Why Your Body Is Built To Run Long Distances

Why Your Body Is Built To Run Long Distances


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@tedarionjohnson5164 - 27.03.2020 02:25

well they did say our ancient ancestors used to tire their prey by running it down over long distances. make sense

@Jayson_Tatum - 12.04.2020 22:27


@MrBeckenhimself - 14.04.2020 20:31

Yeah we are endurance runners.
Not sprinters.
We can't sprint and catch our prey today and we couldn't way back when either.
But we sure could get them tired in the long distance and catch them.
Even Usain Bolt would get beat by a domestic cat in the 100 m sprint.
That should tell you that we are not fast sprinters, to nobody's surprise.

@jvrandy4860 - 23.04.2020 02:56

I just before this ran more then 1km and 200 meters

@maulanwong3841 - 17.05.2020 17:14

Did you know: when it comes to running long distances humans can outrun almost any animal

@WillTio13 - 13.06.2020 21:59

I dont get high from running. I get high and then I run coz somebody yelled cops.

@134552Adnan - 23.07.2020 21:48

Running is a low impact sport if you use the right technique. I.e not landing heel first so the force of the impact goes straight through all your joints.

@EndAllDiseasecom - 18.08.2020 06:56

Don't want to look skinny, get injured often, and die young? Then don't do endurance exercise!

@Eltipoquevisteayer - 30.09.2020 23:04

So humans evolved by being slimmy stalkers

@zxwmabcdef5439 - 04.10.2020 03:15

I reckon there is confirmation bias here because the people doing the research are big into running. I don't think people ran 20 miles every day for a meal. It is more likely they were ambush hunters. It also tears up the joints because it is an impact load.

@zxwmabcdef5439 - 04.10.2020 03:19

It may be that different people can oxidize sugar more or less well.

@zxwmabcdef5439 - 04.10.2020 03:21

If I deadlift something heavy and the muscle that extends the leg gets bigger I could say people are made for powerlifting.

@zxwmabcdef5439 - 04.10.2020 03:24

Actually the researcher is wrong on the rear end. It extends the thigh like when you get up.

@zxwmabcdef5439 - 09.10.2020 05:50

As far as exercise goes it really doesn't matter if it is running or weight training as long as it increases heart rate. Weight training is actually better because you are consuming calories repairing tissue and you are not getting the impact loads on joints. A static load is way less damaging than the constant, jarring, impact loads with running. If someone wants aerobic exercise I recommend a bicycle.

@chadr2604 - 23.10.2020 06:19

This is a classic case of confirmation bias. I actually read a book about running and the whole book was confirmation bias. The first 2 chapters made fun of bodybuilders, weightlifters, and powerlifters. I could say the muscle on my forearm that works with the biceps got bigger if I do reverse curls so people were designed to do reverse curls.

@chadr2604 - 23.10.2020 06:21

There are Greek statues that appear to be bodybuilders so they must have existed.

@rodriguezsilveiro4419 - 05.11.2020 23:31

Enjoi tomorrow y had to do that. The tape running on 22,5 last week

@CosmicWarrior144 - 16.11.2020 22:54

This is bullshit... We are built to run short distances, think back as our ancestors were running to hunt for animals. It was more likely that they went close and sprint as fast as they could to catch em.. Also when you run short distances as fast as you can you release a bunch of hormones, so running intervals is better for your health imo..

@chadr2604 - 24.01.2021 03:47

The butt is the muscle that pushes your thigh down if you stand up and you squat down to get something. Running does not make you stronger. I have seen triathletes they are really disappointing in a gym.

@samo6083 - 03.02.2021 15:02

What kinda of dog are you talking about? Your dog might have a problem if they are slowing down after 15 mins 😂😂😂 Huskys are probably the best endurance runners on this planet

@syrphilipgulmatico5352 - 28.02.2021 00:45

Me runs 1.5 miles and got a stress fracture.. my genes failed me 🤦

@dhanushgowda1416 - 17.03.2021 22:18

How many abilities could have humans forgot over years?? 🤔

@realtalk5329 - 06.05.2021 18:46

Its running on concrete that is bad for joints. They should study only running on grass

@chadr2604 - 11.05.2021 03:31

If increasing heart rate is what counts it makes no difference if it is running of weightlifting. Weightlifting consumes a huge amount of oxygen just not at the instant it is done. Oxygen is consumed to repair damage to the motor proteins.

@chadr2604 - 11.05.2021 03:36

We can use glycogen anaerobically to make energy when energy output exceeds what can be made from oxidation. That would not be intact if we were designed to only operate aerobically. Basically we are like most other animals we were designed for short bursts of anaerobic activity but our metabolism is aerobic when we are resting.

@chadr2604 - 11.05.2021 03:40

There is no evidence that runners live longer when you include people who are somewhat active. My great grandmother was 106 and she never ran at all. You have high end runners dropping dead in these runs.

@crazydiamond91 - 12.06.2021 20:20

The African Bushmen, even today, chase their prey (especially big antelopes) until it collapses due to exhaustion.

Humans have, indeed, evolved to run long distances.

@iconickid2397 - 15.06.2021 20:43

Then why do we get so tired after sprinting more than 100m

@samkes1061 - 14.07.2021 02:35

Horse can run fast for long period of time.

@ct-lu8go - 15.09.2021 13:52

"why your body is built to run long distance" while showing a picture of a sprinter on the thumbnail

@santoshkumarrai74 - 13.10.2021 03:53


@colemanwalsh7477 - 01.12.2021 09:09

Humans are actually the best runners on the planet when it comes to endurance weather you agree or not its a fact we may not be the fastest sprinters but we can cover longer distances then any species on the planet while running granted there are people in this world that because of bad health or born with disease or birth defects or just a bad mutations can happen which lead to issues

@killak2971 - 17.12.2021 05:24

Expect Americans and Mexicans

@topgun2877 - 12.02.2022 01:48

you were built for guzzling

@bradleyhauf312 - 04.03.2022 02:20

this is not entirely it... once the earth was populated, not everyone came from africa... then the flood so... then there are asteroids... and plenty more... ice ages... from across the earth, there are tons of people... not only africa...

@robertskolimowski7049 - 06.05.2022 08:57

Brilliant video, smart and highly educational👏

@herkgian8752 - 07.09.2022 20:36

Correction: walking

@ryanhampson673 - 23.02.2023 23:57

Our buts help us run?
(Deer) “Hey human, how do you run without a tail?”
(Human) “We THICC”

@thedone1342 - 08.04.2023 10:41

I just started running half marothonz every night and I feel great

@Cvfdsx - 31.05.2023 19:31

As a human being you here "the call of the wild" will running. Its niiiice💪

@lucaselwood - 26.08.2023 14:53

It is not. Your body is built to WALK long distances (or at most slow jog).

@saltyjo7514 - 30.11.2023 15:40

I am made for lying down and sleeping. I can do that without training. While i can walk 6hours nonstop climbing mountains…i cannot run 6 min continuously. I can sprint faster than most people my age over 100m but not over 5 miles.

@pistashleyo5897 - 07.02.2024 02:15

Couldn't run more than one lap around my daughter's school track and now I've completed a 10k! Progress is wild! So is looking back at what little I could do before.😊

@Tritiuminducedfusion - 13.05.2024 06:03

Marathons are a bit grueling, but half marathon and below are pretty fun.

@CommonCeNtsTony - 21.05.2024 06:37

Started walking bc I had 2. Had a serious operation & lost my vehicle home ECT. Got a house again. Still walking everywhere. My job accused me of taking Adderall I had so much energy. Now I really don't have to walk but I chase that hi. I only get it if I walk 180 min plus. The high makes u appear to be on drugs... except your on point. Total focus.

@Kingoroo - 24.07.2024 22:29

Today i Ran 25.8 km for the first time in my life. Not gonna lie. Im a bit proud 🙈

@NokXu-w4u - 21.02.2025 07:37

Settlers forced vehicles upon USA very early on and now people are starting to run again that is so silly
