Babies are Going to Die Because Adults Aren't Vaccinated for Measles and Whooping Cough

Babies are Going to Die Because Adults Aren't Vaccinated for Measles and Whooping Cough

Rebecca Watson (Skepchick)

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ABOUT: Rebecca Watson is the founder of the Skepchick Network, a collection of sites focused on science and critical thinking. She has written for outlets such as Slate, Popular Science, and the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. She's also the host of Quiz-o-tron, a rowdy, live quiz show that pits scientists against comedians. Asteroid 153289 Rebeccawatson is named after her (her real name being 153289).




#science #skepticism #skeptic
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@joeschermann7729 - 03.10.2024 20:54

We need to stop the ridiculous opt-out of vaccinations due to religious beliefs: superstitions should not overtake science. At least not in developed societies.

@BearMeat4Dinner - 03.10.2024 21:59

Just got my flu n Cozy Pop shots!!!!!🖤🖤🖤🖤

@MathewWalls - 03.10.2024 22:07

Americans pronounce the W in "whooping cough"? Gross.

@gsp4prez - 03.10.2024 22:35

People forget that Wakefield was developing his own Measles vaccine at the time he started to spread his anti vax stuff. Just an evil capitalist who wanted it all for himself.

@thelostremainunfound - 03.10.2024 23:07

Due to clerical errors being made repeatedly, my shot records were lost so many times I cannot even guess the number of. I was revaccinated for things I’d already had pretty much annually growing up and I am pretty much a walking example that even if you over do vaccinations you’ll be fine. I have ADHD but that was diagnosed long before and was known would happen because both my parents and my grandparents have had it. I had a friend in middle school who got whooping cough and it was pretty terrible to watch. I can’t imagine how much worse it was to experience but the fact that we’re running away from incredibly sound and life saving medicine like vaccines baffles me on the daily

@breadpilled2587 - 04.10.2024 00:27

Im chronically ill and go to doctors a lot. NONE of them are masking anymore. Doctors. Nurses. Front desk workers. None of them.

Its 50/50 if i get sick every time i go.

@spacelem - 04.10.2024 00:39

As an epidemiological modeller, this really saddens me. As someone who had whooping cough (usually pronounced like "Hooping") as a kid, it saddens me even more that anti-vaxxers are allowing this to persist

@meander112 - 04.10.2024 03:27

Vaccination for the vaccination god!

@jonnaseattle466 - 04.10.2024 03:56

Ooof. I had whooping cough despite an ancient vaccination a few years ago. It's awful. I was coughing so severely that I would pass out several times an hour. Please check your vaccinations!

@hannahpumpkins4359 - 04.10.2024 04:17

I caught Whooping Cough when I was 30 - OMG, it was absolutely brutal. I had a coughing fit so hard it knocked me to the ground, I couldn't breathe, and then I felt a terrible pain in my ribs. I went to the ER, and my doctor came by my bed to tell me I broke several of my own ribs from coughing so hard!

@Macrochenia - 04.10.2024 05:23

Right at the point where Wakefield's nonsense started to get popular and widely-known, I had a job where, in the interest of promoting employee wellness, the owner decided to have a free flu vaccination clinic held at the business.

I was one of 3 employees out of about 120 who actually took advantage of the clinic, and it wasn't offered again the next year. People there wouldn't get a flu vaccine, but they were perfectly fine with, for example, ordering expensive pills from the internet that were allegedly coming from pharmacies in India and China (I say allegedly because who knows what the actual source was with those kind of dodgy websites?) to treat various ailments they got.

@bartwilson2513 - 04.10.2024 10:08

Additional reasons to check your vaccination status for MeaslesMumpsRubella (vaccine combo):
Anyone who is considering becoming pregnant (or finds out they are) should absolutely make sure you have had the full recommended doses for Rubella (included in the MMR or MMRV[aricella] vaccines). Please talk to your doctor to check and make sure. If you haven't or can't remember, they should offer you one immediately (assuming you are immune-competent) Your doc should be bringing it up with any new pregnancy, but it never hurts to be your own advocate and ask). Mild 3 day disease in children and adults.....not so for fetal development. Such an easy way to prevent a VICIOUS unspeakable disease for fetuses.

@marleymars2223 - 04.10.2024 14:09

Why is it always Oregon?

@SeanHoulihane - 04.10.2024 15:03

Surely the W is silent, no?

@bobi7152 - 04.10.2024 17:12

This is coming right on time, as my last dtap is turning 10 soon

@literallyap0tat0-q7q - 04.10.2024 22:50

Thanks, conservatives ❤

@LemonDove - 04.10.2024 22:59

My sis had a dr recommend that any family interacting with her newborn have a tdap booster w/ in the last 3 years. It’s very easy to schedule at a pharmacy and includes tetanus which I think also needs to be updated regularly.

@CristinaAcosta - 05.10.2024 00:04

You are a fresh breath of air. Thanks!

@qjtvaddict - 05.10.2024 08:00

Time to leave this idiot country

@gyorkshire257 - 05.10.2024 08:42

I had pertussis last year (I have now realised)... an awful cough for about three months. Luckily my kids didn't catch it, the vaccines must have worked. Given the short lifespan of the vaccine, I'm amazed the NHS isn't calling adults in for vaccination every 10 years. 

I remember the big epidemic in the UK in the early 80s, when lots of kids died. This one was due to genuine safety concerns around the vaccine that was in use at the time, or at least one that had been in use in the seventies. My next door neighbour was unvaccinated and I remember playing outside and just hearing this awful noise coming from his bedroom window, day after day, poor kid was only four.

@philippelarocque104 - 05.10.2024 14:09

But then conservatives will step in because they are pro-life right? Right?

@Kwippy - 05.10.2024 19:24

America used to be a nation that embraced vaccination more than any other country in the world. People like Jonas Salk who invented the polio vaccine was regarded as a great hero. Many of the most terrible diseases were virtually eradicated from America thanks to strong herd immunity, while nations without the same level of access to vaccines could only look on in envy. Now many of those same countries look at America and say WTF! You have measles? and whooping cough? and why did so many Americans die from covid? Countries like Vietnam have done so far better it beggars belief.

@bkgirl76 - 05.10.2024 20:11

Just this week had a college student tell me they have whooping cough and have been sick for almost 2 weeks. Sad to think of who they might have exposed, and how preventable it is. Apparently it can last 10 weeks!

@paxardens3505 - 05.10.2024 21:47

Yeeeeaaaaah, pertussis is really no goddamn joke. Before anti-vaxxers nuked herd immunity, the CDC did not recommend a full TDaP booster for adults, so when I went for standard boosters when I was 18 I was just given the TD booster. This was, like, 2006 or 2007?

The next year, I got fucking whooping cough.

Before I stopped coughing until I puked and/or my vision went fuzzy, the CDC had changed the recommendations.

It took five months to stop coughing and wheezing in terrifying ways.

Four doctors refused to believe it was whooping cough bc "adults don't get whooping cough in the US." The only reason I ultimately got tested and got supportive treatment is that the very first doctor I "saw" was my mother, and she fought tooth and nail for me. Apparently, even adults will "whoop" after a coughing fit if their case is bad enough, and she heard me from across the damn house and instantly recognized the sound.

I also ended up with secondary pneumonia, twice, before the coughing stopped.

And once it DID stop, I was left with permanently reduced lung capacity and "adult onset" asthma that destroyed my exercise tolerance. I went from an active, kinda ripped teen to a gasping, dizzy 20 year old, and now a gasping 36 year old who can barely get through a mile hike. Which is tragic, since I moved from a Texas swamp where the outdoors is hostile all year to the mountains of the PNW.

And I can't actually enjoy the miles and miles of trails or the rock climbing or the mountain biking or... yeah.

I hate Andrew Wakefield with every fiber of my being. Especially bc I have no idea how many unvaxxed kids I might have been Patient 0 for, and that fucking haunts me to this day.

@JamesHoy-o5g - 06.10.2024 01:07

Like many other people in the comments, I got quite a few of those childhood diseases before the vaccines were available. I might not have gotten all of the shots I should have had, but In the U. S. Navy, it was pincushion city, or I should say air-gun.

@frankheilingbrunner7852 - 06.10.2024 03:46

When my mother was a girl (she was born in 1930) she liked small children and helped people take care of theirs. In consequence, she saw children suffering various diseases, including pertussis. She also had diptheria and scarlet fever. After I was born she had no objections to my vaccinations, and she INSISTED that I be vaccinated against pertussis. Vaccination was so successful that, as someone commented below, a few decades later there were doctors who had never even seen these diseases. I think vaccines have become a victim of their own success. Vaccination refusal took off after the last generation that remembered the pre-vaccine era disappeared into nursing homes.
I'm glad I watched this video and learned that I'm not protected against pertussis. I'll get a booster—for myself, and for my mother.

@Leah-uv2uj - 06.10.2024 13:27

I believe it's extra important for pregnant people to get vaccinated against whooping cough to protect their newborn. If you are hoping to get pregnant it's also good to check that you are up to date with your vaccinations as maternal antibodies transfer across the placenta and protect your baby for the first few months after birth.

@DouglasBryant-d2f - 06.10.2024 14:24

I will get the jabs, is there one for stupidity?

@AllegrettoATempo - 06.10.2024 18:13

I caught whooping cough while working in a lab studying the bacterium that causes it (I had an incompetent coworker who infected himself and gave it to everyone else). At the time I was in my early 20s and didn't realize I was overdue for a booster. Even with some amount of remaining immunity, it really really sucked. It was also really clear who was up to date on their booster and who wasn't because the people who'd had it recently barely had symptoms. I had a cough for months.

@caranorn - 06.10.2024 23:04

When I was ten or so a friend of the age died of measles or related complications. Where I live we did not get measles vaccines routinely at the time, most of us eventually caught it and it was not a problem, but some people run higher risks and as a society we have to look out for the safety of all. I eventually got vaccinated in addition to the already (partial?) immunity when I went to college. I will have to check what the situation is right now, but I should get a shot for flu and covid this fall anyhow to be responsible, so will ask the doctor then though I'm not sure we have an issue here in Europe right now, at least I've only seen mention of measles and whooping cough in US press recently.

@nstandsforknowledge - 07.10.2024 22:52

In late 2022 I found my old childhood vaccination records and found that I was actually undervaccinated. Not that my mom was ever antivax, but when you're raising three children all within 34 months in age, sometimes you start but forget to finish things like polio vaccinations. I made it my mission to get vaccinated against EVERYTHING. Do you know how impossible it is to find a pharmacist willing to vaccinate a 30 something against polio?

@fnord3125 - 08.10.2024 01:50

i work in a hospital (doing computer work, not any direct patient care) and there’s two things that i find very depressing: 1) my job involves looking at patient records, and shockingly few people have ANY covid vaccination on record, let alone up-to-date vaccinations; 2) while the hospital REQUIRES employees to get flu shots (and it should) there is no requirement for employees to get covid shots…

@David-jx4gw - 08.10.2024 20:24

I'll pass, thanks

@sheelfjohnson - 08.10.2024 21:01

Thanks, Rebecca. I had a grandfather with Polio, and that was a strong influence on me. Now, people may be less likely to have reminders of what life was like before vaccines. So these reminders are really important.

@benoithudson7235 - 08.10.2024 21:51

Funny thing is that this video which is explicitly not about Covid, is flagged by Google as being a Covid video.

@floridaman318 - 09.10.2024 15:00

I wonder if you would apply the same logic in the title to immigration? 🤔

@MrPunkbeto - 11.10.2024 13:20

I am old enough, so I was not vaccinated for measles. I had measles age 8 (it was in 1978) and I was sick for about 1 month. I still remember as it was yesterday. Later I learned that if everyone was vaccinated (when finally measles vaccines were available in Portugal) it would be irradicated. Fast forward to 2024, and not only it was not irradicated, but also stupid people are increasing every year. What shocks me is that many parents that do not vaccinate their children are educated!

@JonBrase - 11.10.2024 23:47

My dad had polio at age 5 (fortunately a non-paralytic strain), because his parents were waiting until all their kids were eligible to vaccinate him (it was being rolled out class-by-class by the local schools). Since the vaccine is administered orally, you get bits of it floating around in the air at sites where it's being administered. When he took me to get my polio vaccine 30+ years later, he had an immune reaction to the stuff floating on the air that was so strong he had to leave and send my mom to get me vaccinated instead.

@JonBrase - 12.10.2024 00:01

As an autistic dude, it's supremely irritating that the anti-vaxxers discovered our dastardly plot to fill the world with people that will treat us like human beings. 😂

@carrieblack3690 - 13.10.2024 00:09

Just got the whole family (adult kiddos too) their Tdap booster. Thank you Rebecca!

@OnkelJajusBahn - 13.10.2024 10:51

There is no medicine with greater benefits than vaccines.

@jamiegallier2106 - 13.10.2024 18:29


@bryanfrombuffalo7685 - 14.10.2024 13:24

As a correction officer in o8 i got a vaccine for something like tb or a made me sick for years...we later found out that aluminum salt and mercury were added to my blood stream crossing the blood clbrain barrier...month that followed my testosterone dropped drastically...and numerous health concerns...ill take my chances...i believe ppl can makebup theirvown mind

@KattungeMedMotorsag - 18.10.2024 14:34

I had no idea I was basically unprotected against whooping cough. I got a booster yesterday as a direct result of watching this video.

@victoriab8186 - 20.10.2024 01:26

Whooping cough, despite the 100 day name, isn’t necessarily just a hundred days either. There was a kid at my school years ago that got whooping cough, and continued to have a chronic cough for the rest of the three years I knew her (and presumably some time after)

@mrschwartzmc - 20.10.2024 04:20

I don't like the fact that I liked a video called "Babies are going to die..."

@eldridgebrown3907 - 20.10.2024 18:59

That was really important info. Thank you. As a Kidney Transplant receiver, I have to keep an eye on these things and I let my vaccinations slide due to going back to the madness of college. But you reminded me. Thank you. I just shot an email to my Kidney Coordinator to find out which are the most important ones to get first, how long to wait for the next one and what the full list is.

Again, Thank you for this.

@BuzzingGoober - 25.10.2024 18:45

Why do I have a feeling this four eyes doesn't care if babies are scrambled in a mothers womb, tho? It suddenly matters when people dont want to inject pzn into thier veins tho...

@recreationalplutonium - 25.10.2024 19:18

trooned out psycho
