At least 21 killed in Russian missile attack in Odesa, Ukraine

At least 21 killed in Russian missile attack in Odesa, Ukraine

CBS News

2 года назад

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@jimsachtjen119 - 02.07.2022 17:17

One day after being run off Snake Island they're back bombing it. Some goodwill gesture.

@wpl8275 - 02.07.2022 17:20

Russia's idea of ownership is to destroy something completely and then claim it as yours. It's like a child fighting over a toy and tearing it apart. Except in this respect they are destroying property and murdering civilians. And they have probably no desire to rebuild it or recompense the survivors. That is why they need to leave the Ukraine and faces chargers and reparations. They need some sort of justice to come down on their heads starting with the tiny dictator running their country.

@mhr5586 - 02.07.2022 17:22

America is getting conned into another “Afghanistan “. Trillions of tax dollars and years of American blood that we CANNOT afford.

@darkmattersolo2137 - 02.07.2022 17:26

What about Yemen didnt the US aim at a bus full of kids which they knew that they were kids inside the bus double standard huh?

@henglyheang37 - 02.07.2022 17:29


@truthandrights9thether130 - 02.07.2022 17:29

This war is getting old now. There’s nothing left of Ukraine. Russia is a joke. Putin sucks

@searchforthetruth1 - 02.07.2022 17:31

Yup its called war...

@justinnewsome9574 - 02.07.2022 17:34

What annoys me is that the world cheers on Ukraine and makes it seem like they got Russia on the ropes and then something like this happens and then we are supposed to be shocked. The real propaganda is fooling Ukraine into thinking that if loaned a few guns and some money they can take on the 2nd/3rd strongest military in the world.

@yhwhtruth6537 - 02.07.2022 17:37


@DustyNickelz - 02.07.2022 17:38

So much winning 🇺🇦

@matrxmax - 02.07.2022 17:40

Stop the lies, Western powers at the behest of global world power, ruling elites are the antagonist, stop supporting the U.S. Russia war, this is a proxy war. If it is not stopped it will escalate to nuclear exchange - which is what power elites who rule the world want.

@lurkingarachnid7475 - 02.07.2022 17:41

Why haven't they evacuated? so let's go to the shopping at the mall in a war zone 🤦🏻‍♀️

@christianpatriotnomad8431 - 02.07.2022 17:58

Such liars. Propaganda

@aus109 - 02.07.2022 17:58

Its much too late to save Ukraine. This is obvious war profiteering.

@jasonjones759 - 02.07.2022 18:00

May they rest in pieces. 🤣
Is there proof it wasn't a Ukraine missile on their own civilians?
🚩Propaganda 🚩

@nancyrode9781 - 02.07.2022 18:08


@BeatMedicare - 02.07.2022 18:09

I remember when the press said Russia lost 10% of its strength in the first 2 weeks of this invasion. And stupid BS like that is why people with a brain are skeptical of the news media.

@randallpainter2691 - 02.07.2022 18:14

I find it weird when Israel does this it’s ok but if someone else does the same thing now all of a sudden it’s so wrong. Like we blame the Palestinians for allowing weapons to be stored in they area same applies here

@pipitoelnegro535 - 02.07.2022 18:14

Zelensky, OTAN and USA's puppet has spoken.. u re a disgrace to your country like Joe Biden is to USA and the world.

@pipitoelnegro535 - 02.07.2022 18:14

HOPE USA realizes NOT how bad this Administration is BUT how GOOD Trump's was...

@madskllmall377 - 02.07.2022 18:24

No one knows the truth behind this BS. And why this so called news org garners support for this political mess that costs the American people money.

@whiteprivilege7961 - 02.07.2022 18:28

All is they have been hitting is civilian targets .

@joanmariechristensen9429 - 02.07.2022 18:29

Post G7 and NATO meetings, a tremendous effort with increased commitment to Ukraine and strategies fighting Putin, by the 30 member nations of NATO, gives me hope. Putinworld and Trumpworld have forced our mighty hand to swat those bullies down.

@williamwylie2453 - 02.07.2022 18:31

This is Fake Fucn News. I can't wait until the Military takes them all down! Time to go to Gitmo with the rest of your friends!

@southbeachmiamiart895 - 02.07.2022 18:35

"...but they're winning?" We want our 40 billion back. What exactly did that pay for?

@Darkmattermonkey77 - 02.07.2022 18:45

Dear Russia,

Can you just finish this already? We’re tired of our government giving away our tax dollars to the Ukrainians.

Sincerely, the Americans who are fed up with supporting a war in a country that’s not connected with us in any way shape or form.

@jamesbrandon8570 - 02.07.2022 18:45

Don’t care. Better them than us. Likely nazis

@morecringe89 - 02.07.2022 18:49

19 or 21. Celebrating? Psychos

@jamesjames7601 - 02.07.2022 18:49


@demetriusjones5665 - 02.07.2022 19:00

Zelensky was talking too reckless and wild. He really should be removed from power he's dangerous to his own people's survival

@kimklim3267 - 02.07.2022 19:07


@gumonmyshu - 02.07.2022 19:08

Reminds me of the Palestinian and Israeli conflict days of the 80' and 90's.

@TBH138 - 02.07.2022 19:09

Since Putin trying to invade Ukraine from the beginning, he is targeting 98% civilians as he knew not capable to conquer Ukraine. Hope God makes his fate like Hitler.

@shellyb2042 - 02.07.2022 19:13

Heartbreaking this is still going on someone should have put Putin down at the beginning of this!! Cowards all around him takes one to pull trigger and end this Madness!!

@Dr.JHIrons - 02.07.2022 19:22

Go Russia Go!!!!!!!! 🖕🏾Ukraine

@incognito7479 - 02.07.2022 19:36

War! Good God y’all, what is it good for? Absolutely nothin’.

@justinanderson6193 - 02.07.2022 19:50

im sure if old sleepy creepy joe sends them another few billion dollars they will be fine. as long as theres 10 percent for the big guy.

@terpenstine - 02.07.2022 19:53

I feel like they report on Ukraine to distract away from all of the problems in America.

@kaptrucking - 02.07.2022 20:52

I know the Ghost of Kyiv was a lie and the Snake Island martyrs was a lie but this time Ukraine and the CIA are telling the truth......p.s. what happened to the bio weapons labs in Ukraine?

@WoodsmanHobo777 - 02.07.2022 21:54

Headline should say "At least 21 killed in Ukrainian missile attack on Ukraine with American weapons"

@puffthemagicdragon9534 - 02.07.2022 22:30

It’s a shame I cannot believe a word you say. Shopping mall didn’t have A 1,000 civilian shoppers, in fact it has been closed for 5 years.

@viyeye2464 - 03.07.2022 00:25

I always pray to Lord Jesus Christ every day for peace negotiations.. Forgiving each other and talking to each other looking for a peaceful solution.. Lord Jesus Christ the true and living God..who died on the cross to atone for sins and rose again on the 3rd day...owner of eternal life or heaven (a very beautiful heaven with Jesus  ) and creator of heaven and earth,,,, really hate nuclear weapons ...... ,,because......,

, Lord Jesus Christ the true and living Lord..who died on the cross to atone for sins and rose again on the 3rd day... owner of eternal life or heaven (a very beautiful heaven with Jesus ) and creator of heaven and earth... really hate nuclear weapons..because nuclear weapons is a big sin.. big sins is the eternal fire of hellfire..nuclear weapons are a big sin.. big sins is the eternal fire of hellfire..ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles are big sins.

@viyeye2464 - 03.07.2022 00:25

I always pray to Lord Jesus Christ every day for peace negotiations.. Forgiving each other and talking to each other looking for a peaceful solution.. Lord Jesus Christ the true and living God..who died on the cross to atone for sins and rose again on the 3rd day...owner of eternal life or heaven (a very beautiful heaven with Jesus  ) and creator of heaven and earth,,,, really hate nuclear weapons ...... ,,because......,

, Lord Jesus Christ the true and living Lord..who died on the cross to atone for sins and rose again on the 3rd day... owner of eternal life or heaven (a very beautiful heaven with Jesus ) and creator of heaven and earth... really hate nuclear weapons..because nuclear weapons is a big sin.. big sins is the eternal fire of hellfire..nuclear weapons are a big sin.. big sins is the eternal fire of hellfire..ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles are big sins...

@deecee1522 - 03.07.2022 05:32

Russian war criminals will be swinging from the gallows like rag dolls.

@waynesilva9157 - 03.07.2022 07:05

Germany should remember the allied forces carpet bombing women and children refugees in Dresden Germany and other cities in Germany all through out world war two.

@warrenvarker - 03.07.2022 08:16


@gokhanarikoglu7456 - 03.07.2022 11:11

Always targeting civilians

@nickstrickland4751 - 04.07.2022 03:18

Ya I definately have to beware of a nefarious agenda that’s happening in the west and I must spiritually must determine the evils that are present in America, I definately desire this to be a righteous country, but I think Russia is being misled also

@Parzival224 - 04.07.2022 14:42

What does Russia want: Donetsk, Lugansk and shitesk? give them to him but then Ukraine enters the EU and NATO and Russia must stay SILENT! otherwise ... tabula rasa!
