How To Make Next Step Whiskey (safety Net)

How To Make Next Step Whiskey (safety Net)

Still It

4 года назад

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@darrenmccarthy5679 - 21.03.2023 09:11

Hi Jessie. Great content & info for the home distiller. very much appreciated by this little black duck. Doing this whiskey right now. Question: do you do the spirit run at a low ABV so that the need to dilute is less or not required. There is a thought that if you dilute after the spirit run that it reduces the flavor. Also found out by sheer luck that the brew bags with the full bag length mesh supports with lifting tabs makes spillage when lifting the bag from the pot much less if none at all if you go slow enough. You were right, you need a pulley system (double is better) or you have real problems. Cheers Darren

@thatflightsimguy - 30.03.2023 15:33

This is an old video but I comeback to it time and time again. Brilliant.

@danielebarnabo43 - 31.03.2023 05:24

Hey mate! Do you run the T500 as a reflux still in the spirit distillation run?

- 02.04.2023 19:08

Great video! Why is it that you use the t500 with reflux instead of alembic dome?

@devonm5037 - 03.04.2023 09:17

So how was it after 1 month?

@jordanhart9708 - 03.04.2023 20:44

Well damn it... I went wandering down this rabbit hole and am finding out just how much red tape I'd have to cut through just to be able to legally do this...

@kerryfolden - 13.04.2023 05:49

i got my gf to pee in it seems to work

@kerryfolden - 13.04.2023 05:51

taste it lol

@jbrown1971 - 20.04.2023 04:45

All about the mash .

@AlphaSierra95 - 24.04.2023 07:46

Jesse! I absolutely love your channel! I can't do anything with it yet but back in Canada you bet I'll be trying some of these to make a Scotch-esque whisky. I'd really love to see you do a yeast centric video to highlight to differences attained. Even when I move back, I'm considering a micro-distillery license to play around with a lot of these great tips. Much love and appreciation my friend!🥃

@losFondos - 24.04.2023 18:17

Plenty of good info, I like your style! Simple and stress-free. How long will a stripping run with 20 liters of mash have to run (assuming distilling down to 10%) ?

@Chungus75 - 10.05.2023 13:12

I distilled this recipie in November 2022. I rushed, and didn't let the cuts sit overnight. The heads tasted fine on the day so they all went in. Then.. I could taste them.. for months. Until I had the idea 6 months later of redistilling it, and getting the heads sorted out. Popped open the vessel.. had a sip. And WHOOOAAAAA! Its ready to bottle! And this really is a very nice drop. I love it! Thanks Jesse!! Just ordered another batch of ingredients to get this in the fermenter again. I won't rush it this time!

@kiltedbrewer2590 - 14.05.2023 16:24

Long time brewer just now learning about distillation

@knezivan1 - 27.05.2023 15:29

strange to see people put shugar in their alchohol.we do that only when we want to sell it. it usually represents shitty/cheap alcohol and a headache the next day after drinking.

@victorvannatter312 - 11.06.2023 22:55

So much loss. That must hurt a bit

@peregrine5327 - 13.06.2023 22:11

I've never before encountered a man who looks so very much like an all-American hillbilly and sounds absolutely nothing like it.

@Normanskie - 15.06.2023 23:30

Reet, I have some leftover oak cubes, oak sawdust and some grape skins in the freezer from a red wine ferment I made, what would you consider starting with, I thought of charing the oak cubes and maybe leaving the oak sawdust alone but throwing it in, not sure whether to include any grape skins, may be a small amount.

@yakfish36 - 07.07.2023 12:49

Great vid thanks

@sleepy5997 - 25.07.2023 15:40

hi there great video, where did you get your big barrel from to ferment in? i wanna do it all in the same vessel and i live in NZ so hopefully you got it from a store here

@Steve-th9ds - 10.10.2023 02:16

Any tips and advice about maybe half the ingredients to use a smaller boiler would this still work in the same way

@mikebigham4564 - 01.11.2023 23:37

Hope to get an answer here! This is for a total of 15 gal batch. Correct? Is so then I can convert. To a 5 gal batch. Thanks

@paulrhodes7758 - 03.11.2023 06:49

Any specific Ale Malt to use?

@gregorhzaczek2405 - 14.11.2023 02:48

What do you think would make a crown Royal clone thinking 75corn 10 wheat 10 malt barley 5 oats

@rattlesnakz9716 - 17.11.2023 03:53

Hey, whats the longest you have aged one of your spirits ? I want to do a traditional all grain without sugar and age it for a long while, is that possible without thousands of pounds ?

@charlessiems5100 - 21.11.2023 23:16

How much app packing needed to fill the t-500 column?

@charlessiems5100 - 22.11.2023 00:23

Where do we get the grains?

@jameslawson1952 - 29.11.2023 22:45

Lol at the LTT reference :)

@evansignor7239 - 05.12.2023 08:03

Toasted corn

@SetTheCurve - 06.12.2023 20:43

If sugar mash is so disgusting, why not make an all grain whiskey and add sugar based vodka to it?

@jblob5764 - 17.12.2023 03:53

Is your fermentation barrel a purpose made one? By that i mean does it have anything special about it?
It looks just like an olive barrel with the screw off top

@tristanaddie330 - 12.01.2024 15:39

Have to say All grain beer brewer, using a 4 point BIAB with a winch you don't get those spills ever...

@metal_bassist - 03.02.2024 03:26

Now i wanna start distilling, but us distilling laws are weird

@paulcastilloux5165 - 23.02.2024 02:53

I love your channel very informative. I’m fairly new to this hobby, I’m fairly new to this hobby, but I would like to experiment with other things I like this recipe you did, but could it be changed to a single malt and if so, what would the recipe be.

@mguy19 - 19.03.2024 05:19

Nice job man

@craigkirby9202 - 29.03.2024 03:07

Thanks for putting up the freedom units. Personally I don't believe in them, but the people of the U.S., Liberia and Myanmar probably really appreciate it. Not enough content creators seem to understand the the net is global. Every time one of you spends a minute to do the conversion, it can save thousands of minutes of people doing it. That saving represents exactly one metric shitload (1.133 freedom shitloads) of carbon from being dumped into the sky*, and also a few seconds of my life asking my phone "what's 130f in c". (normally regarding steak). Also... nice channel. Thanks. *My carbon allowance goes entirely to posting messages exactly like this.

@craigkirby9202 - 29.03.2024 03:39

This is a question not based on me doubting you, but just out of ignorance... Why do we need to use more than a teaspoon of yeast? When I make bread, I add 7g (246918/
1000000 ounces) for a loaf, but I can start with a fraction of that if I'm willing to wait an extra 1/48th of a day. When a mash is taking days, wouldn't the yeast just breed up in the first few minutes to the point where you have a pack of turbo yeast in no time? (I've never been willing to test this because I don't care enough to risk a batch, and distilling is against the law here so I would never do that) The only thing I can think of is overpowering natural random yeast blowing in the wind, but I suspect that extra half hour would make no real difference. (I'm talking about a simple white sugar, water, and yeast mix) Anyone?

@AG-cg7lk - 09.04.2024 23:07

When you combined your selected cuts, what final abv was it? Just trying to get an idea of final yield once you maturate and proof it down.

@Fisumestari - 12.04.2024 20:55

stop moving the table so much i'm having an anxiety attack

@garethbaker3429 - 21.06.2024 23:47

Was it 3.3L in each jar that the oak went into?
Thanks, fantastic video

@jncwinner2903 - 11.07.2024 00:28

The Linus tech tips reference had me rolling

@jessenoway - 15.07.2024 16:52

Awesome video mate! one question, what are some ways you would recommend for maintaining a fermentation temperature of 25c?

@maffafafew - 20.07.2024 08:47

Im very new to distilling at home, just picked up my first still, t 500, lthough this is years old, im hoping this will still rate a reply, pretty please 🙏
When you talk about altering the set up of the water path through the top condenser bit, is that just to avoid removing the flavours from a grain mash? If so, am i correct in saying the alembic dome top available for this still spirits pot would be better for this? Thanks Newbie Matt from Oz. 😊

@mikfawbs259 - 26.08.2024 19:20

Confused.... Doing my stripping run now... All is well so far. Well pleased as this is my first attempt at distilling. But, On the second distilation Do i run as a pot still as described in the beginning, or do I connect it up as it is supposed to be and run it as a reflux still... this is the only thing that is missed out in the video

@mikfawbs259 - 09.09.2024 23:47

Damn,,, Completed the whole process, no issues, Been aging 2 weeks and its looking good. Couldn't help myself today, had a taste... UNBELIEVABLE. Its Bloody great. My first attempt at any distilling and after following this recipe it it turning out very well indeed. Need to let it sit and it can only get better. THANKS.

@SabreCycles - 24.09.2024 16:10

Am I the only one who has never tasted "Toe Jam"? hahaha

@lamehunter - 20.10.2024 18:12

As a homebrewer I wonder is it ok to take the wort and boil it to 100 degress before cooling to sterilize it? Last time I’ve mashed my grains and wanted to just ferment it (then still it) all I got was spoiled fermentation and 100% of acetone 😢

@AVERYBEAL-z9d - 15.11.2024 20:47

Hey Jesse how it going want to know if you save the back step or dunder of your whiskey when you clean out the still or do you throw it away

@MauriceKing-k8n - 06.01.2025 03:54

I actually follow a very similar process but I essentially make a full flavoured Beer , but obviously NO Hops , just Crystal, Chocolate , Pale Ale and Wheat + Traditional Malt Barley, 66 deg for an hour , then drain via a heat exchanger to 22 deg ;) pitch the yeast , wait till no ferment activity and distill , I love your laid back teaching and Ideas as way too many people are scared off because they think what we do is bordering on the dark arts or alchemy ;)
Where it certainly isn’t of course , rather knowing what flavours are contained within each grain, and exploiting that to our advantage .

@ferretious - 02.02.2025 06:57

Awesome! However, is there a reason you didn't sparge? There would be a lot of malt left in that grain. Still a great tutorial!

@neutralgod300 - 05.02.2025 13:09

CAN I USE Cherrybark Oak? THANKS
