The world of modern magic and the captivating story of Ricky Jay, the subject of the new documentary "Deceptive Practice: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay." This film is a mesmerizing journey into the fascinating world of the magic business and the small circle of eccentric geniuses who mastered and financed it.
Ricky Jay is a well-known author, historian, actor, and above all, a master conjurer. In this interview, he will discuss his journey and the making of the film, exploring his craft and how he became a master of deception.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to hear from one of the most prominent figures in modern magic. Get an insider's look at the secrets behind the tricks and learn about the mentors who influenced Ricky Jay's career.
Whether you're a fan of magic, documentaries, or just want to learn about the life of a master performer, this interview is a must-see. So mark your calendars and get ready to be captivated by the mesmerizing world of magic and the incredible story of Ricky Jay.
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