How to Channel Your Alter Ego

How to Channel Your Alter Ego

Shameless Maya

9 лет назад

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@HeyImCheri - 19.06.2015 17:24

I want to be his friend!!!!! Oh hey maya!!!

@NikThatChick14 - 19.06.2015 17:29


@ifightkids - 19.06.2015 17:36

Mine is, "Whatever you do, keep moving forward."

@Nikkisthe1 - 19.06.2015 19:10

Very inspirational. I like drag queens energy and confidence. I never thought of having a alter ego around close friends I am myself but to strangers and crowds of people I am shy. I think my alter ego name will be Dana. :)

@danicoleb5394 - 19.06.2015 19:28

I love her name. Lili Whiteass. XD I crack up every time.

@khandiesjourney - 19.06.2015 19:40

Love this video Maya!!! My life motto tip slogan is "Walk in your truth like it's a religion, your life will be the church and success -the blessings!"

@OnAQuestClothing - 19.06.2015 19:56

Let everything you do, be done in love

@hendrick32 - 19.06.2015 20:14

I love how he mentioned the fact that if it's different then own it!!!! we should OWN what makes us different!.... LOVES it!

@icic5 - 19.06.2015 20:43

I'm a woman and i totally want to do drag shows, is that permissible or is the closest thing burlesque?

@harlemT01 - 19.06.2015 21:07

I love this vid. So positive and motivating

@eppicNESSSS - 19.06.2015 21:32

My parents used to always tell me something to the effect of " try to be be the best possible version of you that you can be, today." Thats always stuck with me.

@nikkhalia - 19.06.2015 23:08

Updated everyday makeup routine!

@TheGracefulGlowup - 20.06.2015 03:36

I just love your channel! 😊

@clu2ter - 20.06.2015 05:46

You go girl with your pretty self 😎

@mikasharee1511 - 20.06.2015 09:19

That snap tho hunny!!!!!

@juleenforbes - 20.06.2015 15:43

Luv this video

@U.A212 - 20.06.2015 22:39

Where is Your Vlog When u Went to The Real Daytime!!!!

@veryvanillavideos - 21.06.2015 11:17

Dita von Teese said that you could be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world - but there's always going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

@ImaniBrammer - 21.06.2015 16:38

Maya, you are so GORGEOUS in this video!!

@WhenSaraiSpeaksUListen - 21.06.2015 19:34

My main motto is "what do I have to lose?" I try to use that with everything I do with trying new foods, meeting people, putting myself out there, etc. It's not easy but I do not want to get to a stage in my life where I'm sad because I did not try at all.

@TheStyleShot - 21.06.2015 20:42

Love this Maya! Words can not describe how proud of you I was when I saw front row at The Grammy's! I admire you & your message.

A motto I live by is, "Be a Warrior, not a Worrier" This motto gives me the strength to try new things and put myself out there. A warrior is someone fearless and ready to battle. Worrying and negativity is such a strong perspective, in which sometimes takes over what we really want to do and achieve.

Keep doing what you are doing, I love this segment and hope to see more! I love you!



@MissBeckiBecki - 21.06.2015 20:49

Look at Maya all toasty 😊

@FallForAutumnnnbeauty - 22.06.2015 05:48

Please subscribe to my channel!! All about natural hair, health, and beauty☺

@AbedMarie - 23.06.2015 05:10

This type of motivational human exchanges are what im always drawn to...sincerely,thank you ♡.

@KiaraMarie89 - 23.06.2015 07:25

"Communication creates partnerships"

@Bazzle2105 - 23.06.2015 20:59

My motto is :Feel the it anyway!

@Snufaay - 23.06.2015 22:40

As a shy person i quickly learned that "jumping in the cold water" is always worth it! So i repeatedly bring myself to do things that I'm feeling shy and insecure about - now many people wouldnt even think of me as "shy". I still like being introverted though :)

@purlplens - 25.06.2015 00:51

My favorite saying. " I'm not here to tell you what you want to hear. I'm here to tell yo the truth.

@TeeaLynn - 25.06.2015 10:53

He said a lot of relevant useful information I hope everyone watching is actively listening, great video

@GIn-ej7vg - 25.06.2015 20:48

Mine is Yolo , it stands for u only live once . That reminds me to be me, do stuff that I havnt done before .

@SpicedSuga - 26.06.2015 06:23

"Make or do something beautiful everyday" love it!!

@omg_itsbethany - 13.07.2015 17:14

My life motto is (and funny because Lili brought it up in the vid) -- If you look good, you feel good.  And if you feel good you do good but putting positive vibes out to the world.

@OKSooo_TV - 24.07.2015 02:24

I love this...Push yourself. I needed that.

@dontahawkins - 24.07.2015 12:06

My drag name is bc donna beyonce ciara and madonna. Love it

@jessycadesmarais.artist3218 - 08.10.2015 01:20

My saying is, Time is not money, time is creation. time wasted is a creation that will never exist.

@kayem7 - 13.11.2015 08:50

You always send the best messages with your videos. Loved this one so much!!!!!!

@fabbym4160 - 15.12.2015 00:44

I officially luv ur channel!!! thanks for getting out there and spreading the word about what it means to love oneself!!!

@codyhays3620 - 05.06.2016 13:38

"Stay classy, y'all"

@edj03 - 25.08.2016 08:09


@Joanesmusicplaylist - 15.03.2017 14:53

He has an amazing personnality, he inspires me soooo much! :-*

@daisyklimala3860 - 05.04.2017 20:07

"Face one fear a day"

@chloemiller2863 - 11.04.2017 03:09

I used to have an alter ego of a grumpy librarian. I gave up on it and forgot how I did her accent. It's a shame because I liked doing her

@TheCutieDimples - 10.09.2017 23:22

Love ya

@yehet3645 - 10.03.2018 11:37

do not choose the lesser life. choose the life that is yours. the one that is seducing your lungs, that is dripping down your chin.

@Anna-fh8eh - 27.07.2021 01:04

Unrelated: Don't reveal personal information please! It makes it a LOT EASIER for people to find out who you are and where you live/work etc.

@Anna-fh8eh - 27.07.2021 01:04

Unrelated: For you or anyone here: Some support (you can be anonymous); The crisis lines are on google. Maybe search up the instructions to. The instructions for Canada: just text the word text or Text or TEXT I'm not sure which one. They are also on Quora (the phone numbers) if you search up something bad mental health related. They show up at the top if you click on the page from the website. Numbers that you can call are on google, as well as su1c1de prevention lines. Make sure it's the right one for your country. Make sure to search for your state/province/territory, I'm not sure if you have to for all but the states you may have to.

@alperaka3847 - 08.10.2022 10:12

An amazing interview! How hard can it be to really love yourself?! Very, very hard! But once you achieved that, you're invincible. Go girl! You're gorgeous inside out!
