Croatian Long Distance Trail - 2 hour footage of a thru hike (mostly no talking)

Croatian Long Distance Trail - 2 hour footage of a thru hike (mostly no talking)

Nikola Horvat - Tesla

4 года назад

2,792 Просмотров

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@luthtech - 15.01.2021 17:27

i like hiking

@9309-k7e - 15.01.2021 21:07

Hi Nicola, great that there is now various long distance hiking trails going through your beautiful country. What nobody could tell me so far is, where the difference lies between CLDT, Via Adriatica and Via Dinarica, in the coastal mountain parts from Velebit to Biokovo?
Any explanations on that? Cheers, Jens, a future thruhiker in Croatia...

@mattbiseniusHikingBizz - 15.01.2021 23:08

Thank you for sharing this with me I will not sure it unless you give me permission .

@sanjabojcic5626 - 15.01.2021 23:44

I ja bi :)

@certaintraveler8284 - 26.01.2021 04:06

Great video!

@tomislavmiketic4932 - 09.11.2021 22:37

Great video, fantastic scenary... But, one objection: wouldn't it be great to leave a mark of different locations over all that trail showed in this video?
