Cherryessa Farm (Ready or Not Lore)

Cherryessa Farm (Ready or Not Lore)

Shayne, Please Shut Up

9 месяцев назад

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@rubenthekid - 06.08.2024 06:00

I'm gonna say what nobody else is willing to say; the red scare was completely valid.

@Quatum8 - 07.08.2024 07:37

whats the way to play the missions in order since the home invasion dlc?

@matyu_rz - 07.08.2024 16:45

Don't forget that the basement has wines

@AverageHomelessMan - 08.08.2024 03:31

"The radio reception out here is terrible, I couldnt call for backup" Not even 15 seconds later "Did you try radioing for assistance?"

@Ripa-Moramee - 09.08.2024 03:12

I have a much darker theory about this. I could be completely wrong but considering what happened to Gerard, I seriously think they trained that person in the USIA, msde her go insane and then released her into the wild as a sort of experiment.

She then began manipulating and controlling vulnerable women, perhaps those who have been abused or even darker yet, perhaps not. Or at least not by the people she directs it at. Maybe she fabricates the abuse off of the back of collective abuse or other hardships through out the individual's life. Its pretty clear they all seem insane. She does this so she can again, manipulate them and basically turn them into her foot soldiers. From one of those audio recorders you played it honestly sounded like she was making up the story about their "God" as she went along. It could very well be q mixture of both people who were actually abused or simply controlled into believing it. Either way I find this theory to be much darker and more in line with the garard stuff.

@skeeter3969 - 11.08.2024 04:20

Holy shit, who the fuck wrote that idiot 911 operator lines, that's not the first time thwy have wasted valuable time on a call asking them to repeat shit they have already clearly said

@operationblackout2511 - 12.08.2024 04:15

To be honest Shayne I'd see the Goddess Artemis as more like their Goddess. She is often depicted as outright hostile to men, and has a group of followers called the Hunters of Artemis. She is also a protector of women, and takes revenge against men who see her naked or who r*pe women. She is also the goddess of Hunting meaning she knows how to fight. Also the statue almost looks like it has antlers, and Artemis is the goddess of wild animals, and sometimes depicted as having such.

@ojikhan4582 - 13.08.2024 19:17

Red Rising reference ♥️♥️🤘🏼

@Jarod-vg9wq - 17.08.2024 18:00

You know what would be interesting, a major earthquake hits LS(the big one California is gonna get eventually p) devastating the city whole neighborhood’s torn up, whole blocks on fire 🔥 even gas main explosions wrecking stuff even more. So it’s the swats teams duty to save lives, help vigilante squads setting up safe zones in blocks.

@mikestion4629 - 20.08.2024 09:00


Seems that VOID has a sense of humor.

@thecheck968 - 28.08.2024 05:56

This map is actually the one that disturbs me the most from the game. The cult is objectively evil: indoctrinating women at their lowest points while benefitting when these victims never heal and, instead, spiral further into violence and sexism. But that hatred of someone who wronged someone so deeply is intoxicating. You can see it in this very fandom. How many players decided to enact vigilante justice after finding out what Vole did to those kids? How many people in real life have seen the justice system fail them or someone they love? This game got me to empathize with a cult with a murder board, and that's pretty scary looking inwards.

@Speederzzz - 31.08.2024 13:17

I hope those girls all got their revenge before the mission

@nos5915 - 04.09.2024 00:28

I'm surprised he never brought up Artemis. Artemis is most famous for helping women escape abuse and teaching them to join the Hunt, and she's absolutely known to murder and torture men who mistreat women. And I think the fact that the god of wine was raised as a woman and is often considered a deity of transgender people, might be relevant for this theory.

@Theintoxicatedsniper - 05.09.2024 21:00

Dude I thought this was a sim version of siege… not only that it has a lore and backstory to rival that of the peak of trayarchs zombies maps……..I’m in might have to buy this

@DJ.Artyom - 07.09.2024 03:10

that spec ops the line music

@kelvingriffiths6017 - 09.09.2024 18:54

Man this game could be an amazing tv series.

@idiot-rabbit - 10.09.2024 05:37

i like your goddess theories but i was a greek mythos kid in middle school so have my one "uhm actually!" moment:
there is a high chance their "goddess" isn't really a goddess at all, but more a monster if you go by certain tellings of the myth
if you look around the farm house you can find various statues and other depictions of medusa, who in certain versions of her myth was assaulted by poseidon in athena's temple and was cursed as a punishment and became resentful
what with the entire cult being entirely(?) made of abused women in every sort of aspect it would make perfect sense for them to worship medusa like a goddess, she represents the hurt they've been through but also that they can fight back against men who've wronged them

@Twigggggy - 10.09.2024 18:15

based cult

@name1585 - 12.09.2024 20:41

Their methods were definitely super extreme, but I do not believe that in the grand scheme of things they are the bad guys. Yeah, they kill, but I don’t think that sexual assault is treated badly enough in society and in the law. These women had their lives, potentially ruined, so who cares that they took a little bit of vengeance.

@matro2 - 14.09.2024 11:19

Takes to guts to depict feminists as antagonists in this age.

@DeadManSinging1 - 14.09.2024 16:43

The story telling on this mission is insane. This is the most sympathetic faction in the game, apart from the trans brothers. Doing this non lethal was a challenge, but I felt like I needed to do it.

@DeadManSinging1 - 14.09.2024 17:13

I think the goddess is meant to be Gaia, the Mother Goddess, which is why she is a tree. There have never been blood sacrificed associated with her, but likely that is just part of the fabrication on Raskin's part

@caedis168 - 18.09.2024 00:21

What’s the music in the intro?

@jonathandiaz4997 - 24.09.2024 17:35

4 months ago 😅😮

@tyranttracergaming - 09.10.2024 22:20

I know I'm extremely late to this, but during the debrief, when the Lead Officer says "There's been plenty of shit shows over the years in situations like this," he is referencing either Waco or Ruby Ridge. I'm inclined to say Waco, due to the extreme similarities of the map design and the design of the Waco compound (large central courtyard, tall watchtower, church). I wonder if this confirms anything timeline wise. We know the game isn't obviously set in a 1-1 retelling of our currently timeline, due to the Vietnam lore stuff and the 56 presidents or something along the lines of that. I know the Attorney General came under a load of fire due to these incidents in real life, so I wonder if that's what the Lead is referencing, and if Attorney Generals are affected by the large presidential turnover + issues with America.

@DrProfScience1 - 15.10.2024 03:07

Biggest joke in this video is Shayne saying MK Ultra failed. As if the CIA hasn't literally perfected how to manipulate and control the American population.

@jts0221 - 18.10.2024 17:05

The environmental storytelling in this game is phenomenal

@serpenticide_555 - 28.10.2024 14:29

Using bible quotes to get amped to take vengeance on your r@pist is pretty goofy. Someone obviously hasn't read the sketchier parts of the bible lol

@jonfletcher4811 - 04.11.2024 02:22

What bothers me is that you can hear a distinct heartbeat come from the tree when you're in the church building

@jfeeble - 30.11.2024 12:33

Seems like there’s a lore buildup from before the time that the game takes place in. Maybe there could be a prequel, or a flashback storyline. The 90s uniform was the one you get for completing the game, after all. Maybe they had it modeled already and put it in.

@FishbedFive - 04.12.2024 20:46

i feel bad for dispatcher girl, imagine being probably 18-20 and you have to go through some ace combat ass monologue without the ability to hang up

i hope she has coffee

@guffs5126 - 10.12.2024 01:39

That 911 caller is like i dont het paid enough for this

@dd11111 - 13.12.2024 23:54

Oh dear god no.
I really REALLY hope they don't go supernatural with the story of RoN.
Keep it to goverment courruption, conspiracices and straight up crime. "It was an eldrich horror all along" is SO played out now.

@stellabloom9477 - 14.12.2024 14:21

I mean, we’re the women really wrong? I can understand their frustration working against a system that never really works in your favour. Obviously killing innocents etc is never on but the creation of the cult I can kinda understand. I love how RoN really does questionable morality

@mattboggs6304 - 16.12.2024 21:17

Love this level. What other game lets you shoot batshit crazy lesbian feminists?

@snokey1153 - 18.12.2024 02:10

So basically… your fighting redditors

@Eric.A.Gonzalez - 25.12.2024 01:07

>radio doesnt work
"Have you tried calling on the radio"
Most realistic part of the game

@minemk06 - 23.01.2025 17:26

I personally do not believe in that Judge can be MK Ultra victim. Unless we see the dates of those messages and all evidence about Gamma 1 it's hard to tell if it's true about this whole shit. Technically all what we seen in game about this seems to be old, like Gerard/Raskin as former USIA, or the hidden room at LSPD station, it looks like it was abandoned many years before the game action started. We don't have any information when Raskin and Scott left USIA, but it doesn't look like a fresh event and if i am not wrong Judge was tasked to lead the D Platoon when game action started (correct me if i wrote something wrong here)

@JackKnight-nb9wq - 24.01.2025 17:19

Seemingly a familiar magazine... almost like it's currently happening irl

@schreckgaming2606 - 27.01.2025 12:32

My personal theory is Judge was a soldier after service went to USIA as an operator and taken somewhere trained to be able to do almost everything needed and is now sent by the USIA to different crime ridden city's to "help" while in reality is just hunting down his former colleagues

@kesslermillard9229 - 29.01.2025 05:28

I was not expecting a Red Rising joke in my Ready or Not lore video.

@Rohv - 09.02.2025 13:56

I just played Ready or Not and love your videos. I watch a video of the level each time I finish. I can't be bothered to look at all the stuff. Thanks for doing this.

@discipleofdagon8195 - 12.02.2025 08:45

Fellas, I could fix them

@sgrind3507 - 17.02.2025 19:47


@alexanderhood8993 - 21.02.2025 19:14

It sound like cohorts was attempt to plant agent of influence in every government around the world including their own government and it being failure is most likely because agent of influence decided to use their influence to benefit themselves instead of organization they're part of and considering she said they have released monster into world imply that agent of influence was meant to force for good only them to become corrupt and using their agent of influence for evil purposes but if it's a mk ultra sleeper agent kind of situation then it seem that someone manages to find out how to control all of sleeper agent who is not apart of their universe equivalent of CIA.
