Let’s Go!! More LoG!!
Ответить"There are no people left to leave out" is such a funny line but damn is it morbid
ОтветитьMaron was Krillin's girlfriend in the Garlic Jr filler arc, and early-mid parts of Android Saga. The way the anime split them up to get him with 18 his canon girlfriend/wife felt a bit sudden & forced. Also I agree he has great taste.
ОтветитьFun to see the slew of DBZ games that were available back in the day
ОтветитьI remember Cell consuming people genuinely creeped me out as a kid, the Cell saga is definitely best dbz arc
Ответить...I was not expecting the DBZ Party House
ОтветитьThis game so good and master roshi island ost is so good
ОтветитьThe Vinnie is my favorite DBZ character 🕺🔥🎶🕺🔥🎶🕺🔥🎶
ОтветитьI like the thumbnail art. I played Legacy of Goku 2 to completion a few years ago, but I couldn't get past the dinosaur eggs quest on another playthrough.
ОтветитьGoku's portrait looks very cursed, like he saw some sht.
ОтветитьLong live the Vinnie baby!! 🤘🏾🤘🏾
ОтветитьYou may want to consider dumping all of your capsules into Gohan for the final Cell fight. It can be tough
ОтветитьIn regards to the stat capsules, odds are your best bet is to either save them for the secret character, or just juice up Gohan to make the end of the game easier. Also...
I remember as a kid being stuck at the eggs and Vinny part for so long I grinded vegrta to level 50 before figuring out Vinny lol
ОтветитьThat egg run is easily the worst part of the game for me lol
Ответитьknow what annoys me? they keep calling Piccolo a Namek but he's not.
Namek is not the name of the race, it's the name of their planet. SO they keep calling Piccolo a Green planet.
Thousands of hours of Harvest Moon? Don't do that to me. Mineral Town is one of my comfort playthroughs of yours. I've watched it more than I care to admit
ОтветитьI still love DBZ Abridged version of Vegeta gaining Super Saiyan.
Ответитьyamcha got yamcha`d
ОтветитьYou did the egg part soo smooth. Took me days and I was using super vageta because he moves faster super. Eventually had to save scum .
ОтветитьProbably answered already...Strength affects Melee DMG, Power effects Energy DMG, and Endurance is basically your Damage Resistance
ОтветитьGohan is 9 at this point
ОтветитьGet Trunks' charge attack from Master Roshi
ОтветитьMaron?? I feel like they cut her out in Z Kai cause I don't remember her at all
Ответитьwasnt a fan of the super saiyan form in this game. glad buus fury fixed my main concerns with it. piccolo however is the only one whos super form i actually like given his health regeneration that comes with it.
ОтветитьOh yeah that egg quest was tedious. One of the only things I dislike about this game.
ОтветитьWebfoot was a great example of "Don't rush me, it's worth it"
ОтветитьWatching DBZ 20 something years ago and hearing their explanation on how "Time Travel" worked is the reason why I instantly understood the explanation of time travel in Avenger: Endgame.
ОтветитьI remember hating the Vinne puzzle I never figured out the answer as a kid. I leveled Vegeta to 50 because I thought the generator was behind the vegeta door
ОтветитьI'm enjoying the playthrough! LOG2 and Buu's Fury are my favorite DBZ games.
ОтветитьHey asprey, you should play a game called dragon ball devolution, it is amazing and you should really check it out 😁😊
ОтветитьUsing the burning attack with trunks is op, everyone gets stunned, even bosses (if I remember correctly) and then you can just use the melee attack without worrying until it wears off
ОтветитьI think that the energy regen is only noticeable when you stand still, so it's not super helpful unless you want to wait around a bunch. The filler parts are uh, choice decisions, for better or worse. Nice to see you're enjoying the game despite its quirks, though.
Ответитьwhy did no one tell him he could scan 18 further on???
ОтветитьHonestly, that's a pretty good cell voice.
ОтветитьI've always theorised that the heart virus happening later was due to Goku training, that his focus on training to prepare helped stave off the virus for a little longer. Trunks also never mentioned exactly when Goku would die to the virus, just that he was already dead when the androids first attacked, so it's possible Goku might've died only days before, in Trunk's future.
Additionally, I also theorise that the reason 19 and 20 were the first ones to be encountered is because Gero wanted to be the one to kill Goku, himself. But because he was already dead, in Trunk's future, Gero/20 had no reason to make an appearance, and 17 & 18's rebellion played out without 19/20 ever attacking the city.
Alternatively, it could be that nothing had changed at all, and Trunks simply didn't know 19 & 20 were the first androids because he was too young. All he knew was 17 & 18, growing up, and Gohan was still only a child and they had more important things to worry about than setting a few minor facts straight. Gohan may have simply forgotten, or not known himself. Without knowing about the coming threat, ChiChi likely would've had Gohan focus on study, making him unfit to join the fight once the attacks began.
If you're gonna play farming games, you should do Pumpkin Panic or the original Harvest Moon for the SNES.
ОтветитьI mean to be fair. Gohan is literally goku's legacy
ОтветитьEasiest time travel explanation I can give.
Timeline A: Future Trunks. This Cell dies in the epilogue story.
Timeline B: Future Trunks goes back and helps, and everything plays out as he expects. The Cell from this timeline is pissed that 17/18 are dead, kills Trunks, steals his time machine. He goes back and creates:
Timeline C: aka the one we see. Timeline B Cell (somehow) alters things so 17/18 dont face the Z-Warriors right off, so he can get his hands on them. He may also be responsible for them being stronger, so they can survive until he can eat them. This timeline's Cell is killed when Bulma and... Trunks I think? Find his larval form and kill it.
dragon ball kakarot is nothing like 3d legacy of goku. it is more like dbz budokai tenkaichi 2 or 3. With the ability to max out all stats with different types of food. Stats go higher than 1 million and different forms that increase attack power. And you can upgrade skills and passives like forms don't take ki. And also friendship circles. It is a 1 player game with no multiplayer feature or pvp. Unlike dragon ball xenoverse and xenoverse 2. And yes it could take months to max out all stats and skills. Unless you use cheat engine when you complete the game: which is allowed in offline games.
ОтветитьTry Legendary Super Warriors for the game boy color, it's a turn based card game. You do moves through the cards. It goes all the way to the buu saga.