Omg the demon slayer ones just hit different
ОтветитьPlanet clue should check out the tamagotchi uni. It improves on the rechargeablem aspect and has real buttons making interacting with the tama easier
Ответитьi recently just got my first gen 1 tamagotchi! i’ve always seen them and i always loved how unique the shells looked. its name is critter and i love my tama very much :3
at first it was very difficult to use and figure out what it wanted, but after a couple of days it became rather simple.
I hate tamagotchi
ОтветитьI jad a tamagotchi DS game as a kid
ОтветитьYou need to check out Digimon now.
ОтветитьAs a child, I didn't live through the times when Tamagotchi was popular, because I was too small then. But I had something similar as a child, it was a Furby Boom. I liked interactive toys, and this one, as far as I remember, also had a mobile app where you could do a lot of things with this toy. My mother gave me this toy for my birthday, we went to the store together, unfortunately there was no toy in the color I wanted, there was only black and white, that's what we took, and well, I wasn't really upset. I named it "Ириска" ("Toffee" in Englisn), to be honest I still don't know why I named this like that, it doesn't look like toffee in color 😂 I still have this toy, and it even works, just need to change the batteries.
I first learned about Tamagotchi when I was a teenager. At that time, they had a cool shiny design and looked like custom-made ones (these were the original bandai ones but i dont know what version of tamagotchi it was). At that time they were very expensive for me, and I wasn't particularly interested in them.
But when I grew up, at some point I started to get interested in this genre of games, and I started looking in the Play Market for something like a Tamagotchi child (a human child, not any animals). But all the games I found in the Play Market were really bad for me personally, not at all what I was looking for. Then I came across a pretty old version of a non-original Tamagotchi, where you can grow a human child. And that was just what I was looking for. But, later I found out that it had been not fo sale for a long time, and I was very upset. But then I found out about the Tamagotchi Nano Spy Family, and it was pretty close to what I needed. My first Tamagotchi was a Tamagotchi nano Spy Family, since then I started learning more about Tamagotchi, and I started loving more versions of Tamagotchi. I absolutely loved the Tamagotchi Uni Sanrio as I am a fan of this franchise, I am thinking about buying it now as a birthday present to myself.
where can you buy these?
ОтветитьI had a v5 connection as a kid and LOVED the online website. I’d spend hours there. This made me want to check out the fan maintained website. Also im a kpop fan so i had to pick up the Bt21 drop. Awesome video, might have to checkout some of the other versions 🤩
Ответитьmy cousin actually loves BTS (Bee Tee Ess) and there is a channel called bad lip readings that did their namesake on a song from BTS! the bad lip reading song is called "you took a sample of my pasta"
ОтветитьTamagotchi is came out in May 1, 1997 and I was in Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas during that point.
ОтветитьI want the neon Genesis tomagotchi.
ОтветитьPlanet clue can you plz limit comments on your IDog video because of the annoying fr422y f2zb0ar crybabies?
ОтветитьI have tamogachi forever
Ответитьi missed out on these by being born in 1995. i remember seeing one or two as a kid but i guess the hiatus from 1999-2004 is why i never saw them on store shelves or was advertised them when i was the target age
ОтветитьOkay, now that it's been a year, I'd love to hear your take on Tamagotchi Uni! You think it did better than the Smart or does it have more flaws?
ОтветитьI got my first tamagotchi 29 years ago and now bought another one of the originals gen 1 remake ☺️ fond memories
ОтветитьPlease make one about the digital monster vpets in this style video 😭🥹
Ответитьtq for sharing
ОтветитьI am getting a Chifyuu one from Tokyo revengers and he is gonna come with a figure can’t wait 😊❤
ОтветитьA lot has happened in the Tamagotchi world since this last video. We need an update with the new models and yes that includes nanos too haha <3
ОтветитьI still remember the day my first tamagotchi died (the pet, not the unit). We were having dinner at El Burrito in Del Paso, I'm just drawing with crayons as you do when you're a kid at a restaurant, and I was mortified when I suddenly heard this heart rate monitor-like beeping. Fucking haunting for a 7y/o. I was inconsolable until I noticed there was a new egg on the screen, and then I understood the gameplay loop (not that word, obviously, but the concept): I could try again, and maybe do some things differently so it would evolve like my friends' ones did. I got so much value out of that stupid egg, making notes on printer paper like if you don't clean the cage, it'll evolve into an ugly worm-thing and doesn't live long, and if you give it cake instead of meat it'll turn into this and that… man, now I'm sad I don't have mine any more. He met a watery end after one of my friends told me it was waterproof (don't judge me, I also believed that there was a mew under the truck by the SS Anne, I was a very gullible kid okay? 😭)
ОтветитьMy first one was gold tamagotchi than later got a tamagotchi angel 👼🏻
ОтветитьWhat a waste of materials , better have tamagochi on your phone that in shitty egg
ОтветитьGood for referencing the Tamagotchi line...
...the painfully unfunny host is excruciatingly annoying though.
The gloves are a bit much
Ответитьheyy ! does anyone knows how to download the tamagotchi game (tamagotchi classic) i really want to download that cuz my tama just got lost at school 😭✨
ОтветитьI remember always wanting to try a tamagotchi someday, so I finally got myself a Pix that didn't cost me an arm and leg on eBay. No idea how it's going to go. I'll likely bend the time rules to a degree to accommodate my circadian rhythm disorder. I wish the tama could feel my pain. Oh wait...
Didn't know I watched this video a year ago.
Do you also collect Digimon?
ОтветитьWhere is tamagotchi gen 3 and uni?
ОтветитьI lost the tamagotchi I got in 2004 for years. My mom found it again recently after moving out and gave it back to me. Since I've watched this video I was so sad to not be able to play with it. Now it's possible again !
Ответитьman i wish the on wasn't so expensive right now
ОтветитьOmg states is another world, u didnt know Doraemon???? Here in Europe is Omnipresent!!!
ОтветитьI am surprised you didn’t talk about the pc tama that I had it was a 4.5 connection one but had a whole accessory set and pc thing. I still have all of my stuff too 😅
ОтветитьMy 10 yr has a tama
ОтветитьFunny to see the joke about godzilla as bandai planned to release a vpet featuring it
ОтветитьI can't believe we had to wait until 2022 for a Jurassic World Tamagotchi. If they had released a Jurassic Park Tamagotchi, or just a general dinosaur themed version I was a kid, I would have absolutely insisted on having one. Jurassic Park was obviously still extremely popular during Tamagotchi's entire debut and golden years, so it was perfect timing.
ОтветитьThe Chao Kindergarten music was a nice touch
This is giving me such nostalgia...
For Pixel Chicks (I think it was spelled like Pixl Chix?).
They were kinda similar in artstyle and concept, with some Polly Pocket flavor. But they also had this website with a movie maker... I never got a Pixel Chicks toy, but I loved the website and the general toy concept.
Sigh. That website is probably long gone, now.
Its ironic you brought up sonic, when, he was a tamagotchi one time, i believe it was for a sega saturn game, Tamagotchi Park, it has other sega characters too, like alexx kid
ОтветитьI have gen 2 And I have the cookies and milk Shell