Everything we know about Seikret, the mount in Monster Hunter Wilds

Everything we know about Seikret, the mount in Monster Hunter Wilds


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@Ruins21 - 26.07.2024 05:56

I'm so excited to see all the options for customizing our Seikret.

@RedSunUnderParadise - 26.07.2024 06:55

My friendship ended with the Palamute(Not really), the Seikret is now my special.

@jockpackage1770 - 26.07.2024 09:02

Well, they did say that fast travel mid combat doesn't require a farcaster item anymore. We'll see how that goes.

Healing on the palamute was kind of broken. Those things taking longer, while mounted, would work well. World's slight movement while healing was fine, with monsters being faster.

They also gave us an idea of how many herd monsters we can expect, roughly that is. They said there are at least 2 species of large monsters that use this system per locale. Expect anywhere from 8 to 10 of them if we get 4 maps, maybe 10 to 13 if there are 5 maps. i doubt we're getting more than that. There will also be plenty of monsters that won't use this system. Give us a flying wyvern that are in a flock, please. We've wanted this since the seregios war cutscene and even some fivers with the legiana flock in Iceborne's intro scene.

@Gigi4u - 26.07.2024 20:28

I really love the gameplay of the new Seikrets but i will still kind of miss the palamutes cute and character full design and characterisation. The big bird raptor will be awesome but i will probably not feel as connected to it as i did with my palamute and palaco.

@Godzilla_ultima_real - 27.07.2024 19:05

Can't wait to use a hammer to beat the monster then rapid fire with my heavy bowgun

@ivohunter24 - 29.07.2024 02:55

we definitely see some sort of mountainy forest biome in the bg of the 'ceratonoth herd' shot, and later we see the doshaguma in a cutscene with a lot of very green foliage, maybe that quest happens when trying to go to that second locale?

@nicolespeaks3257 - 29.07.2024 21:12

The Thumbnail: 😂

@TheCobraKing209 - 29.07.2024 21:20

If we get to name our Seikrets like we could the Palamutes imma name mine Lizalfos… why? Y E S (also it would be nice to see the Magnet spike and other monsters from Frontier since Espinas opened the floodgates for that)

@UmDuhReally - 04.08.2024 00:14

Cant wait for a FF crossover event and we get to ride chocobos

@lubbo5261 - 04.08.2024 15:15

I hope the Seikrets are as customizable as Palamutes where, not just in looks but also abilitys.

@deadlyk12538 - 11.08.2024 01:32

Which source mentions that there's different seikret feather colours available?

@alexiabarrow3321 - 21.08.2024 22:04

I'll always will love the palamute besides it made it easy with a extra buddies on group quest so there's is no way I'll ever forget rises we needed the doggo

@nidhoggr8193 - 23.08.2024 19:34

Honestly, the only thing I'm confused about is the whole. Both male and female characters can wear each other's armor. I know its for fashion, but like what happens if I have a male character and I equip a female chest piece? Does my guy get boobs now? I still like the idea because some of the female armors do look cool, but I'm still confused about how it's gonna work without just being weird.

@knight7396 - 25.08.2024 06:21

If you dont like healing and sharpening on a mount, just dont do it yourself. There doesnt need to be a draw back. If someone wants to make it harder, they can just choose not to get back on the mount. Simple as that.

@bobcatinsag739 - 25.08.2024 16:28

I have no problem with the mobilize healing and sharpening on the Seikret given how the monster AI is doing better than expected as said by the devs.

@TsulaAngenati2292 - 01.09.2024 10:44

If the Seikret have stables in the villages we may be able to pet and feed them there

@SRE_ARCHIVES - 03.09.2024 05:04

Hope we can customize them like the Palio’s and the dogs from rise

@furionmax7824 - 14.09.2024 20:11

I'm just glad our mounts are bigger. Not that I'm complaining but I love my palamute. I just hope we have different breeds of them.

I'd love to get my hands on a mount that's heavily armored with scales. Little on the slow side but considering in rise these fucking monsters keep knocking me off it's annoying.

@lionelwhiskerknot - 22.10.2024 07:52

We need the Seikret dance like Ostrich do.

@Warkupo - 24.10.2024 06:11

Making healing a very difficult thing to pull off has always felt stupid. Players who can dodge that well don't need healing, and players who can't just die.

@KabegamiTheGreat - 31.10.2024 03:45

None of this matters if I can't pet my seikret.

@Ryou_Sensei - 10.11.2024 10:50

Yeah right, the whole thing about the Archaeopteryx being the link between dinosaurs and birds hasnt been relevant for a long ass time. Ever since scientist decided that just about all theropod dinosaurs had feathers, the Archaeopteryx has become nothing special

@Ryou_Sensei - 10.11.2024 10:59

Also, im not gonna lie, I dont like when people complain about being able to do certain things in Monster Hunter that werent there before World. Examples include, moving while consuming items such as potions and meat, not flexing after drinking a potion, and of course the healing and sharpening while on the move by being on a mount. Like, dont get me wrong, I understand that people who were fans of the older games see these changes as things that make the game less challenging, as if the developers decided to include it to make the game easier for newbies, but for me, I see them not as that, but rather a change that just makes sense gameplay wise. Like, realistically, why wouldnt you be moving while drinking a healing thing? Why would you just stand there and risk getting hurt?

@wither5673 - 22.11.2024 00:56

They also have the cutest baby's I have ever seen.

@blazethecat363 - 07.12.2024 17:20

anyone else reminded of a chocobo by the Seikret's design?

@toonrex2806 - 16.12.2024 05:36

Now we just need an aquatic mount.

@antiandroid-b9r - 16.12.2024 05:55

I will NEVER be leaving this creature. Jousting only run

@FlameofEulien - 08.01.2025 07:38

i wonder, do we have full control of the saikret or is it full autorun all the time
it would be nice to be able to stear, plus it makes sense

@Atseo - 23.01.2025 06:08

can you ride it manually or its auto like MHW?

@sevnsinnz6468 - 28.01.2025 00:59

In regards to the ability to heal/sharpen while mounted, if it bothers you, just don't do it?

Respectfully, why do some people insist on enforcing their idea of fun or proper playstyles on others when they can just opt out of said actions?

Is it lack of willpower? I love the idea of streamlining out tedious actions that take away from the real action of combat, simply to provide a sense of complexity.

It doesn’t. Just makes it more tedious for players who are more action oriented. Again, respectfully, just don't perform said actions while mounted that bother you?

@infernaltigris - 01.02.2025 22:07

I love your birdy hehe. They truly are still dinos at heart

@Derethevil - 02.02.2025 08:05

I'm already incredibly happy if we can interact with them like some animators recently have shown as an example..
This is the closest we will ever get to cuddle a Raptor that could bite our faces off irl.

@jacobwooten977 - 13.02.2025 16:31

I wanted to take the bow guns and do Mongolian style harassment on the monster

I wonder how much you can fighting from the seikret

@jacobwooten977 - 13.02.2025 16:33

I wanted to take the bow guns and do Mongolian style harassment on the monster

I wonder how much you can fighting from a top the seikret. I want to main the insect glaive and mounted fighting to aerial combat will be sweet

@EnanTk - 17.02.2025 05:50

anyone knows here how to do the zooming in attack right after unmounting the seikret?
