Todd Alquist: Breaking Bad's Coldest Villain

Todd Alquist: Breaking Bad's Coldest Villain

Just an Observation

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@Bumpercat86 - 11.03.2025 22:02

chubby todd is based ngl

@x-rex7236 - 11.03.2025 22:04

Walter - Pride/Envy
Gus - Wrath
Hector - Greed
Saul - Gluttony
Todd - Lust
Holly - Sloth

@andu1854 - 11.03.2025 22:13

Still satisfying when Jesse gets his revenge

@thewaltner - 11.03.2025 22:21

as a person with autism, todd has absolutely no resemblance to someone on the spectrum. as another commenter pointed out, autism does not = cold and unempathetic. we may struggle sometimes to put the way we empathise with people into words, but we still experience empathy as much as neurotypical people do. also, "missing social cues" usually translates for me at least into not knowing when to respond in a conversation or end it etc, it does not extend to the kind of psychotic things that todd does. he has only ever read as a clinical psychopath to me.

@detective___mcnulty - 11.03.2025 22:28

Can you do a video on Patty Hewes from the show Damage (FX/Hulu)?

@detective___mcnulty - 11.03.2025 22:29

Can you do a video on Victor Mackey from the show The Shield (FX/Hulu)?

@gongalicious - 11.03.2025 22:51

I think one thing a lot of people forget to factor in about Todd's character are his ties to white supremacy. He's not a swastika tattooed full blown neo nazi like his uncle and his crew, but you can bet your ass he probably agrees with them. At least, the fact they are nazis doesn't bother him. He's an example of the banality of pure evil. A lot of people who support that mentality are like Todd: outwardly polite, boring, seemingly normal people until you dig under the surface. But most evil isn't loud and boisterous about it, it walks right beside you on the sidewalk or stands behind you at the checkout line. Of course he has no issue killing people, he already dehumanizes entire groups/associates with people who do. He doesn't even get any pleasure out of killing— he sees killing a person as no different than squashing a bug. Everything is a means to an end with Todd, and that's why he's so scary. He's evil, but he blends in. You just have to be lucky enough that you aren't the person in his way when he decides to strike.

@brianlbeck - 11.03.2025 22:55

I'll never forget when he told Jesse "I believe you... But unfortunately I won't know that for sure until after I torture you."

@Archon_UA - 11.03.2025 22:56

Man doesn't know difference between good and evil, he just does as he was taught without any thoughts, practically like a tool.

@spouwnerring - 11.03.2025 23:04

I find it really funny that when it comes to the season 5 characters, Todd and sometimes Lydia are showered with video essays, but never Jack even though he's the main villian of season 5 and the final boss.

@eon6274 - 11.03.2025 23:04

I love this whole character in general. Jesse Plemons, the actor, said that even the showrunners would come up to him sometimes being afraid or talking to him extra nice because he played his character so well. The lines blurred between the actor and the character. Similar to Tuco, how it seemed like he got treated as if he really was Tuco on the Eric Andre show

@davemac9563 - 11.03.2025 23:05

I also see Jesse as Christopher Moltisanti from the Sopranos at times, only if Jesse were a violent sociopath.

@JiveDadson - 11.03.2025 23:12

Jesse is evil, too.

@PoolKid75 - 11.03.2025 23:19

He also played a great villain on an episode of Black Mirror.

@guyinc0gnito - 11.03.2025 23:26

Item 1: Todd. Yeah, he’s the new Bad member.

@irlrp - 11.03.2025 23:38

This is mindblowing, i didn't realise how deep todd actually is, he seems very "shallow" but he really is not when you understand it. Thank you so much for that eye opening video

@KCGainz - 11.03.2025 23:52

They shoulda had him kill brock in front of of Jesse. They don’t show it but it shows blood splatter on Jesses face as he watches in Horror begging Todd not to hurt brock as he cries begging Jesse to help him before getting shot.

@tapset - 11.03.2025 23:53

He couldve played kingpin in el Camino

@jdmac44 - 12.03.2025 00:14

I don't' want to be dead inside or evil, but I wish I was more like Todd. 😂

@stuff400 - 12.03.2025 00:22

While he might have ASPD I think he is also in the autistic spectrum he reminds me much more of someone with autism than ASPD

@drewberriesandcream - 12.03.2025 00:37

Todd has the ability to awaken a special kind of rage inside of me that only Umbridge could trigger.

@skillet9141 - 12.03.2025 00:42

A dozen years after Breaking Bad’s end and there’s still a new video out there dissecting an aspect of the show. Talk about potent writing.

I’d kill to be that good. 😅

@danielaf1487 - 12.03.2025 00:47

Jesse Plemons is a phenomenal actor... and Kirsten Dunst's husband! I wonder if his and Aaron Paul's scenes together were ever confusing when the director gave them cues, seeing as one was called Jesse fictionally and the other in real life? ha ha! Anyway, I think Todd's death in the final moments of Felina was the only death I outright enjoyed! I don't "enjoy" anyone's screen death, not even a baddie's... but Todd's came as such a relief!

@domi_marshal - 12.03.2025 00:51

Todd is cosmic horror personified. Much closer to a Titan on AoT than a regular movie villain

@rosewasnttaken - 12.03.2025 00:55

"just because youre autistic doesnt mean youre cold and heartless"
yeah no shit, nobody is saying todd is cold and heartless because hes autistic. hes a psycopath, which DOES make him cold and heartless

@sigi0650 - 12.03.2025 01:12

Is todd sociophat

@danielaf1487 - 12.03.2025 01:26

Just an Observation, I hope you'll also get around to doing a video essay of Lydia. She's also in her own way such a repulsive villain. Uptight, forever stressed and anxious and has absolutely no problem having dozens of people murdered on a whim, just to placate some fleeting paranoia of hers. Laura Fraser plays her amazingly, also considering her real accent is Scottish!

@Narmy2k - 12.03.2025 01:26

What would Breaking Bad look like if it was Todd instead of Jesse?

@DarkEclipce - 12.03.2025 01:39

The inverse of Jesse. Todd is realistically childish. Children look to others to define their behaviors similar to Todd. It's almost sociopathic of them at times, but they can't help it they're learning to. Jesse is childish because he had to look after his sick Aunt so he was partially parentified at a young age. It makes him highly moralistic and a bit ADHD which is like child naivety and random silliness.

@duplicate-l1y - 12.03.2025 01:41

'Tistic Todd

@jamez6398 - 12.03.2025 01:55

Jesse isn't a good guy, he is what you would call somebody who would be coloured grey on the morality spectrum alongside Skyler even Hank was willing to let Jesse be killed by Walter to get his man, whereas Todd and Walter are outright evil and willing to hurt children. There are no morally pure characters in Breaking Bad except Holly because she is literally a baby, it is a show that operates on what you would call black and grey morality. If you are a character in the show you are either morally compromised or outright evil, and that's it. Jesse can't be an angel on your shoulder because Jesse is morally grey. If you follow Jesse from the start of season one and earlier's lead, you would be swiftly dead or arrested, and probably smoke the majority of your product, and the Jesse from the later seasons is more competent but more broken and self-destructive due to his intense feelings of guilt. If you are going to listen to anybody, probably listen to Elliot and Gretchen and take their money, or maybe just don't bother with the medical treatment, just abandon your family, wander off into the desert and commit s****de. Without burdening the family with medical debt, it's probably better she downsize, do more hours accounting for Ted or somebody else considering he is also compromised, and split the load of looking after Holly between herself, Marie and Hank, Flynn, and a babysitter, and Elliot and Gretchen would have probably given Skyler the money because they'll be, like, "Welp, Walter is no longer standing in our way of giving his family some of our money. Here we go." Better that than the chaos and trail of bodies, Hank's and Steve's deaths, Skyler's and Flynn's destroyed psyches and public ire due to people's dumb guilt-by-association mentality, and destroyed lives, Andrea's death, Jane's death, Drew's death, Brock's loss of his mother and his near-death experience, and Skyler having her baby Holly's life threatened by Todd. Every time I rewatch Breaking Bad, I find it remarkable how much earlier than I expect in the show Walter actually commits to a life of crime out of ego than necessity considering I always think it's later on in the show than it actually is. I think he is at his most sympathetic and understandable and actually needing to do crime in season 1 episode 1, less and less so thereafter. I mean, Jesse is still an angel compared to Todd, though, Todd definitely fits the devil on the shoulder down to a T...

@rickcobos1724 - 12.03.2025 02:04

Strip away the personality differences, that one is extremely suave and confident, while the other is so cold and awkard.

Todd and Lalo are the exact same person. Furthermore, they have the commonality of crime ring leaders for uncles.

@Dylandontplay - 12.03.2025 02:16


@Asidchild - 12.03.2025 02:27

Todd is one of my favorite villains. While I see how some of his behavior is autism spectrum adjacent, I think it’s important to recognize that “missing social cues” is about not grasping subtext or ulterior motive, not just being socially inept or dim witted. An autistic person is more likely to be earnest to the point of seeing social subtext as a waste of time and energy. Todd understands subtext, he just doesn’t value human life. He’s a simulacrum of human qualities hiding in a trench coat.

The fact that Todd never experiences an elevated state of arousal (the clinical meaning of the word) and is devoid of empathy makes him closer to a psychopath that is probably developmentally disabled in some respect. He wants to be human insofar as he thinks it will let him continue doing what he wants to do, no more, no less.

@tedparkinson2033 - 12.03.2025 02:53

Cant wait for the new spinoff, Better Snodd Todd

@John231984 - 12.03.2025 03:12

To put it simply. Todd has ASPD.

@I_am_Junebug - 12.03.2025 03:42

Uncle JACK. Get it right, please.

@whogon - 12.03.2025 03:56

Evil yes.

@MatteBlackJericho - 12.03.2025 04:05

Todd is Evil Jesse and Jesse P is Evil Will Poulter, prove me wrong

@sheriffliberty9302 - 12.03.2025 04:37

You should do some videos on severance

@Pablo-t6q7h - 12.03.2025 04:59

Tbh Walt and Jesse done worst things at that point of the series I dont see wrong on Todd’s actions it was either them or the child and is not like he torture him he shot him probably the child didn’t even suffer

@austinmc12 - 12.03.2025 05:26


@globetrekker86 - 12.03.2025 05:33

Todd is evil Jesse, for he is portrayed by Jesse Plemons (a.k.a. Young Matt Damon)

@creepy_nj5098 - 12.03.2025 06:54

Really nice i didn't see it that way, very interesting

@JoJoJoker - 12.03.2025 06:55

Hey, a Fat Damon video!

@jule3480 - 12.03.2025 08:29

Out of all the violent characters in BB, his bothered me the most. It was written and acted so chillingly well.

@bagginsthemighty - 12.03.2025 08:30

Poor guy got Leonardo Dicaprio syndrome and his head inflated by 200%. No wonder he is the way he is.

@MacUnderscore - 12.03.2025 08:33

i think another parrelel is how todd and jesse both lived walters final action, these 2 sides on his sholders as walt enacts his last act of violence todd looks on at the thing that caused it before jesse strangles him to death, moments later, walt dies, the devil dead and the evil mostly gone, but jesse lives on

perhaps todd and jesse represent jing and yang, i also find it intresting how both of them respected walter in a world that didnt, perhaps another reason they both where not killed via his hand, theres jesse in todd and theres todd in jesse, jing yang

@pacus123 - 12.03.2025 09:31

Umm, Jesse was also evil.
