What’s the reward for killing him?
ОтветитьOr fuck that and take koblin if equipped and take extended mags with it and it is 20 times faster
ОтветитьI use the MK3 EMP grenades to slow them down
ОтветитьRocket launchers and underbarrel grenade launchers are quicker
ОтветитьThis takes to long I use the rocket launcher and grenade launcher then the Termination rifle on the core to finish him off
Sorry I did not read the comment further down by Jonathan Anderson
I can’t get the mission idk why
ОтветитьThanks a lot now I can whoop some terminator ass😂👍
ОтветитьI dont get it..i played it on realistic and once i got the chest opened i kept using the new mk14 and he died. I dont see the point pf all this strategy. Just shoot and run to reload
ОтветитьHow you get these terminator weapons?
ОтветитьWith my lmg and 150 rounds I kill it faster than silverstake and glitch (again)
ОтветитьAwesome video on how to kill the Terminator solo and fast. I guess you must have done it already to get the Terminator weapon. IAs I don't have that yet, which weapon would you recommend to use with the Silver Stake?
ОтветитьAnother way...just throw elk.granate at him and shoot him ..easy to kill him..maybe and faster than Ur method..try.
ОтветитьGranade launcher will help you, man)
ОтветитьGL or rocket launcher then the terminator rifle are faster/easier if you have some open space.
If in close quarters, a shotgun (m4 or spas) is easier to blast through to his core, then use the terminator rifle.
Use the Stoner lmg and the terminator weapon. Stoner will shred him.
ОтветитьThats not the fastest way mate not even close
ОтветитьWhy did you bother. You aren’t required to kill him in this mission
ОтветитьTotally does not work on extreme difficulty which is simulation (realistic) lol
ОтветитьNo its not. Use the grenade launcher 4 hits with that and the terminator gun.
ОтветитьCheating ass! He never stops shooting and I'm not even on extreme. He even runs after me
ОтветитьThe resistance asr gets his chest open about 5 times faster
ОтветитьAK74 with Grenade Launcher and the Terminator rifle will work just fine :)
ОтветитьYea I remember coming all this way and taking his health down to zero just to find out that you actually need the Mk14 to finish him off.
Keep in mind that I sold all my weapons except the ones I planned to use, and none of them was Mk14 -_-
U playing this on easy. Play it on extreme to get the ultimate out of the game
ОтветитьHow did you get him out in that area??
ОтветитьUse the termination grenade launcher
ОтветитьBtw Who else tried to kill it with grenades
ОтветитьEasy? , this is your gameplay level. Try to do the same at the highest level. Noob
ОтветитьGuys how can i deafeat terminator in immersive mode?