Beyond the Euromaidan: Comparative Perspectives on Advancing Reform in Ukraine, H. Hale & R. Orttung

Beyond the Euromaidan: Comparative Perspectives on Advancing Reform in Ukraine, H. Hale & R. Orttung


54 года назад

154 Просмотров

Full interview with Professors Henry E. Hale and Robert W. Orttung on "Beyond the Euromaidan: Comparative Perspectives on Advancing Reform in Ukraine", George Washington University, Washington, D.C., United States of America, 17 January 2017.

- Why has Ukraine had such a difficult time since independence, why reforms are continuously stalled?
- 1:00 Comparisons with other countries, how to overcome obstacles. Best experts on Ukraine, best experts on issues
- 2:05 Book began during Yanukovych era
- 3:08 Did not focus on military reform, banking reform, electoral reform
- 3:25 Six (6) topics addressed in Ukraine: corruption, oligarchs, rule of law, constitution building, economic reform, identity politics
- 4:20 Practical exposure to revolution; Good teachers have essential exposure to the real world. Fertile exchange with participants was rewarding
- 6:20 Fundamental issues: corruption, influence of international community, constitution. Corruption and oligarchary have not been dealt with
- 7:02 Pervasive corruption in Ukrainian society is entrenched because people think this is the way things are normally done. No foundation of the rule of law which is the foundation of a working democracy
- 8:05 President Poroshenko is an oligarch. Politicians do not have an interest in getting rid of corruption because they benefit from it directly. Fighting corruption will be a grass roots effort, thus the importance of civil society
- 8:30 Ukrainian politicians are not taking the lead on corruption
- 8:50 Freedom of the press is a problem in Ukraine, blocking change in Ukraine
- 10:20 Surprising, disappointing that ideals people fought for were not realized, little progress
- 11:30 Fate of Viktor Yanukovych was not expected, foreseen
- 12:31 Constitution of Ukraine has been a reasonable success thus far, system of checks and balances, limited ability of President or any other politicians to usurp power
- 14:27 Small economic progress and reform, some changes in energy sector, gas sector, less Russian participation in energy system
- 15:06 Much stronger sense of Ukrainian identity, unity
- 15:25 Media scandals, several journalists killed in recent years. Small progress but reason for hope
- 15:56 Corruption reforms do not kick in right away. Research shows fruits do not appear for several years
- 16:36 Ukrainians have proven that popular mass mobilization can clearly make a difference, but today, elections are the way to resolve political differences. Opposition express through elections is better than street protests
- 18:35 Mikheil Saakashvili, E-declarations in Ukraine
- 20:20 Donald Trump wants a much closer relationship with Putin. Where does Ukraine fits in with American system of values? Should Americans stand up for Ukrainians or make a deal and sell off Ukraine for oil drilling rights in the Arctic? What are our values?

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