Did anyone notice - Dean said "I had to bury him" not "We had to bury him" 🥰🥰 Destiel
ОтветитьI love this scene. Any time they acknowledge that it was DEAN who raised Sam, not any body else, just makes my heart warm cause it's giving my baby the recognition he deserves.
ОтветитьI love how time after time they show that dean will do whatever he has to to get sam back but if he loses castiel its game over for dean. The relationship as a family these 3 have is just so codependent and amazing at the same time.
ОтветитьBruh I love how when dean loses cas like for real he basically loses all hope for anything...yep not gay whatsoever..
ОтветитьImagining Cass trapped in the box just breaks my heart and hurts so the nightmare Dean had once. It freaks me out!
Ответитьguys!there is one thing!it always shown that Cas dies next to Dean or almost dies and Dean is the one left to grief!I really wish to see...not that I have death wish for Dean!I love him and I want the show ends with his happy ending but I really liked to see what would Cas's reaction be if Dean was the one who was in danger or dying!
ОтветитьWell I’m pissed, and depressed, chuck needs to die, and the others need to be brought back 😭😭😭
ОтветитьListening to hearing dean say We Lost is absolutely shitty cause after everything they went through they have stopped multiple apocalypses and when they were down he never gave up
Ответитьi accidentally clicked on this and spoiled it for me. i’m on season 12 for fucks sakeee
ОтветитьHow much you wanna bet that when Sam walked in the next scene that Dean is praying to Cas to keep him company in the box?
ОтветитьPls tell me this didn't happen in the real time line or whatever bc if it does I'm going to lose my shit
ОтветитьPlease tell me dean doesn't give up please tell me this is a dream
ОтветитьI absolutely can’t stand how much everyone wants to push the destiel stuff. Cas is family to dean and Sam and is the closest thing to them outside of each other. I hope they don’t go down the destiel route at the end of supernatural
ОтветитьI'd say the moment where Dean said he had to bury Cass is even better than the one where he prays to him and apologizes. The fact that he says this to Sam (or would have said) makes it seem like "us" and "them" situation where Sam wasn't included in the "us". I was just thinking if maybe destiel did happen in this reality, whereas it won't be happening in the main one. The main Sam doesn't seem horrified over Castiel's situation, he looks like he realized something was up between them.
ОтветитьI wish season 15 ends with both the brothers winning the fight against Chuck but end up dying and going to heaven. Cas will decide to leave earth and join them after Jack somehow wrestles a deal from the Empty to let Cas be with the brothers as a family. That would really give credence to the brothers' last name-- WINchesters
ОтветитьOkay so lowkey I looked up destiel and this came up and I thought it said to the empty, not mark of Cain so I got all worked up
Ответитьi was searching for stuff about 10x14 and for some reason this came up and i didn’t read the title 😅😅 guess i’ve got some mild spoilers now
Ответитьit doesn't work like that folks, this is all chuck's made of to break Sam down. Cain's mark was the darkness, it turn people bad, but this time it's the light, god, so having the mark isn't gonna a problem for cas.
ОтветитьThe way his voice cracks on the word “box”. 😭😭😭
ОтветитьHey remember when Dean gave Cas a mixtape? Yeah. That's called love.
ОтветитьSay what you want but dean has suffered a lot of loss and always kept going but when Cas did it’s like dean stopped care he gave up and that’s a bond so strong that you find the reason to stay alive in the other person
Ответитьso are we supposed to infer that destiel happened in this reality then
ОтветитьNow I wonder after episode 18. Everyone is actually dead and chuck was right and I have to believe that it won't end like that and ellien and Charlie and castiel will come back because it can't end like that.
Ответитьdang dean just summarized why i stopped watching supernatural....why it felt like it lost its spark. everyones dead. they dont even hunt anymore its all end of the world stuff every episode....i didnt watch s15 im just trying to get some context bc im going to watch the finale. spn once held a special place in my heart.
ОтветитьAt least Dean DID care about Cas in this ending, compare to the real one we got. 😒😒😒
ОтветитьI don't think this would've happened because this is God's interpretation of Sam's hope, and this Dean isn't the Dean that's been protecting Sam since he was a baby.
ОтветитьEverytime Dean loses Cas, it's like he loses hope. He loses his strength to keep fighting, to keep surviving. He just accepts destiny like it is supposed to come and I think it has something to do with (other than the fact that he's in love with him) the fact that Cas has always represented freewill and hope for him. He rebelled against everything he knew because of Dean, and the idea of that gives Dean hope. It's beautifully tragic.
ОтветитьI love how it cuts back to present-day Sam when Dean reveals they lost Cass. Watching his brother be hurting and despondent isn't exactly new for Sam, but the gravity of also losing his best friend and what that must have been like for "future" Sam visibly upsets him.
ОтветитьOh my god, can we talk about how Cas is locked in that box in this reality, and my heart really hurts for that Cas right now?
ОтветитьHow do people just see this and say Destiel is not real?!
ОтветитьI think it was chuck messing with Sam showing him a future where just the two of them wasn't enough for Dean and then once chuck was defeated they stopped caring about all the others no grief no regret the two of them all they need
ОтветитьChuck Chuck in the fucking bin. These boys didn’t deserve that.
ОтветитьThe dean who raised me never give up🥺
ОтветитьPeople say deans not in love with cas but how can anybody say that when this episode had this SPECIFIC scene in it when Dean said that cas was buried in the Malak box he doesn’t say that ever since WE had to bury him. He says “Ever since I had to bury him” if that doesn’t show how much hope he’s lost and love he’s lost I don’t know what will
ОтветитьI remember in season 1 when Dean was scared of Anything except losing Sam He was really young. 26. He loved Hunting. 15 years later, he's 40 and the game has finally broken him.
Ответить“The Dean who raised me” WHY DID THAT HURT ME SO MUCH
ОтветитьFirst I thought it was the reality Chuck wanted Sam to see, to convince him that there is no better end but when Cass talks about taking mark of cain in present to trap Chuck..... you know he was really showing the future.
Ответитьthe mere thought of another fucking Mark of Whatever would have me more than happy to scrap this plan...
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