Part 2   Bulk Converting Assets and Cryengine Importer

Part 2 Bulk Converting Assets and Cryengine Importer


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@GoslingDaniel - 23.01.2018 12:14

I just do not get this converter. i cant get it to work with powershell, i try just doing the dirty and dragging the files onto it in explorer and nothing converts to anything.

@DJWilliams777 - 25.01.2018 00:30

So I tried my hand at this tutorial but when i get to part where you convert the Adder mech i chose to convert the Timber Wolf mech using command line:
PS C:\depot\mwo\objects\mechs\timberwolf> foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem -Recurse *.cga,*.cgf,*.chr,*.skin)) { cgf-converter.exe $file -objectdir "c:\depot\mwo" }

This is the error I get:
cgf-converter.exe : The term 'cgf-converter.exe' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify
that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:72
+ ... dItem -Recurse *.cga,*.cgf,*.chr,*.skin)) { cgf-converter.exe $file - ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (cgf-converter.exe:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

@argodark-blade2791 - 26.04.2018 06:21

When I try to import the Timberwolf, I get RuntimeError: class IMPORT_SCENE_OT_mech, ... incompatible return value, str. Any idea why? The other mechs work fine

@MrStubbs8157 - 08.05.2018 00:00

Wondering, if later on (if perhaps the long lasting copyright rules gets freed as Piranha abandons it) we can import them and fly them around in Star Citizen doing a real "planetary league" thing.
At least I have hopes for waaaay into the future, the tech designer of StarCitizen hopefully does another Mechwarrior Living Legends (he was one of the devs behind that mod) with less twitchy mechs and a combined arms approach. Possibilities with the vehicle system of SC would be absolutely suitable to do a whole battletech universe game. And he would love to do it one day.. :)

@Shark-sh0t - 11.05.2018 04:35

When I try to import to Blender, I get a metric boatload of Traceback errors, not sure how to handle them. :C

@Hannibal-sr9qx - 19.05.2018 12:56

Thank for these videos man. Very helpful.

@KijiroBugboy - 23.05.2018 00:31

When I imported my Black Lanner into Blender, it didn't come with the proper materials already enabled. I had to manually enable them for the base 'Mech, and now I find that the models of the weapons themselves have no correct materials! The four mentioned in this video all render improperly, suggesting that materials are missing. The weapon hardpoints, however, do have the proper materials.

I made sure to use the exact same extract command you did and everything seems to have been extracted. Do you have any explanation for why I might be having this issue and how to solve it?

EDIT: I'm pretty sure the cause is that the generic.001 material is blank. Why is this?

@MarokarrRavefox - 01.09.2018 07:29

I'm having trouble to get it to work. It keeps giving me an error in the &file -objectdir saying something about an unexpected token. what is causing this and how do i fix it please.

@death_barrier - 27.09.2018 05:24

How could I extract models and designs from an encrypted .pak file?

@sythreos1519 - 29.10.2018 00:22

powershall is throwing at me errors with conflict in chunk definition numbers+numbers
then i open up the mech model in blender and half of the mech is missing. plz help ;-;

@MegaMitrandir - 29.12.2018 16:40

Hello! There is an issue - after conversion i opened the files in maya and saw that in the texture file path there is aditional \ at the start ( it looks like \S:\Games\...\...) and the blender script obviously cant find the texture.
the comand looks like this after i get ito game root dirrectory: foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem -Recurse *.cgf,*.cga,*.chr,*.skin)) { S:\Games\MyGame\converter\cgf-converter.exe $file -objectdir "S:\Games\MyGame\WIP_exported" }. mtl files and dds textures lies in the same folder with models. Could you please help to solve this

@Techcraft15 - 31.12.2018 00:38

Thank you for this awesome tutorial! .... I have on big poblem... When I render an Animation with the Mech, the textures dissappear, after ist has rendered about 20 frames. The Mech just turns pink apfter that.... Do you have a solution for that problem, please?

@Techcraft15 - 31.12.2018 00:38

Thank you for this awesome tutorial! .... I have on big poblem... When I render an Animation with the Mech, the textures dissappear, after ist has rendered about 20 frames. The Mech just turns pink apfter that.... Do you have a solution for that problem, please?

@P_o_l_a_r_i_s - 17.02.2019 23:38

Running into a constant issue when trying to import newer mechs into blender. i get this error - RuntimeError: class IMPORT_SCENE_OT_mech, function execute: incompatible return value , str(, Function.result expected a set, not a bool)

location: <unknown location>:-1

Not really sure what i am doing wrong if anything at all. Appreciate any assistance from anyone with knowledge on the matter.

@NeroimusIndustries - 18.04.2019 22:49

Having issues exporting the Marauder II into blender, just get a littany of errors when I attempt.

@skalpell8472 - 21.05.2019 21:43

Converting some Star Citizen assets and I'm encountering this:

Unhandled Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

at CgfConverter.ArgsHandler.ProcessArgs(String[] inputArgs) in C:\Users\Geoff\Source\Repos\cgf-converter\CgfConverter\Services\ArgsHandler.cs:line 120
at CgfConverterConsole.Program.Main(String[] args)

Here is the foreach statement:

foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem -Recurse *.cga,*.cgam,*.cgf,*.cgfm)) { .\cgf-converter.exe $file -objectdir

I appreciate your time, thank you

@Sunxxxxxx - 07.07.2019 18:22

I look forward to having news about level importer.

@Sunxxxxxx - 09.09.2019 15:11

Sorry Geoffrey but I have two questions about this method: Does this method ( the prefabs importer ) works with obj file (without materials) instead of dae file ? And does this work with SC 3.5 ? Because I have problem with dae file.

@KayhoticGames - 21.02.2020 05:14

mate thank you for this tutorial! BUT i DO have to disagree with one thing

Warhammer and the cougar are the best mechs.

@KayhoticGames - 22.02.2020 10:53

where are the weapon textures located? half of the weapons on the mechs i extracted do not use the "variation" texture

@tantrumus7186 - 13.06.2020 23:40

Installed Blender 2.79b and tried to do User Preferences Install Addon from file ... browsed to where I have the importer python script...chose install addon... doesnt show up. Any ideas?

@Souldrainer2021 - 23.06.2020 04:24

With all the models being taken down maybe we need a discord to share tips and er... stuff :) So far was able to generate a model for a couple of mechs its pretty neat. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

@fortressonahill5860 - 26.06.2020 11:35

Hi I am not sure if you are still taking on messages regarding this tool, but what exactly does it mean when there is a conflict in chunk definition? I keep on seeing this happend when ever an autocannon is converted.

@guinnessguinness8027 - 15.07.2020 19:45

Hey man, long time fan of your work. I learned how to do this back on your last 3.5 part series! The amount of work you put in on pre-rigging these mechs is so tremendous. Having had to do it myself I can't appreciate it enough. Now, I'm coming back into this after being gone for ages it seems and I'm learning everything all over again. So is there a known issue where a mech might not import with all of it's components? Specifically I'm having an issue with a Centurion. It's coming over without it's head. Not sure what happened there. Should I re-run the converter?

@RedVRCC - 22.11.2020 21:34

using the -objectdir argument causes the program to break, but not using it makes the program work as intended although it dumps my DAE files into the folder with the CryEngine data (not a big deal).

@Sunxxxxxx - 22.01.2021 14:16

Will Geoffrey come back on it one day?

@OddJobEntertainment - 27.01.2021 02:22

how long does this generally take for a larger game like SC? I did the bulk conversion method and it's been going for 16hours? ryzen 3900x, gtx 1080, 32gb ram

@peterbehere - 02.02.2021 05:15

Extract entire zipped folder "io_cryengine_importer" to the addons folder of Blender "/scripts/addons" for this addon to be recognized.

I used Blender version 2.83.

@schitify - 04.06.2021 01:53

When I'm using this to convert a mech I get a fair few of these errors
Conflict in chunk definition
and then when I import it it only imports the bones. Any ideas?

@conorabc - 27.02.2022 00:27

do these tools still work as of Star Citizen 3.16? I'm getting the models into blender but certain things are in the wrong spots, and i've had no dice getting the textures to apply properly to the models.

@noxxarionroar5426 - 12.05.2022 23:16

First of all, thank you for you awesome work.
Second, is there a compability problem with Blender 3.x ? because i can import the model just fine but neither the Bones nor the rigging are clöose to correct :/ and when i change it, the whole mech crumble

Edit1: Ok the rigging Kinda works if i delete most parts. Unfortunatly all weapons an gear are mixed into one Collection :/
Edit2: Something is holding him up. He can Rotate his torso now and move his left Elbow, all other parts are jiggleing around
Edit3: Corsair works just fine so there are some mechs wich do have some problems and some do not. My solution for now is to Import without IK Rig and do it by my self afterwards

@matthewk9563 - 27.07.2022 08:23

.\cgf-converter *.cga -objectdir c:\depot\mwo is how I was able to get it to work. that is with the cgf-converter.exe in the directory with the files I was converting

@sloreo8278 - 29.08.2022 11:11

Are you aware of where the bolt-ons are kept in the game files? I am trying to get the Predator pack bolt-ons for the Blood Asp but am not having any luck on finding them.

@user-jo3to6um3v - 27.11.2022 19:44

pleas make an update to this i have zero coding awareness and no idea whats going on at or how to even run the program i click the .exe but it just doint run
EDT: never minde im an ideit though the drag and drop wasint working terns out it was the terminal just showed up exstreamly quick and just poofed so though it wasint working though it only seams to work withthe .skin not the .cdf im working with evolve assets if that chages anything

@gasparayakos8215 - 23.02.2023 01:27

Is it possible to extract animations from mechs?

@eridor - 29.04.2023 23:35

All the weapons are loading on the same layer as the model, the model also doesn't have any textures. Is it because of the current blender?

@aelitastones3110 - 27.05.2023 14:47

I love that you put so much work into this script. but good mother you could not have made it more complicated to use, why can't you drag and drop folders onto the EXE to use it? this would have been a 1000000% better option.

@scottyboy6269 - 11.09.2023 22:40

too bad the armatures etc don't work in latest blender(Import mech script doesn't work on latest blender0, but can still get the DAEs to load a full static mech

@Impossible_Emporium - 19.11.2023 06:17

I'm trying to import the Locust model into Blender 3.4 and I'm finding the rig to be messed up. The rotation alignments are in different directions. and the IK is not orintated well. I'm not sure how to fix it. But when I checked the Adder, everything looked fine. I'm not sure what I need to do. Do you have any suggestions?

@KayhoticGames - 31.03.2024 21:09

is this still being worked on? doesn't seem to really work anymore

edit: i got it working, but seems the new 3.0 importer release on git is just the source code. not the actual IO release

@moravianlion3108 - 22.06.2024 22:46

How about batch importing of objects (and their positions/rotations) into CryEngine? I'd love that!

@marciuks1183 - 21.10.2024 21:52

How can i extract .caf files?
