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@user-ek7zuxyu6bf2x - 26.01.2025 05:17

Divinely beautiful🙏🏻may she bless us all

@alexawambsgans - 26.01.2025 06:22

YESSSSSS you’re back!!! welcome back🖤🖤 and thank you for another great sub

@bayleaf00000 - 26.01.2025 07:40


@kayimini777 - 26.01.2025 08:40

I freaking love this channel 🧘🏻‍♀️

@disanthropic - 26.01.2025 12:06

I didnt saw the dots at first and i freaked out lmao

@ac1dch3rry - 26.01.2025 21:41

will forever hate the n@zi for taking a symbol of good luck and prosperity from hinduism and turning it into a hate symbol , some people don't even know the actual origins of the symbol🫤

@Leon-99999 - 26.01.2025 21:55

So I don't usually comment on any sub unless i feel or see results.
Let me just say I never get headache from any sub, BUT THIS??? this was overwhelming that i had to listen to it in separate times while getting intense headache
I will mostly update

@whitewhite4462 - 27.01.2025 11:17

Gayatri mantra version plèase, if its possible. Can you give me some tips how to meditate to reach dimensions and reach astral realm?.

@lvndrhrts - 27.01.2025 17:05

I really needed this sub. I feel like it pulls me out of my comfort zone and makes me act more responsible and confident.
Positivity is new to me, negativity is surely comforting since we're used to it, but it's really destructive in nature.
Tysm for this sub 🥹🩷
Edit: I just remembered that whie praying this morning, I really asked her to help me detach myself from certain situations so that I can focus on abiding by my own actions and responsibilities. I really wish to get rid of all negativity. It's fascinating that I came through this on yt right after a few while of praying....

@sahithiireddy3561 - 27.01.2025 19:55

i did not know hindus made such subs , subscribed please keep making such subliminals
may mata kali always protect all of us from negativity

@katherinehalling6630 - 27.01.2025 23:46

So I'm pretty sure I saw Kali at one point, a few years ago, but I didn't know anything about her at the time. I saw her fairly consistently in the apartment I had then. I just knew her as the pretty blue woman, with blue skin and curly dark blue hair. I had just left a home I later recognized as abusive, and I was dealing with depression and some pretty bad separation anxiety. I didn't know anything about this blue woman, but something about her presence always made me feel better. I did see her at random times, but most often it was while I was panicking or while I was trying to fall asleep.

@Sam-vz8gn - 28.01.2025 09:23

That's so good. Did u make the art itself too?

@VINTERSS - 28.01.2025 15:12


@maitribhattacharjee628 - 28.01.2025 17:47

This is a gem 💎 thank you so much 🎉

@Proteinbarinmymouthrn - 28.01.2025 18:58


@hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-c7k - 28.01.2025 21:22

I had a vision of having sex with Kali on a mountain of corpses with the black sun above us shining and burning many old memories of a failed relationship. Thank you very much. ❤

@islandman6570 - 29.01.2025 01:41

Love to Kali from Morocco. Does she live in Himalayan mountains?

@esquizofrenicofrenetico - 29.01.2025 07:35

the first time i listened to this i was feeling a immense energy, like a bonfire that renovates my self, I'm familiar with Kali, i have connection with her, i can say this sub is really powerful, you got my respects, also how you can put energies in subs? i wanna try it but I don't know how to do it

@SambSadaShiva - 29.01.2025 10:41

Kali Ma Kalika Parmeshwari 🙏
Jay Maa Kali ♥️
I don't Who are You?
And How It Is?
But Maa Kali Is My True Mother and Mother of all Beings.
I am Kali Bhakta.
It is good to use it then I will use it from kali grace.
How can I use it?

@User2122-d1w - 29.01.2025 15:15

Bestttt ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

@User2122-d1w - 29.01.2025 15:15

Amazing sub👑👑👑💖

@User2122-d1w - 29.01.2025 15:15


@User2122-d1w - 29.01.2025 15:15

Thank uu🩷⭐️🩷⭐️🩷⭐️

@iwolve-yw9mq - 29.01.2025 19:05

Jai Kaali Maa 💜💜✨✨

@elcorazonesoterico - 30.01.2025 04:08

Guys in scared

@softfluffyclouds - 30.01.2025 05:21

W, I've searched about her before when i was struggling at the time. :0 i didn't expect to see this now! I'm a lil hesitant to use .. but i suppose i'll give it a use later! Thank you. ♡

@Kash_dve - 30.01.2025 08:12

This made me cry for some reason. Halfway through this, my body suddenly felt heavy, and dizzy. After this subliminal ended, I felt so much lighter. I felt a lot better. I miss my mother so much (she's alive, dw) and it felt as if my mother were right here, with me. Thank you so much for this. God bless you, Jai Mahakali.

@thefifthstage369 - 30.01.2025 16:25

Amazing! Beautiful! Thank you so much!

@SambSadaShiva - 30.01.2025 17:37

Kali AMaa..
And so intense 😳
Amazing W
Keep Going On 💪 ✨️

@lemony-snickers - 30.01.2025 21:17

hey! do you follow hinduism too? or maybe incorporate some rituals into your practice?

@unknownsleepingbeauty - 31.01.2025 13:29

jai kaali maa ❤️

@purinaresh85 - 31.01.2025 15:59

Allow to download

@Vanadaleeluis - 31.01.2025 18:00

Idk why but this sub gave me chills in the first 10 seconds.. i got goosebumps

@wanderervindex - 01.02.2025 00:21

@Love_7777 - 01.02.2025 21:06

I love Kali ❤ thank you ❤ she is my fierce and protective loving goddess mother ❤

@scientificworld-mw9hm - 02.02.2025 01:48

- Goddess Kali is the primordial womb, annihilating energy personified and the Vampyric mother who rules over the cycles of time, death and rebirth. While she’s a fierce and intense deity, she’s also a very compassionate and motherly Goddess who is known for her nature of tough love where she ends the miserable cycles of her devotees by destroying their illusions and ego through various trials and tribulations. She destroys the finite to reveal the infinite. Goddess Kali is the death of death.

While this audio is completely experimental, the benefits may vary to each listener depending on how the energy choses to interact w/ them. Possible results are -
• Deeper connection w/ Goddess Kali, ending of cycles holding you back, ego death, destruction of blockages/limiting beliefs(can be used as a booster in that sense), opening up of Anahata (Heart) Chakra, psychic empowerment, protection from enemies/evil eye and etc.

@bastiaangoudkamp3644 - 02.02.2025 03:48

This is something else ❤

@balsant_ - 02.02.2025 14:34

Will it bring forth buried unconscious fears? Because, tell me why I listened on LOOP & the same night, I dreamt about a fear I didn't think I consciously had.

@X87. - 03.02.2025 12:25

Fking powerful 🗣️🔥
Powerfull yantras used

@bastiaangoudkamp3644 - 03.02.2025 14:32

Normally have trouble getting out of bed in the morning/trouble to awake proper, this helps insanely much, is their a download links available, also thank you

@coffe.based.tapioca - 04.02.2025 19:04

I love goddness Kali❤
Your channel is so cool and creative!

@shalinipalany1303 - 04.02.2025 19:46

Just wanted to say that as someone who born under a timing that makes me highly connected with her since birth, this must be the first sub where portrayed her energy correctly, soothing and calm yet powerful. Tsym for the sub <3

@moonlightrecords7975 - 04.02.2025 21:25

I forgot how interesting mythology and religion from south Asia is. I'm currently studying bible mythos (ex: the watchers, vactian archives, etc) and occultism for a story. I should add a character from south Asia (outside of India. Im not saying it's a bad country. I think India's neighhoods needs more love. I meet someone from bangendlash and she's sweet. She told me the food there is amazing!)

@the21stcenturymystic - 05.02.2025 14:53

your channel is a hidden sacred gem

@maryamrajabian8394 - 06.02.2025 19:36

I haven't listened to ur subs yet but they look fantastic!

@Godfucksme - 06.02.2025 23:37

You're my favourite sub maker ffs

@lemony-snickers - 09.02.2025 10:08

hey hel, back here again :) would you please let me know which bhajan this is in the bg? feel like it's krishna das' voice

@KeyaDas-d2p - 09.02.2025 17:54

Jay ma kali ma always stay with me protecte me i love you ma🌑🖤

@sandipisme - 21.02.2025 21:20

ॐ जयन्ति मङ्लाकालि भद्र कालि कपालिनि दुर्गा क्षेमा शिव धातृ स्वाहा स्वोधा नमस्तोते 🕉️

@nnifelhel - 26.01.2025 01:46

- Goddess Kali is the primordial womb, annihilating energy personified and the Vampyric mother who rules over the cycles of time, death and rebirth. While she’s a fierce and intense deity, she’s also a very compassionate and motherly Goddess who is known for her nature of tough love where she ends the miserable cycles of her devotees by destroying their illusions and ego through various trials and tribulations. She destroys the finite to reveal the infinite. Goddess Kali is the death of death.

While this audio is completely experimental, the benefits may vary to each listener depending on how the energy choses to interact w/ them. Possible results are -
• Deeper connection w/ Goddess Kali, ending of cycles holding you back, ego death, destruction of blockages/limiting beliefs(can be used as a booster in that sense), opening up of Anahata (Heart) Chakra, psychic empowerment, protection from enemies/evil eye and etc.
