I got the Red Dead 2 platinum a few years back and it was really grindy. Took me consistent hours of gameplay, lots of sweat, blood, tears, and energy drinks. It took over my life, but at the end of the day, it was worth it. Definitely one of my Top 3 favorite games of all time and one my most proudest platinums on my PlayStation list.
ОтветитьI like this game it feel realistic rockstar try
ОтветитьReaching SSL in rocket league😅
ОтветитьI didn't even know a Fortnite platinum existed tbh
ОтветитьRdr2 worth every millisecond❤
ОтветитьNgl good the red dead online died, the ammount of times i got popped with explosive for no reason is ridiculous
ОтветитьI've been grinding the binding of isaac and man...
ОтветитьI’m pretty sure you need to be unemployed to become Emperor in that game lol
Ответитьwhere's sea of thieves?
ОтветитьI’m not joking I would rather do every single one of these 10 times before the fortnite platinum once. And that’s coming from someone who still plays fortnite.
ОтветитьRdr 2 is my favourite platnium to this day
ОтветитьFall guys is an honorable mention
It’s not really a grind, but if you’re free to play, getting level 40 fame and legendary customization option for your bean suck pairs of socks
The Gran Turismo 7 trophy also takes a lot of grinding
Ответитьim in the middle of trying for the 100% for red dead on pc having already played on xbox and playstation im almost done getting all the red dead online stuff clocked in at almost 50 hours
ОтветитьI am not surprised in the slightest with fortnite at number 1. Ive debated on grinding it but i just cant convince myself lol
ОтветитьFortnite is very easy tho definitely not 9/10
ОтветитьFortnite is a free massive in popularity game but you know what else is massive
Trust me just give up on fortnite platinum, they get you to do the SAME MISSION over and over again getting different items but the objectives never change late game its almost always ''find this location'' ''Inspect this item'' and you have to like 30 of those per area and the objectives take like 1-4 games (mostly 2 or 3) games of 12-20 minutes, ITS SO ANNOYING THAT IT MAKES YOU WANT TO QUIT AND YOU BURN OUT SO MUCH EASIER
ОтветитьFortnite is not a 9/10 difficulty, it’s a 3/10, it’s a grind but not hard at all.
ОтветитьTony Hawk
ОтветитьBro people be saying games are dead when they are not at all battlefront2 not dead rdro not dead even oh god fort… nite💩🤮 hasn’t died yet
ОтветитьIs cup head a hard one I got all the trophies, even the DLC
Ответитьcrypt of the necrodancer is def worse
ОтветитьI platinumed the last of us remastered. I spent 2 days straight grinding the multiplayer and it was terrible. Some of the least fun I've had, but I dealt with it since it's my favorite game of all time and wanted that trophy. I also platinumed the witcher 3 but that was more fun
ОтветитьBro is exaggerating lol, half of these games take half the time he has shown.
ОтветитьYou showed collectibles map for rdr2 online not single player idiot
ОтветитьCrypt of the necrodancer???
ОтветитьI’m happy to say I have rdr2
ОтветитьCrypt of the necrodancer left the chat I guess
Ответитьanyone on xbox interested in online achievements together?
ОтветитьGran Turismo 5 takes so long because of the endurance races where you have to race for multiple hours straight, plus you have to do every race in A Spec and B Spec. B Spec races are also longer then A Spec races becouse your not the one racing
ОтветитьFortnite is the hardest? 😂I had no clue & I've had that platinum for a year
ОтветитьBlack ops 3 and GTA V were my most grindiest trophies, I'm currently doing rdr2 and asking myself why everyday 🤣 If anyone would like to help me with the online trophy on ps5 for rdr2 I'd very much appreciate it!!
ОтветитьHow can you put at number 5 a 200h platinum and for 4 and 3 platinums with 500h when are many games with 999+ hours like monster hunter world, crypt of the necrodancer or two more games with 1300+h that i dont remember the names
ОтветитьI got the platinum in Death Stranding and that’s considered very grindy. But it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played and I enjoyed every minute of it
ОтветитьFinal Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn left the chat.
Ответитьi just recently started the grind for rdr2 i have yet to play online but- i got a lot to still do
ОтветитьI was just going To grind platinum rdr2 after i complete story Mode mission i bought it 1-2 days ago after everyone telling i should BUY it
ОтветитьI must be getting old, people forget Star Ocean. As a trophy hunter, that game was notorious for years with a 1000 hour super long platinum grind.
I also have the Gran Turismo 5 platinum, a special place in hell is reserved for Red Bull.
And I thought lego starwars the skywalker saga was hard
ОтветитьI platinumed the 1st Red dead on ps3
ОтветитьI’ve got every single rdr2 trophy apart from the multiplayer ones bc it’s a fucking dead online game
Ответить14 and last Yr I 100% rdr2 going for plat o js need 70n gold medals
ОтветитьKingdom hearts both collections had some painful grinds. Especially dream drop distance that game is so awful
ОтветитьDark souls 3 is pretty hard too, at least I presume you still have to do the covenant farming for play station, cuz you have to on pc
ОтветитьI almost have the fortnite one
ОтветитьI am grinding for the Fortnite Plat atm
ОтветитьHave about 1200 hrs of the game since it’s Been out n I’m still stuck on zoology and skin deep
ОтветитьYou really missed a few
Death Stranding
Baldur's gate 3
Monster hunter rise
Final fantasy 7 Remake & Rebirth
I swear I'll do RDR2 one day, I have most of the online achievements from the time it was alive.
The grindiest one I did was Monster Hunter World, but on PC it's a lot easier when you have tools to tell you if the monster is eligible for the small/large crowns without spending an absurd amount of hours grinding. It still took me about 400h.