GM Vladislav Artemiev - Petkidis Anthony, Blitz chess, English opening

GM Vladislav Artemiev - Petkidis Anthony, Blitz chess, English opening

Rapid chess

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@lricheychess5123 - 14.08.2023 08:00

1. c4 c5 2. Nf3 Nf6
3. g3 Nc6 4. Bg2 d5
5. cxd5 Nxd5 6. Nc3 Nc7
7. Qa4 Bd7 8. Qe4 g6
9. Ne5 Bg7 10. Nxd7 Qxd7
11. h4 h5 12. Qa4 O-O
13. O-O Rab8 14. d3 b5
15. Qd1 Rfd8 16. Bf4 Nd4
17. Rc1 Rbc8 18. Ne4 Nce6
19. Bd2 a6 20. Ba5 Re8
21. e3 Nc6 22. Bc3 Ne5
23. Bxe5 Bxe5 24. Qb3 Red8
25. Bh3 c4 26. dxc4 f5
27. cxb5 axb5 1-0

@peponiachtchi - 31.03.2020 07:04

A superstrong +2700 elite GM takes his time to calmly explain to his less rated rival pros & cons of black position. Great sportmanship by Artemiev 👏

@thanos7691 - 25.09.2019 08:43

Most polite gentleman.. -- GM Vladislav

@КернесДобкин - 28.01.2019 22:56

владик - это мощща.......

@АлександрБольшаков1-с8ч - 25.01.2019 03:23

Artemiev Vladislav 👏👏👏👍👍👍

@leandrocastroale7630 - 20.01.2019 18:56

Artemiev = King without a crown.

@iweirjkdkfmk - 20.01.2019 16:17

Such a class, nonchalant piece touching and discussion between those two at the end! What a pair of gentlemans! Brings chess to a whole different level

@pronosticVital - 20.01.2019 08:17

Artemiev seems To be a such Nice guys, Nice discussion between this two GM... interesting

@flamencolo - 20.01.2019 06:56

Artemiev is a gentleman <3

@alexanderrostov3998 - 20.01.2019 00:45

nice discussion in the end
