Really enjoyed the old Torrent, however it is too big. It's one set that would very much benefit from a downscale...
Ответить"They set the precedent"... There is really no such thing as "precedent" when it comes to sales and commerce. Its literally what the market demands and what the market is willing to pay.
ОтветитьArmy building Enoch is just annoying I’m glad he isn’t in the battle pack
ОтветитьI’m so bummed about the Aayla Secura. I love her but there are some plenty of Jedi that we either have never gotten (Yaddle, Yarl Poof, Depa Bellaba) and even more that haven’t recieved an update since their clone wars style appearance (I’m looking at you Shaak Ti).
ОтветитьSo a thought on your GWP with the $1000 death star. If it's a light saber then surely it has to be Vaders!
Also Brickheadz Revenge of the Sith, my thinking is:
Palpatine, Dooku, Windu, Grievous, either Anakin or (left field) Organa
I love that we are still talking about the UCS gunship CRIMES in 2025
ОтветитьI'm so sick of the amount of prequel sets.
ОтветитьPrices gone up because of stupid US tariffs.
ОтветитьI swear bro you’ve been asking for the ut at for years and now they prob bout to do you dirty….
ОтветитьYou sound a bit Lego battle-weary at times Ryan……keep the faith……Lego may surprise us this year with at least a bit of awesomeness at some point………..
ОтветитьEvery MTT since the absolute banger that was the 2007 model has been a distinct downgrade.
ОтветитьImagine if the UT-AT comes with shock troopers, instead of Galactic Marines.
ОтветитьAlso could be placed increase when Trump putting tariffs ons everything could even be more than what you're saying
ОтветитьNeed a new black robed anakin , or technically he’s darth Vader
ОтветитьAny sequel trilogy sets are a crime. Get that crap out of here.
ОтветитьThe thousand more peices has to be a kamino landing pad
Ответить$100 more for a ship the same size feels like a scam
ОтветитьMe personally, im really hoping the ucs slave one is worth the price and they meet expectations. Boba fett has always been my favorite character and i love the slave one
ОтветитьMan I just want a Lego clone commando set 😭
ОтветитьI love the new arc, I have (pretty sure, i don't remember having kit fisto) the 2005 one, so I was very excited when I saw this one in the store after everywhere I looked was online only. Looking forward to the torrent, don't have one of them yet.
ОтветитьI do not want waist capes, they look like rubbish.
ОтветитьI wonder if the price increase is from an increase in licensing fees from Disney
ОтветитьFor the love of god, we need the Plo Koon head to be a new sculpt like Yoda got. The rubber head is embarrassing. I love my old Plo Koon minifigure, but the head has lost half its printing and it is flimsy as hell. We desperately need an upgrade.
ОтветитьUcs than capital ship would be nice
ОтветитьWait, so my incredible RoS knock off Palpatine from eBay is not canon??
Ответитьknowing of the Star Corps set I went to a custom capes site and ordered myself a dark sand colored waistcape in the event that these troopers don't come with any
ОтветитьI think the new Kyle ren mini shuttle with be just like the mini falcon and other mini ships and come with a stand
Ответитьbracing myself for palpatine's arrest brickheadz
ОтветитьThey increase the prices, so the Lego family can buy more land to make more forrest here in Denmark. They were the biggest buyers of land last year
ОтветитьI bet they are too woke to put slave 1 on the box but the price is good at 300
ОтветитьThey could make the plot coon set more for a druid head like anikin
ОтветитьBro wants the Kylo Ren set to be a scam? Like what!? 😂 imagine hating the Sequels that much.
ОтветитьWhat is the name of the clone trooper with the waste cape and the orange stripes
ОтветитьBlue is my favorite clone trooper so I hope they give him at least a lil love
Ответить"I don't like named characters in battlepacks"
"Put Bly and Ayla secura" in the 327th battle pack"😅
Haven’t purchased anything recently that’s worth buying from them. But I might pick up the slave 1. Hopefully they actually call it slave 1.
ОтветитьOH MY GOSH if the May 4th Promo was Padmé's living room with her, Anakin and C3PO would be an absolute dream. I would sell half of my collection for that.
ОтветитьMay the 4th not hurt my bank account to bad lol
ОтветитьI hope they continue the May the 4th theme of releasing a The Old Republic Characters like they did with the R2 set last year.
Ответить“It looks like a good year on paper but what will it look like in plastic”
That line goes so hard! 🎤 💨
They’re still doing everything in their power to not give us an official zeta class shuttle huh, watch next year for Rogue One’s 10th we’ll just get another little Scariff set and maybe a Krennic shuttle remaster 😂
ОтветитьI wish they'd revisit the Old Republic era with a couple sets, a man can only dream :(
ОтветитьWe don't need a ucs at st the play scale is already 1:1 minifig scale
ОтветитьMay the 4th gwp would make sense to be Jango’s apartment.
ОтветитьSequel legos takin up space for good sets
ОтветитьWhat if for the 327th battle pack the reason it’s $40 is cause they are including the blue slug thing the troopers road in the movies.
ОтветитьFor those saying the $15 USD for Plo Koon’s Microfighter is due to tariffs: from what I’ve seen, the Canadian price has also seen an increase that puts it between the N-1 and Rex set. That theory is debunked as far as I’m concerned.
Edit: seeing a lot of people suggesting the extra $2 is for the Astromech head only and the president has also been set for this! 2014 X-Wing Microfighter did NOT charge extra for exactly that. I think it might just be a straight price increase 😬😳