How to solve any DSA question & build logic | Structured plan

How to solve any DSA question & build logic | Structured plan

Lovepreet Singh

54 года назад

3,770 Просмотров

How to solve any DSA question & build logic | Structured plan

- In this video we will discuss how you can make a structured plan so that with time you can build logic to solve Data structures and algorithms questions.
- We will discuss for all people including Beginners who don't know even a programming language
- We will also see how one can solve questions with time so that they can retrieve in mind for longer time

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00:00-01:12 Problem
01:13-01:55 Three Phases of Learning
01:56-02:45 How to learn a language
02:46-03:42 Time complexity
03:43-04:18 Sorting Algorithms
04:19-05:20 Basic Data Structures to do
05:21-06:25 Some Traditional Questions
06:26-07:12 Solving DSA Questions from cheat sheet
07:13-07:55 How to do Trees & its questions
07:56-08:25 How to do Graphs & its questions
08:26-09:00 Heaps, DP, Backtracking
09:01-10:53 How to take hint & read solution

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