A lot of the steam reviews say there are less ship customization options compared to the first game. Can anybody confirm?
ОтветитьGraphically, this game is old. Sins did real 3d space combat how long ago? With planets and more terrain? These are flat combats on flat, boring maps. This is like a free to play multiplayer experience, not a AAA game.
ОтветитьRammy Ship Gothic!
ОтветитьClearly you haven't even played the game...
ОтветитьIt kind of reminds of Star Wars empire at war Forces of corruption, in a modern game
ОтветитьNecrooooon .
Ответитьworse game i have ever played like playing on rails
ОтветитьIt's necron not necrin
ОтветитьNever understand some creators.
Makes the biggest scaled story line there is .
Makes some of the smallest scale games there are to chose from in said universe.
just why
I wish the grid style gameplay would go away. Homeworld did it best.
Ответитьit's 8
Ответитьreally....i just want ground combat...that is not DOW 3......
ОтветитьLove this game!
ОтветитьGood bang for the buck and Focus are still delivering content and alot of improvements after launch. Great PvP and the PvE campaigns were a surprise, good fun. Nice to see some quality and love being poured into an IP that had such great titles and then DOW 3 happened.
ОтветитьWow the quality level of the copy in this review is very low. Its Necron, not necrin. Also, you alternate between class and race, those are hugely different things.
Ответитьgame is boring in all part beside difficulty its dumdown of armda I
ОтветитьSolid review! 💪
ОтветитьWhat do you mean by that?
It just shattered to million pieces but NEVER FALL!
"Lack of polish?" compare it to any AAA game and it is relatively polished for a new release.
ОтветитьIts Nec-Ron, like you now the name Ron. Not Necrin 😐
ОтветитьSo how about those "Necrin?"
ОтветитьGot this game for 40$ , no regrets, been having a blast! If you like space battles I can 100% recommend this game!
ОтветитьNecrin? Try Necron. Pronounced neck-ron
ОтветитьIt's just a bare bones basic rts with a space background. Save a lot of money on mapping content. One day gamesworkshop will make a good game.
ОтветитьNecrin? NERCRIN??? I’m listening to some serious heresy
ОтветитьI prefer the gameplay just like Strike suit Zero. Really like the battle in space. There's no up and down, you can manuver the spaceship freely.
ОтветитьThe best space rts i ever played
ОтветитьMy tower runs the first one, any of you think it can run this one? I have to turn the graphics to their lowest setting.
ОтветитьThe game lacks polish huh?
Wish it had a gameplay mode close to Star Trek Starfleet Command games.
Ответитьbut what about base building?
ОтветитьThanks for the review and saving me hours of wasted gameplay. I'd rather keep playing Stellaris
ОтветитьNecron = Neck Ron
Not... Neck ren...
necron not necrIn you tosser
ОтветитьLost me at “war hammer.” 🙄
ОтветитьDem Necrins
Ответитьspace marine ships are so amazing if you go for only t2 boarding torpedoes. also its more like 5 factions in the campaign as imperial have 3 factions that all play differently
ОтветитьIt is everything i always wanted as a boy but i just hate the 40k art style to much, its like WOW style its ugly.
ОтветитьNeed ORK Campaign
Ответитьfrom reading the comments im starting to feel like gamingbolt is an even lower quality ign
Ответитьthis just seems like more of a description of the game and less of a review
ОтветитьI found that tau and orks are hardest to counter/easiest to play
ОтветитьI just want the answer about how much canon is bfg 2
ОтветитьCurrently on sale on GOG for $7.49!
Ответитьwait wait...
Honestly I think you do a much better job than IGN, and I prefer to watch your reviews rather than anyone else's
ОтветитьNice video!!!
ОтветитьIn some ways I enjoyed tabletop BFG more than actual 40k backninnthe early 2000s. I've always wanted to play the original PC game to get my fix & even now I'm watching this to see which game I want to get & start playing.