Nissan 350Z Head Unit Installation/ Stereo Removal | AnthonyJ350

Nissan 350Z Head Unit Installation/ Stereo Removal | AnthonyJ350


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@IlloDaGreek - 31.01.2018 01:34

i have a question about the wiring. i bought a pioneer sph-da120 and i bought with it the adapter harness for the none bose system while i have the bose system. everything works fine when i connect everything but i dont have any sound at all. i tried re-installing the factory unit and gain the factory amp at max and then but back the pioneer unit but nothing. some say that the amp wont get any signal so it is not turning on. what should i do?

@griffinkenney7638 - 17.02.2018 01:14


@DeathMothDejaVu - 18.08.2018 09:03

Awesome, thanks for the video man really helped out and make things simpler.

@drunknmonk12 - 25.08.2018 18:29

Automatic? Haha, why bother? Save money and get a camry if you can't drive.

@mickaeldavid1304 - 07.09.2018 14:25

Does someone know whether the maxima 08 with bose sound system, no nav uses the same adapter?

@Mj2335 - 15.12.2018 21:50

Do you have any advice on how to put back the AC computer when your putting everything back together? How do you reach the plugs to plug it in after your done lol?

@rascooly - 23.01.2019 05:23

Do you retain your steering wheel controls? Volume, phone... Etc

@jovanyhernandez2313 - 22.02.2019 09:02

Do I need the system interface?

@jovanyhernandez2313 - 22.02.2019 09:23

It has the one you have

@jovanyhernandez2313 - 22.02.2019 09:23

In the video

@jovanyhernandez2313 - 23.02.2019 03:17

Where do I ground the black cable?

@AntRvaz - 25.02.2019 05:57

I’m still a little confused on exactly how to work this if I have a boss system

@derekbennett3850 - 13.03.2019 04:47

Idk if this should be a problem but when I have everything disconnected and turn on my car should my air be blowing out like crazy? It did last time I did this but idk if that was before I got the rest of the dash taken out.

@acenday1437 - 19.03.2019 06:55

Where is your shop ?

@tvtvtvtv8217 - 31.03.2019 11:20

I need sum help So I was trynna connect the harness to the rca with 0gauge but connect to a 4 gauge without any distributor then went around the car and connected it got the tail light but then I ran out of blinker fluid so I went to autozone..... oooooh nvm found the issue , its an automatic ..

@craigkennedy4519 - 22.04.2019 02:00

Hi Anthony, great videos . Quite helpful. What is the name of the standard Nissan connector for the base radio system with out amp. It is shown during the how to install a touch screen stereo - 360z at about 35 seconds

@jesse0M - 17.05.2019 12:36

Would it be possible to put the stereo where the navigation system would be and leave the empty sorry I'm the bottom for Luke a cabinet?

@VeX_PMC - 23.06.2019 14:00

Is this a 2006? Mines an enthusiast and the cubby above the radio don’t have those plastic clips with screws underneath

@darren9752 - 16.08.2019 00:01

Please tell me there is a simpler method

@thesouth50 - 11.04.2020 23:53

Thanks for skipping the part where u get the center piece off. I unscrewed all the screws u said. Then what?. Mine wont pop out without breaking

@raaaaaaaaaaahhhhh - 12.04.2020 05:24

can you make a video on how to find a cheap nissan 350z

@flynomo - 30.05.2020 06:10

OK. Paying for installation.

@shadkowaleski1786 - 31.05.2020 02:03

Idk if you still read these comments...but I’m gonna ask anyway. head unit wiring only has a blue white for amp power and no blue for antenna power. Can I wire the antenna to one of the wires not being used on the head unit?

@JS-ny9ge - 22.06.2020 15:52

Hey, probably already commented, but just got through with an install. You mount the radio brackets, and then (Note this) the radio brackets mount and screw into the front dash directly. This ensures you get the alignment perfect. Then when you install the center console with the brackets already screwed to the dash you will get access to the four screws that mount the bracket to the car frame. The top screws can be access by removing the plastic plate at the bottom of the cubby.

@jdmcivicsi90 - 13.08.2020 04:10

This is too hard. 😬

@surggx - 28.08.2020 05:38

hey anthony ik you posted this awhile ago and might not look at the comments but i replaced my stereo mad sure everything was plugged in correctly my fuel temp sensor high and low popped up , i didn’t ground anything down is that most likely the problem??

@fhaquuu - 21.09.2020 03:58

Ok , Here’s. y question.. I’ve got a Bose system - O4 Enthusiast. From my research the Bose speakers and amp run on a uncommon resistance (03 Ohms? Making changing the speakers or amp next to impossible) Regardless if I’m to upgrade the system I need the PAC unit to bring in the speaker level signal from my new amp into the existing Bose amp. And follow all the same instructions other than presenting the volume to 75% on the Bose head unit..

@gabrielprice5511 - 31.12.2020 05:28

how were u able to move your shift nob while in park? was your car on?

@08HR350z - 22.01.2021 21:01

Hey I have a question about the steering wheel control thing, I bought my 08 hr 350z with aftermarket double din kenwood radio. The volume controls don't work on steering wheel how do you get it to work? Thanks in advance Please help

@hazard4267 - 14.08.2021 19:21

Hey Anthony, I pretty sure I'm going to be doing this very soon to my 06 roadster enthusiast. I shouldn't have any problems right? Also, I know you provided the website where all of this is from but could you possibly put the specific links into the description? I am a beginner at this and I don't want to mess things up.

@jorgecortes2989 - 31.08.2021 07:49

What size is that head unit? Also is it double din?

@exit5398 - 29.09.2021 10:46

This is awesome information, so I'm rebuilding my 2004 350z and the old audio install is ANCIENT, I do have two quick question as it's been close to a decade since I've had the dash apart, did you solder car to wiring interface, or did you solder wiring interface to head unit side? I'm going from an ancient Alpine IVA-W205 to an Alpine iLX-407, do I even need to change my harness set up, or are the adapters the same?

@alexisquiles3312 - 23.11.2021 05:52

i have a 2007 with Bose, using the Axxess interface, which plug and cables should I use? I see you used the brown plug is that correct?

@blazekillz1593 - 27.11.2021 05:08

What did you plug in for “FL FR RR RL” for the speaker, there is nothing coming out of my Z to plug in for the sound yo travel to the speakers

@emirdubiesidraki2407 - 15.12.2021 17:11

Name kenwood player

@ColdBlunts - 26.01.2022 23:37

So was removing old radio unplugging white wire cap and it broke what do i do now

@damainhickman8667 - 16.10.2022 05:06

Dude, I need help. I’ve got an 04 350z and I bought it a while back. The dude who had it before me tried to install some stereo in it and couldn’t figure it out. I’ve blown like 5 fuses already. I redid the wiring harness and cleaned it up a bit and I’ve tried connecting the grounding wire to 3 different spots and nothing is helping. Does anyone have any idea what the heck it could be?

@wilsoncortes1562 - 05.12.2022 15:55

How you run the ground from Ware

@xanmage8755 - 11.01.2023 02:40

Why does my head unit turn on but all I hear is a clicking noise

@prokskaterjassal - 09.04.2023 02:06

hey does anyone know where I can find the PAC ROEM-NIS2 Wiring Interface he used in this video? I am from Canada I cannot find it through the amazon link and also eBay, the source, factory direct tech source and other electronic stores I could find. I have an 04 touring and I really need to get this so I can put everything back together and get the car on the road again

@robb5289 - 27.05.2023 20:31

Hey Anthony. Is this a difficult task to install a new radio for a beginner like me?

@robb5289 - 12.06.2023 23:28

i see you are a professional installer in Canada. Do you typically disconnect the negative baytery terminal prior to taking out the old radio or installing the new headunit?

@GetJiggyAngel - 15.08.2023 04:03

Did you explain how to use the cheap one in the beginning of the video

@prokskaterjassal - 26.03.2024 08:28

Hey I'm still having trouble with the hissing/buzzing noise, I have the PAC ROEM-NIS 2 Wired going into the factory harness and the bose subwoofer installed. I think I know the issue (ground) but im not 100% i've re-wired the whole thing twice to make sure and all the wires are matching the only thing I can think of is that you mentioned you have to create your own ground however my head unit has a ground that I attached with the PAC ROEM-NIS 2 and that leads into the car harness. Can you help/guide me where im going wrong or what I should do to fix this? I have images of the wiring so help show it better if needed

@blackbriarmead1966 - 25.04.2024 21:51

I already did an install in a ford escape, this was helpful. The wiring in this car is honestly simpler and easier to work with than in the escape. I will be using my own amps, speaker wire, speakers, etc, so hopefully everything goes well

@BretsCrappyShots - 20.05.2024 03:39

i have an 2006 Nissan 350z roadster enthusiast package (non bose).
In the Brown plug for the steering wheel control with 3 wires can you tell me what each of those 3 wires control on the steering wheel?
is one of those 3 a ground?
I bought one of those android head units from amazon that say they are compatible with steering wheel controls and have a learn feature and have the key 1 and key 2 wires coming from the head unit, when i bought it i was thinking i wouldnt need a pac unit but after watching your video im not sure.

@CWFDSmokeEater - 22.05.2024 01:08

Do you by any chance have a link to a diagram of a stock unit for an 03? I can't find any that matches my car.

@PrplexedMG - 19.11.2024 01:29

hey so rn i have a 2003 350z and the driver and passenger speakers work. However by rear subs don't. I noticed under the passenger side where the AC compressor is I have two wires that plug into what looks like the stereo unit. In my engine bay by the battery through the grommet the same two wires come out and they aren't plug into anything. The wires are labeled FR FL KDC01-3607 (assuming that means front right and front left but not sure). Anyone know where I would plug these into and where?

@KingKueef - 11.02.2025 06:32

I’m a little late, but most people I see on YT usually just buy a 350z wiring harness from Amazon and crimp the wires for the aftermarket stereo together, and ground it. Is there any problem to this method? (I have the Bose audio system with the sub, year 06)
