This video covers Scenario Planning in more detail. Dr. Trexler also discusses the size of businesses (large and smaller) that will find the tools of climate risk very helpful. He also briefly covers the two sided coin of risk and opportunity. Mark has more than 30 years of regulatory and energy policy experience, and has advised clients around the world on climate change risk and risk management for more than 25 years. He and his business partner, attorney Laura H. Kosloff have created The Climate Web, a tool for finding “actionable climate knowledge.” It’s critically needed in the face of today’s overwhelming levels of raw information relevant to climate change and climate risk.
Mark Trexler was interviewed by Ruth Ann Barrett of, Voices of Sustainability and videotaped by cameraman, Barry Heidt in the EcoTrust Building in Portland, Oregon on April 23, 2016.
#Sustainability #Voices_of_Sustainability #Climate_risk #scenario_planning #Mark_Trexler #Laura_Kosloff #actionable_climate_knowledge #Ruth_Ann_Barrett #climate_risk_scenarios #Barry_Heidt