEnd qualified immunity and watch things change over night. No big funding needed.
ОтветитьWe agree that it’s not the best place to keep a child, but if that child is violent and aggressive, then what?? These kids are violent! I’m not sure what you want people to feel when they’re terrorizing the community!
ОтветитьTaze 'em bro
ОтветитьWhere is the chancla???
ОтветитьBlack…. That’s it.
ОтветитьThe logic behind the argument of 10, 12, 14 yr olds need tretment not to be locked up is bullshit. This has never been a problem until now people are resiliant they will either grow tired of being incarcerated and change or they wont and do life on the installment plan. Their choice. I did my share of dumb things as a juvenile and as an adult. I paid for my choices, and i decided that prison/jail is not for me. Now im successful and have a family. I never thought adults in political positions were so ignorant to believe wrong doings without consequences would end up changing a person. Come on, wake up. Im glad i was locked up because it humbled me and made me realize what's really important, and every action we take and the decisions we make has a reaction or consiquence to it. So stop thinking your defunding the police agenda or your new age treatment is the way plan is working. And go back to locking up the people who break it because it works. And pedifiles life or castration those are your choices p.o.s. good day.
ОтветитьIs the first part a real story or a promotional jumble of clips? There are a million cuts in the production. The pace is outrageous. I felt crazy watching it.
Ответитьwhere are the parents?
ОтветитьKamala Harris 2024 vote 💙
ОтветитьIt all starts at home! Dysfunctional, lazy, uncaring and part of the problem parenting.
ОтветитьMinnesota legislators, you need to bring back juvenile justice resources. Expand Red Wing prison to accommodate kids below 15 years old, bring back the juvenile detention centers, and other programs that were eliminated in the early 2000’s and 1990’s.
Ответитьnowhere to go?
legalize late term,post birth abortion.
The lack of accountability in this country is insane. DONT HAVE KIDS IF YOUR A PUSH OVER.
ОтветитьAnd people always fail to realize we all have free will. Good parents or not a kid can and will exercise there free will to do whatever they want. Having kids is stupid, humans make such a mess of it.🤦🏽♂️
ОтветитьIt's funny all these smart people think they have the answer. Do you ever try to ask the kids.. do you ever try to put arm around them and show them that you care.. some of these kids parents are at the bar or on drugs or gang members .. some of these kids don't have a nice hot meal to eat everyday or breakfast everyday.. you have fentanyl booze and Coke and meth everywhere...😊 You close down county homeschool. I'm assuming from sexual assault from staff.. The system is designed to destroy communities and families. The Have and have nots.. I made it out.. No help from you. Every kid should just go to the army for a year.. learn to work. Get off the street . .
ОтветитьGo look in jdc and see if you want your children to be in there... Again go look where you play basketball to get sun in fresh air. Just say you don't know what to do you don't want to spend the money on it and that you really don't care..
ОтветитьCreating mental health. A kid that is at home grounded for a week that feels like forever. You put kids in juveni for years .. i lived in Crystal, go to Red Wing. And you bring me to 180 half way house in mpls. Maje ne work on lake Street rainbow foods. How the hell does that make any sense. You put me in danger when I was 14 15 years old. Disgusting