I LOVED the first book and was so excited for the sequal. I have now been trying to read it for close to 6 months. It's unbelievably horrible. I read a chapter then put it down for a month. It's so bad.
ОтветитьThey ruined Wade's character in this 😭
Ответитьfor me. I mean other than the Ernst Kline being a super incelish creep. was the painful modern references the 80s references made sense because of Halliday's Easter egg hunt, the modern ones would be like 60 years old and almost all of them were mainstream media not nerdy stuff it just didn't fit the tone and felt like sledge hammer blows of "you like nerd stuff right" , the LGBTQIA stuff was even worse more of a jack hammer of "this is how you do inclusivity right"
ОтветитьNo offence but this movie would bomb in the movies, just would i wont say why but to me other than the stiuff i ignored the rest isnt a bad book, the quest for the seven shards i liked most of it.. He shouldve never bowed down to the elites , it wont sell in movies people would ignore this movie an it would flop
ОтветитьAfter finishing the book, I'd just like to highlight that Wade and Sam both have a relationship for all of nearly two weeks and then shit happens and they break up and then Wade, the creep, stalks his ex for waaaay longer than that. You know what this is? A book based entirely on Sam telling Wade that she's a person and not a trophy (a repeat from book 1). What he sees online isn't the real her, and we just got a book where we see Halliday going his whole life not learning that lesson until he clones Kira and gets offended that the plan didn't work. If Kira could have been made to love Halliday, he would not have written that letter to Og. He's never ashamed of the deed, just that it didn't work the first time.
ОтветитьNah they turned wade into a gay weirdo 😭💀
Ответитьit’s good art. protagonists don’t have to/shouldn’t be likable. i get that people who have really naive ideas about the world wouldn’t like this book, but i don’t understand why intelligent people can’t see that this is good art. you shouldn’t be wade, a weird loner glorifying pop culture from 45 years ago. you shouldn’t be given the type of power wade is given. it’s a cautionary tale done very well, and the knee jerk response you gave to it seems to misunderstand what is an otherwise interesting piece of art
ОтветитьI liked rpo1. Even read it a 2nd time despite its flaws. Like the "romance" parts which were pretty cringey at times.
This clearly wasn't written by a fully mature man but a geek who had a lot of catching up to do.
Then came armada. I had high hopes but could barely finish it. Threw it out with the trash to make room for better books.
And I realized rpo2 would suck bigly. I decided to just ignore it. I did come across it today in a bookstore and had to restrain myself from buying it.
Googling the reviews I realized I made the right choice.
I had no idea there was a second book and just found this video, and man does this give off major Elon Musk vibes, trying to control how people perceive you with extreme brute force only to have everyone resent you for it. What's scary is this book predates his fall from grace yet accurately predicts it. Also the cult following of Elon, while it's definitely fallen off A LOT I bet there are still people that would drop to their knees and call him "my liege"
ОтветитьWhy this is even published
Ответитьi like it for what it was
ОтветитьCline really has a talent for making effectively disturbing and manipulative villains… he just considers them heroes
ОтветитьCash grab riding off the original movie release.
ОтветитьLove your enthusiasm!! Have you done something about ready player one?
ОтветитьThe fact that the writer went woke on the second book is hot garbage and sad
ОтветитьWow wade turned into a cyber obsessed ass hole basically
Disguising yourself as your celebrity hero to zero people out just cause they don’t like you is crazy
I am sooooooo sick of the current media obsession with having the protagonist have the exact same story arc in every book/movie. He literally spends the second book learning the exact same lessons he learned the first book, although he obviously didn’t learn them…. So many movies are doing that now and it pisses me off….
ОтветитьWhat.. am i hearing... this is a 180 turn.. from the first......... im stunned.. cause i would love a second one... this is so rough....jesus..
ОтветитьThey are Admin correct, why would alow any of this to happen in game?
ОтветитьThe whole admin privileges thing in the book is pretty out there. If we're talking about the OASIS as if it's just a game, remember it's all about code. Code that lives on a user's machine and talks to a server full of more code. Sure, the creator's a whiz and threw in some overpowered stuff, but here's the deal: if I'm an admin on a project with full access to the source code, I can change stuff whenever I want. You can't just say in VR chat, "Oh, now AI's got powers you can't touch." Developers have the keys to the kingdom – they can see and tweak every single thing in the game, from how objects appear to what characters are doing and what they're holding. Slap a bit of logic on that, and the whole scenario just falls apart.
I get that Wade isn't exactly a coding master or a programmer at all in the books, but let's be real - there's no way the company could keep a massive project like that running smoothly without a whole army of developers and system/network engineers who know their stuff inside out.
What actually terrifies me is that, apparently there's a film adaption of this book "still in development"
ОтветитьSo I don't know if you know this, honestly, I am typing this halfway through the video. Klein actually hated the movie so much that he made the second book so that the studios would not be able to adapt it. Which I guess is cool if you want to self-sabotage? I don't know where the interview is. I have to find it.
Ответитьthrough legal contracts anything is possible and when you live in a world like that Money goes much much further.
ОтветитьI bought the book when it first came out, I honestly couldn't get past the first 30-40 pages and uptill now still haven't.
I saw this in my recommends and just looking into the comment confirmed my suspicion, it's much worse than I thought.
i love the shirt's design
ОтветитьThis book sounds like so much more cringe.
Glad I never read it.
Let me remind you. They also did a Roblox event. And I have no idea how this connects since last time. I remember it all started with a chicken man. And now there's a hacker, so can somebody recount? What she just said like CoComelon along with the widow bed of the original movie because I'm honestly mixed up because almost she's been describing was brain damage.
ОтветитьThis is an interesting rant that would be more interesting if the creator had actually created something someone else could rant about. Sad.
Also, it appears that there’s confusion about the fact that good authors can use bad characters to explore morality.
Anyone Up Here Old-Enough to Have Watched "Brainstorm" ? (1983)
... just curious if I was the only one tying these two themes together.. .. .
There are only two genders.
ОтветитьI read this book, thought it was completely trash, and am realizing by reading these comments that I would have thought it was even worse if these commenters had been happy with it.
ОтветитьI think some of the sci-fi elements were cool. The pros and cons of the Oasis getting an upgrade allowing a 100% accurate virtual representation of life and it's sensations and what that means for current and future society. Also, similar concept behind artificially intelligent backups of the human consciousness. The plot was for sure messy at times and the character changes, especially to Wade were not welcome...
ОтветитьI'm listening to it now. It's SAO Aincrad. The in-depth Prince scene was brutal to get through. And I kinda think the moralities of the characters is why their world is such a mess and can't be fixed. Almost done, gonna finish it.
ОтветитьI read it, I liked it too. Would have been better if they stayed together the whole time.
ОтветитьI actually read this book about a few weeks ago and it was...not bad.
ОтветитьWish I could unread this book (read it in the first few days it dropped), I forgot all about it and then I saw a copy at a shop.
I was thinking about giving it a second try. Thanks to this video, there is no need to.
What I would have suggested to Ernest, take the money from the first book and go back to literary writing school, work with a few other writers and make a compelling story.
I’m glad he’s had success from these three titles, But they are all pretty subpar and need lots of work to make the stories work and be compelling.
Well at least he went for it, got his shot.
That’s more than the majority of us folks outside of the O.A.S.I.S. can say.
So what your saying is if your a fan of the first one you should skip it?
ОтветитьThank you. My biggest issue with it was Arty was right the whole time but ends up apologizing. What a PoS book that retroactively hurts the first book.
ОтветитьI liked the first book because I'm a gen x nerd. The fan service was fun...once.
ОтветитьShoto is the only character in the high five that I enjoyed, wish he got more page time. Can't believe Aech almost let him dies because he said something bad about Prince, what a POS. Shoto had the most to lose out of all of them as well.
ОтветитьWatching this video makes me glad I gave up on this festering turdball of a book about a third of the way in and don’t have to resent the lost time of reading the whole thing. I somehow enjoyed RP1 even though the character-development was lacking, the pacing was weird, and whole exhaustive self-referential thing was boring as hell for the most part, (spoiler alert: nerds being like, “look at all the cool stuff I know,” doth not a story make), but I agree with Amanda that book II was an unmitigated disaster.
ОтветитьThere were many clues in the first book and film that Halliday wasn’t a very good guy. He died a trillionaire but left his money to a contest winner rather than leave his money to help a dying humanity, he was so obsessed with his best friends wife and jealous that he screwed over his partner Ogden by stripping him of all his shares in the company, and he did nothing to protect the oasis from other corporations like iOI
ОтветитьFirst of, I dig your shirt
Second of, are you gonna comment on Free Guy? I know the movie is a couple years old now but I’d love to hear your critique on it 😂
Hell yeah, Paramore <3
ОтветитьThe book is a solid mess, I give it a D. Some pretty bad character decisions were made, however I did still have a little bit of fun reading because I love the established world and fairly cared about the characters. I’m pretty sure this book was just a cash grab lol.
ОтветитьWade uses his billions to obsessively stalk his crushes and eliminate anyone who makes him mad.
"Ready Player You"
MI do the audiobook of both every few months. Maybe I just enjoy immersion in story but I thought it was very unique and the end was gratifying in a way that makes a 3rd not needed.
ОтветитьWhy does this sound like a blueprint of the US right now?
ОтветитьErnest Cline 💯 frequents the She/They Car Wash. What a lad.