How you gonna have Ryan, a non Hawaiian native show you around Hawaii?. He’s not liked on the island bruh. Sheesh
ОтветитьSeriously? A local (or even a non- local) fisherman asks if you can eat Mahi raw?
Ответитьwhere is the other music ?!
Wow Taku I’ve never seen any one gaff a fish that fas5 good job!
ОтветитьTurn off the cucking flicker!
ОтветитьImagine Hawaii with out being controlled by the american government.
ОтветитьSo epic! Nice fish Taku and the fod looked amazing, presenation 100%
ОтветитьTaku I got a question for you, as a chef, do you bleed the fish or not ? which one do you prefer.
ОтветитьYou earned yourself a like and subscribe great video so cool!
ОтветитьI just see this channel your contents are natural love it
ОтветитьYou guys are so lucky!!!!
Ответитьmy first inspersion is, why raw? whats the benefits
ОтветитьThe ultimate mahi catch, caught the wife and her husband with a double hookup!
Ответитьfinger lime eggs xD bet she regrets saying that lmao
Ответить28.09 those nips could cut glass xD
Ответитьthey brought in the baddies to help them finish off the platter😂😂
ОтветитьI want to eat Sashimi and drink beer with Taku lol
ОтветитьWhat ur brand name of chili crisp oil
Ответитьcoulda chucked that ahi back, no?
ОтветитьThose plates look amazing!!
ОтветитьYou really need to go fishing at South Point! It's one of the rare places where you can actually catch deep sea fish like ahi, rainbow runner, and marlin FROM SHORE!!!
Fun fact: South Point is also the southern most point of all 50 states!
What’s up with comments with one reply being removed? Are they spammers/scammers?
ОтветитьYes this is the taku I know! Sashimi platter 👌
ОтветитьBro Ryan is unbearable 🙄
ОтветитьTaku keep it going man, still loving the content and been following on your upward journey! Solid stuff bro
ОтветитьBeautiful work on the sashimi trays. I lived in Hawaii for a few years, on big island. Fished for menpachi and aweoweo many times and somehow never knew they were good sashimi! We always fried them up! Looks like I missed out on that big time!
ОтветитьWhen he said "nobody hand cranks 600 feet" i felt embarrassed, ive done it like 100 times already after california opened up their depths 🥲
Ответитьpeople are so white, living in hawaii. no hawaiian friends
ОтветитьTake is DRUNKKKKKKK lol good stuff
ОтветитьDam! That’s awesome!
ОтветитьRyan seeing "I hope you never leave" with a longing look in his eyes😂😂😂
ОтветитьRule #1 - Don't laugh when someone loses a fish at the boat.
ОтветитьPeanut Tuna ? Not cool.
ОтветитьWhat is that rubber lure your friend caught ahi with right before you left the shop?
ОтветитьNot every fish is needed to be sashimi, be careful on the type of fish. This look unexpertised. Just saying.
ОтветитьToo bad the chilly crisp costs more to ship to Hawaii then the cost of the product….. would have loved to try it..
ОтветитьI just love your show Mate👍you're very good you catch & cook your knife skills is amazing good show👍👍
ОтветитьFrom now on wards m gonna watch your show mate👍👍👌
Ответитьthat's a great way to get sick with parasitic infections and food poisoning. You MUST freeze the fish for a week at -4 min. You are being irresponsible and dangerous posting this.
ОтветитьThose plates are immaculate!❤😮
Ответитьwhere did u get that fishing shirt with the salmon and crabs on it Taku looks so sweet
ОтветитьFish that nice should go into ice. Cheap ice can be made by freezing plastic jugs at home and breaking it into chunks with a hammer and ice pick.
ОтветитьWow nice looks amazing. Great Video. Have to say the blonde in the white shirt looked high as a kite lol maybe not but she definitely looked spaced out.
ОтветитьHe likes the chili crisp
ОтветитьFor the menpachi, usually you would fry the fish whole . Taste even better
ОтветитьYou should try fishing with kānaka ‘ōiwi next time going to an illegally occupied nation, learn our ways from us. I know an uncle that would be perfect for teach you on moku o keawe and on moloka’i.
ОтветитьLooks so ono and like beautiful art
Ответитьthese dumb muricans are literally calling my dude Taku "Taco"