"Crocodile Gena's Song" appears in the iconic Soviet cartoon "Cheburashka" (1971), which is based on the famous story "Crocodile Gena and his friends" (1966), written by E. Uspensky
The translation of the lyric:
Let pedestrians hurry
With their eyes full of worry,
In the pools picking out their way,
They’re surprised at my folly –
Why I am so jolly
On this gloomy and dull rainy day.
I am playing my harmonica
For all passers-by to hear.
It’s a pity we’ve a birthday
Only once a year
Then a wizard comes flying
In a blue helicopter,
He will show me a film in a way,
Several hundred sweet ices
He will give me and wish me
Many happy returns of the day.
I am playing my harmonica
For all passers-by to hear.
It’s a pity we’ve a birthday
Only once a year.