Gethsemane - Ancient Journey Fantasy Music - Emotional Ambient for Focus, Study, and Reading

Gethsemane - Ancient Journey Fantasy Music - Emotional Ambient for Focus, Study, and Reading

Fantasy Meditations

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@dEUSASTRA - 29.03.2024 22:06

This is another level of pure fantasy!

@Wil-Film-Muziek - 29.03.2024 23:19

wou wat weer een mooie muziek, maar deze is ook helemaal top ga zo door.

@cuthbertsboots5733 - 30.03.2024 04:20

Very beautiful... Thank you for putting so much love into this piece.

"The Lord accepted the cup of His Father’s will, and bore in His soul a sorrow ‘unto death’ in His desire that the world be saved. One phrase in the Lord’s high-priestly prayer betrays the desire of His soul: ‘O righteous Father, the world hath not known Thee.’ How He burned with the desire that all men know God and be saved! In His sorrow for the whole Adam, the Lord embraced the entire breadth of all the ages of human life by the power of the eternal Spirit, and His universal prayer was the very content of His heart. This prayer went with Him to the Cross; it descended with Him into the tomb and the nether parts of the earth. At every point the content of His heart was the same: that all should be reconciled to His Father. Being without sin, and just and holy, He saw not corruption. He was raised up, and with the same content still in His heart He ascended into heaven with all mankind. Christ is risen and there are none left in the grave: He died with the whole world in His heart, descended into hell, and rose again with His heart full of the desire that the whole Adam might receive His immortal life."

~Elder Zacharias of Essex, on the Prayer of Gethsemane

@TobyPeterson-r2d - 30.03.2024 05:35

If you’re going with a biblical theme, you could also do one for Golgotha.

@CodyosVladimiros - 30.03.2024 07:18

I'd like to see music inspired by the Scythians of the Pontic steppe, it could be a fun mix of new instruments!

@BluthsBananas - 31.03.2024 03:52

I had the privilege of visiting Gethsemane 2 years ago. It was one of the most powerful moments of the trip. The music took me back, this is so lovely. :) Thank you for this content!!

@ElianAbi - 01.04.2024 00:04

Romans 16:20 - And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

@SeleKatalin - 01.04.2024 09:28

Ultimul adevăr, a tot ce ești, a tot ce reprezinți, a tot ce-ți este spiritul cel de neînduplecat, ferm în Credința Lui, scânteie a Divinității, dar ești TU !!!, acel muritor de rând capabil să-ți demonstrez apartenența la EL?!,, meriți întâlnirea cu EL ?!

@HFoss - 02.04.2024 03:09

Road-rage-be-gone music. It's simply impossible to have road rage when you're listening to this on the drive home. I was simply not considered with the mundanity of driving the interstate home, because I was seeing the world as a magical time traveler who was seeking the lost city of Ur. Because it was important to me to launch an expedition to excavate the city in the present day, as well as telling everyone online 😄
15/10 stars! Amazing music, I love it!

@IvisionCl - 02.04.2024 04:19


@Awakeningspirit20 - 02.04.2024 04:45

You rise to a high garden among the hills in the moonlight, where the heavens touch creation, and where you are all alone at this metaphysical crossroads, the crosshairs of your destiny fixed upon you. Risen and without want or choice to flee comes the prayer of prayers - 'Glorify me now, in this moment, that in what I am about to do, I may glorify you' John 17:1

@ひこひこ-o7m - 02.04.2024 12:48

I was fascinated by the magnificent and beautiful tone.
This is great work!

@predragdespasicspasic8930 - 02.04.2024 18:27

'It's strange..'she said..yes it's strange she said and her face became serious..I limited you..'..'no you're not..and I blinked..'a friendly that what you wanted..' .

@BilliamOnDemand - 04.04.2024 01:56

I. Love. This.

@monikavelekei4118 - 04.04.2024 18:13

Wonderful piece of music ❤❤❤ Thanks

@gersonlopez483 - 05.04.2024 21:26

Getsamí es y será un lugar importante para la historia de la humanidad ya sea este un escenario positivo o negativo 🤔🌍para el mundo

@ulthre - 06.04.2024 14:48


@fredetsesdeuxjambes5689 - 06.04.2024 17:18

Excellente musique! :D

@OleksandraKyfak - 07.04.2024 11:36

Beaaaaaauuuutiiifulll music

@ElenaVilla-l4i - 07.04.2024 17:00

Ascoltando questo omaggio allo Sciamano Bardo ORFEO IL BODHISATTVA DELLA MUSICA / recitare più volte questa preghiera e Jesus Cristos viene ad aiutarci e salvarci : * * * JESUS CRISTOS / DIO DEI CIELI E DELLA TERRA / DACCI OGGI IL TUO AMORE QUOTIDIANO / AIUTA CHI SI AMA AD AIUTARSI / AIUTA CHI SI ODIA AD AMARSI / NON ABBANDONARCI AI NOSTRI DEMONI / NON PERMETTERCI DI ALLONTANARCI DA TE / DAL TUO AMORE PER NOI / DAL NOSTRO AMORE PER TE / AMEN * * * ( Recitare più volte questa preghiera e Jesus Cristos viene ad aiutarci e salvarci / È stata data in sogno da Jesus Cristos / È l'ultima alleanza tra Lui e Noi / È l'unica arma contro l'Anticristo Sorat e gli Asuras che stanno attaccando l'umanità / Ripetere più volte la preghiera sempre e nei momenti di buio contro Sorat e gli Asuras fino al loro dissolvimento totale e completo annientamento / Imparare a recitare la preghiera anche in sogno quando Loro ci attaccano / Fate circolare questa preghiera / Grazie ( Preghiera data in sogno sul piano fisico da Jesus Cristos * CHE È RITORNATO TRA NOI E PER NOI CON IL SUO CORPO ETERICO NEL MONDO ETERICO * per intercessione dei Maestri❤ Gesù 😂Gandhi 😊Giovanni Battista e del Bodhisattva Buddha Celeste Maitreya il Benevolente ( Colui che trasforma la forza della Violenza in forza di Benevolenza che ha alle spalle Jesus Cristos e con Jesus Cristos ci Salveranno quando e come Verranno ) Salute e Buonecose e BUONBENESSEREVOLENTE A TUTTI ( fare ogni cosa in stato di buon benessere volente ) ( IL BODHISATTVA MAITREYA COLUI che è il Portatore e Precursore e Braccio destro di Cristo sempre e quando tornerà che gli induisti chiamano il Kalkin Avatar e I nord africani e musulmani chiamano il Mahdi e I Santeri chiamano Shango ( il lato redento di Changò) e I Parsi chiamano il Saoshyant e gli ebrei chiamano il Messia (futuro Re Davide) e I cristiani chiamano il Portatore e Precursore e Braccio destro della seconda venuta di Cristo e ora della Sua venuta intermedia che è con il Suo corpo eterico nel mondo eterico) buonbenesserevolente a tutti / Fate circolare questa preghiera / Recitare la preghiera anche ai cari defunti e agli antenati / Grazie a tutti

@ElenaVilla-l4i - 07.04.2024 17:10

Preghiera sciamanica a Maria Madre di tutti noi :* MARIA MADRE MIA / MADRE DI DIO / SENZA PECCATI / E SENZA COLPE / NESSUNO TI ODII / NESSUNO TI TOCCHI / NESSUNO SU TE / ALZI LA MANO / NESSUNO SU TE / ALZI GLI OCCHI / SU OGNUNO DI NOI / STENDI LA MANO / SU OGNUNO DI NOI / POSA I TUOI OCCHI / SU TUTTI NOI / POSA IL TUO AMORE / SU TUTTI NOI / SCIOGLI IL TUO CUORE / AMEN * * * ( Preghiera data in sogno ispirato da Jesus Cristos * CHE È RITORNATO TRA NOI E PER NOI CON IL SUO CORPO ETERICO NEL MONDO ETERICO * per intercessione dei Maestri ❤Gesù 😂Gandhi 😊Giovanni Battista e del Bodhisattva Buddha Celeste Maitreya il Benevolente ( Colui che trasforma la forza della Violenza in forza di Benevolenza che ha alle spalle Jesus Cristos e con Jesus Cristos ci Salveranno quando e come Verranno) Salute e Buonecose e BUONBENESSEREVOLENTE A TUTTI ( fare ogni cosa in stato di buon benessere volente) ( IL BODHISATTVA MAITREYA COLUI che è il Portatore e Precursore e Braccio destro di Cristo sempre e quando tornerà che gli induisti chiamano il Kalkin Avatar e I nord africani e musulmani chiamano il Mahdi e I Santeri chiamano Shango ( il lato redento di Changò) e I Parsi chiamano il Saoshyant e gli ebrei chiamano il Messia (Re Davide ritornato) e I cristiani chiamano il Portatore e Precursore e Braccio destro della seconda venuta di Cristo e ora della Sua venuta intermedia che è con il Suo corpo eterico nel mondo eterico) buonbenesserevolente a tutti / Fate circolare circolare questa preghiera / Grazie a tutti

@Stardweller1 - 07.04.2024 21:30

People have said that Jesus suffered and sweat blood while praying here because He was afraid to die on the Cross, but this is not so. The reason He sweat blood and suffered such agony that He began asking His Father to remove that cup wasn’t fear but rather because this was the start of the Atonement. It was at this moment that the weight of our sins and our sufferings were placed on His shoulders, and He would carry them all the way to Golgotha. He suffered here and on the Cross for our sins, but also for our pain. There is nothing you’ve done that He didn’t make restitution for here and on the Cross, but there’s also nothing you’ve felt that He didn’t feel. He knows and understands what you’re going through, because He felt it as though He were the one going through it. And there is also nothing you’ve done that cannot be redeemed through His Atonement.

@EastCoastGal66 - 09.04.2024 11:54

Jesus, I Trust in You! ✝️

@EastCoastGal66 - 09.04.2024 11:57

My heart hurts knowing what The Lord Jesus endured for us who he has loved forever! 💔

@maxxlaurenzi7343 - 09.04.2024 19:24

Please keep your religious comments to yourself and let us enjoy the music

@Peekay9 - 09.04.2024 20:57

Extremely well done. Thanks for sharing.

@bernadetefernandes1737 - 10.04.2024 01:59

Eu gradações a vc! Minha gratidão é eterna! Maravilha! Deus te abençoe! ❤

@bernadetefernandes1737 - 10.04.2024 02:02


@martica6755 - 11.04.2024 00:30

Jesus our Savior 🙏🏼❤

@NICOLAVSSEVERINVS - 11.04.2024 13:36

Πάτερ, εἰ βούλει παρενεγκεῖν τοῦτο τὸ ποτήριον ἀπ’ ἐμοῦ· πλὴν μὴ τὸ θέλημά μου, ἀλλὰ τὸ σὸν γινέσθω.

@younghandsfilms6135 - 11.04.2024 19:36

The Bible isn't fantasy...

@Leonardo_0_santos - 12.04.2024 23:37


@davidrawzen8232 - 15.04.2024 01:11

Gethsemane is originally "guth/gath shemen" - meaning: oil press, "press (of) oil"...

@ForestGuardianBranch - 15.04.2024 10:52

Powerful. Thank you very much for this! I am positively surprised you have made a theme about Jesus. It takes lots of courage

@Maja-RacheGelenkig - 15.04.2024 12:03

love it!

@evabojtos1978 - 15.04.2024 14:41


@zaretareligarciabravo4436 - 15.04.2024 22:19

❤ ...

@buddhastaxi666 - 16.04.2024 16:26

The Trinity and Gods wrath versus Jesus' cheek turning is very conflicted in its logic structure.
As in all things Truth is a child being free in a maze or matrix of preconceived reality blocks.

@AdmCornFlake - 17.04.2024 10:37

Jesus. I don't know what you think ambient music is, but loud, fast paced drums and chanting ain't it.

@Wade-i3o - 18.04.2024 09:27

This deserves to go viral.

@Wil-Film-Muziek - 18.04.2024 11:02

Het is zo'n mooie muziek dat ik elke ochtend deze luistert samen met de Camelot.👌

@Stardweller1 - 02.05.2024 05:36

Is there any chance of you doing one of these for Golgotha?

@hurdygurdyguy1 - 24.05.2024 21:29

OFFS! the thumbnail and video background isn't's some sort of bastardized AI image!! I'vd been to Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives many times and this doesn't look even close... 🤣🤣🤣
Nice enough music though

@Maja-RacheGelenkig - 30.05.2024 13:44

Listening again and again, it is so beautiful and great music for working in the office

@Marty-tn9ju - 06.06.2024 01:42

The reflection I see ❤

@BuenasNuevasdelaverdad - 07.07.2024 06:23

Shalom para todos❤

@Saints_ravenfortheRainbow - 04.09.2024 06:42

Can you do ancient israel and judah

@ansfelt8154 - 05.09.2024 11:25

It's about a jewish man and his son. The father finds the lack of faith of his child disturbing, so he sends him on Pilgrimage to Israel to learn about the Tanakh. A year later,t he son comes back and is a devout christian.
Disturbed, the man seeks advice to his neighbour. The neighbour says, that's funny, I did send my son to Israel too a couple years back and he came back a christian. Both men are now troubled and agree that next Shabbat they shall seek advice and ask their Rabbi.
Both men go see the Rabbi and explain their problem, and ask if there is anything they can do to reverse the situation or at least, understand it. The rabbi sighs and says "I, too, have sent my son to Israel a couple years ago and he too, came back a christian. I suggest we pray Yawhé and implore him to answer our pray". The three men kneel and the Rabbi says "Lord, please reveal to us the mysteries surrounding our sons. We sent them to Israel and they came back christian ..." And then, a thundering voice booms and says : "That's funny, because a few years back I sent my son ..."

@PattyRzeka - 20.09.2024 16:15

Love this Chanel, love this music

@FantasyMeditations - 29.03.2024 03:57

Gethsemane, located at the foot of the Mount of Olives near Jerusalem, holds significant biblical and spiritual importance as the place where Jesus prayed the night before his crucifixion. The name "Gethsemane" refers to its ancient olive presses. Today, it remains a revered pilgrimage site. 🗻🌿🌴 Thank you all for watching!
