Eve Online - Alpha to Omega - With great reward comes RISK! Ep 14

Eve Online - Alpha to Omega - With great reward comes RISK! Ep 14


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@bigpopcorn2787 - 14.02.2017 22:37

more conan exiles please

@lackluster9274 - 14.02.2017 22:51

Being a new player to EVE, i am enjoying this journey your taking. I have learned a lot from the video's.....keep up the good work. o7

@yaboiaidan3578 - 14.02.2017 23:13

hey man been here since your first video on my mom's account this is my favorite channel man and now that I have my own is amazing thank you so much for the amazing content

@bliksemengel - 14.02.2017 23:28

Rats I called hole six not hole five. ahh well.

@Cantatio411 - 14.02.2017 23:47

Oh btw, you can cargo scan the loot in the container. Cherry Picking the site is a decent idea, and blowing the other containers if you just want isk ;) (EVE my fix this at a later date*)

@IronAgeGamer - 15.02.2017 01:22

How was Domino's today

@allanmetsar123 - 15.02.2017 01:39

ahhh, so sad to see your run end so soon but there are a few lessons for all of us to be learned from this

1. If your strategy is a GTFO frigate, then it seems that nanofibers > istabs, because of the signature bloom. Checked from the vid and it seems that the Astero locked and scrammed you instantly after decloacking (ie no 5 sec delay or anything).

2. Hallmark of a poorly laid trap is a WH that has only 1 or 2 sites left, helps funnel the pray into the hunters scope without too much waiting.
Generally it is a good idea to scan the entire WH down and only after that decide if it is safe/worth the risk to run the site or not. There are more eloquent traps out there, but they are much rarer as it takes a special kind of autist to cherry-pick all the sites clean of valuables and then camp at one of the 10 sites and wait until the victim finishes scanning 10-20 sigs and hopefully warps to the one you are camping.

3. Imicus has a drone bay of 40 and bandwith of 20 allowing it to field 4 light drones and making it a very combat capable exploration frigate (second only to Astero imho), those 4 drones, even if they are only basic level 1 versions are more than enough to chase off other T1 and T2 exploration frigates and with a low-slot armor tank+scram and better drones+skills you might even surprise a few SB pilots. If you come up against an Astero you're still dead though.

4. If it is too dangerous to scan down/enter WH-s from high sec try going through low. Population density is much smaller in non-Sansha loot regions of low sec, gate camps in low are a rare sight(and easy to identify from the star chart) and no-one (except the ultrarare WH-dweller who comes to hunt in low with their Legion) uses combat probes, so you are generally quite safe without a cloak in your low sec safe spot.

5. It may sound much but PLEASE stop tormenting yourself and GET SOE probes, as for 3-4 million isk you effectively double your scan strength (SOE base strength is 44 vs 24 of basic scanner probes), making it the single most efficient scanning upgrade in the game.

@huntertamas - 15.02.2017 10:44

I he drops cloak, there's some delay (can't remember how much)before he can start locking you. Though frigates are quite fast with that, so it was basically a de-cloak delay + ~2 secs

@CribsNL - 24.02.2017 14:10

Why no cloak?

@B4zik15 - 14.10.2017 06:22

Should do videos on ded sites.

@jrgaming1420 - 06.11.2017 08:03

acctuly he was looking for you for 30ms then you went to get the 1 he was at cloacked he waited till you finished and pop I saw a vid where it happened he nows hes shit
