Detect Error and Their Solution in Android

Detect Error and Their Solution in Android

Ashoksinh Zala Academy

54 года назад

10 Просмотров

There are three controls use in this video lecture. First one EditText, second Button and third is TextView controls. When use first the Button onClick event fire and display contents of EditText into TextView control, First step the generate the error and second step detect the error in LogCat window , so many red message in LogCat window. Third step solution of error in Android ADT bundle.


#Detetct_Error_and_Thier_Soluation_in_Android #How_to_Find_the_Error_in_Android #Solution_Error_in_Android #Watch_the_LogCat_Window_for_Error_detect_in_Android #ClassCastException_in_Android #Typecasting_Error_in_Android #RelativeLayout_Design_Error_in_Android #RelativeLayout_Design_Error_and_Their_Solution_in_Android
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