Tour of Nashville - Best Places to Visit

Tour of Nashville - Best Places to Visit

Global Flare Tours

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@edgarcastillo5959 - 23.12.2018 06:33

Lo malo que están llegando muchos centroamericanos y a los mexicanos ya no nos quieren por qué piensan que todos son mexicanos😑

@a1scooter1 - 04.01.2019 17:11

If you like drunk/druggies approaching your car every time you stop at a traffic light or exit the interstate. If you like sitting in traffic every day on the way to and from work. If you like your car getting broken into a couple times a year. If you like sending your kids to public school and then worrying every day that they will be assaulted. If you feel like you have to hire a body guard to stop and get gas after dark. Then yes, Nashville is a great place to live.

@HangNguyen-ih8rf - 05.01.2019 08:33

I lived here for 27 years. Having 200 people moving here per day for the last 4 years have ruin the city and the people who have lived here for a long time. Please stop coming. Housing sky rocket, traffic is terrible, there’s homeless on every corners! ...all down hill from here.

@KimchiYeo - 08.01.2019 08:06

a bunch of americans recommended going to nashville,say i will like it the best in all of murica.

@JoeyDeDominicis - 09.01.2019 00:14

The state hosts Thomas Cordell so it would be best not to have a family in it.

@r1tzy5551 - 15.01.2019 04:02

Elvis used to hang out there a lot you know?

@chiconecessary7888 - 18.01.2019 15:24

Hotel tax being increased in Nashville from 2.5 % to 5 %. Sad cause most motel in Davidson County and Tennessee are iwned by Foreigners from India and Middle Eastern Countries who Pay no Taxes fo 5 to 7 years then Sign it over to next Family member continuing tax break.....Only one your hurting is Tourist.. ....To All Tourist stay Franklin Kentucky just North its Cheaper and Safer.. Most of Nashville's motel are Drug invested... Make Nashville and the state force these Foreighn owned Businesses pay their share of Taxes.......Stop punishing Taxpayers for Your Corruption........These Politicians get their Way Taxpayers will be Payinng Billions of Dollars fir something... Their Train Transportation failed. So lets robb us a different way........Wake up America......

@chiconecessary7888 - 18.01.2019 15:28

Nashville is A Drug invested Murdering City because all of Chicago. Detroit..Los Angeles. Miami. New Orleans Criminals are moving here.......Because the Economy is good for the Drug Trade. Child Sex Rings....Robberys

@I-Love-Taylor-Swift - 21.01.2019 23:55

Great video. Enjoyed every minute. Wish there was more... :-)

@johnnymarlin1283 - 31.01.2019 16:45

Hope it hasn't been over run with hipsters and liberals these days.

@erlycuyler - 01.02.2019 07:42

I am coming back home. This is my city. My home.

@niecylove6631 - 04.02.2019 20:46

I’m going to be a home there 😍😍😍

@BryerTheKing1 - 10.02.2019 03:37

People who get to live in places like these don't know how lucky they are.

@bellearrington8218 - 16.02.2019 15:11

Im going nect week and also my birthfays next week!

@OPrincessXJasmineO - 01.03.2019 04:49

Omg minimal people. I want to live there

@ihatewhitey6689 - 12.03.2019 16:45

Hows the drug busness here? I need new turf to expand my enterprise.

@Jessica-ee1pl - 02.04.2019 18:14

Going next week 😍

@haleys4896 - 11.04.2019 18:28

Well done video! Thanks for the great info!!

@jambroze - 16.04.2019 23:08

Hattie B's Hot Chicken > Prince's Hot Chicken

@Tay-up7kv - 21.04.2019 09:24

So I live in TN which is why I always thought Nashville wouldn’t be any better than the places I’ve lived and been to in TN but I was wrong. Nashville was SO much fun and to my shock the people were nice. I absolutely love it and will be going back!

@LTD-7 - 30.04.2019 05:16

I lived at 4th and broadway up above the bar THE WHEEL, the building was originally the civil war hospital. Great clubs on Broadway and lots of awesome music... 🎶 🎸

@gwenammons7258 - 24.05.2019 21:41

We going in July. 4th thur sat

@zfcee9617 - 12.07.2019 05:56

Nashville or Columbus Ohio?? For a family

@swright1970 - 10.08.2019 09:28

I just visited Nashville. You took me back there for awhile. Thanks.

@mikerad7424 - 10.10.2019 01:08

hipsters = liberals

@ScififanP - 16.10.2019 20:08

I live in TN. It's basically one long road with nothing but fast food joints and strip malls to your left and right. That's all you need to know. This concludes the tour, your guide signing off. 😂

@rurubaby615 - 17.11.2019 02:00

goin to jc uc is a must

@alxag4534 - 28.11.2019 08:06

The home of Taylor Swift🥰🤩😍😍

@erkanbay15 - 22.12.2019 15:49

isparta, Turkey

@rockinroy - 05.03.2020 06:12

great presentaion video. liked and subscribed.

@JKim-or1zr - 08.06.2020 05:30

I lived here from 1980 and still am. Looking forward to moving to the ocean place. Good luck to all newcomers to the Nashville, TN.

@nihilistforever9769 - 30.06.2020 03:46

As a retired Scottish cop, I was about to retire to the USA. Now? I think Iran is my preferred option. America is too dangerous.

@KennTollens - 17.09.2020 04:06

That parthenon is cool. If I had money, I would build all great building to scale. Greek Colosseum, The Great Library of Alexandria, a pyramid.

@tilica5353 - 11.12.2020 01:01

Súper bien this video.

@robertagallant3819 - 31.12.2020 00:28

I have gone to Nashville, the capitol of Tennessee, once before. The city amazed me.

@zackinabox251 - 03.01.2021 07:46

If you go to Nashville, definitely check out Biscuit Love! Yum! See my review at @​

@carlthornton3076 - 09.01.2021 23:49

I Love Tootsies!!!

@michaelcastro6731 - 05.03.2021 23:09

I think Nashville is the next best city to visit in the US or live. You could be a good representative Scott for Nashville tourism. I have only just discovered Nashville is the capital of TN.

@hoqueneyamul5975 - 09.03.2021 16:24


@williamhoward2731 - 10.05.2021 16:38

Awesome video

@Agia-Free-hotdogs - 27.07.2021 04:09

nice tour but too short of a video

@simonkarega2714 - 31.10.2021 23:51

Beautiful City 😍👌

@africanvoyagesafaris3834 - 01.03.2022 22:38

Nice one I'm from Kenya 🇰🇪 and I like the city.America is so organised.

@hitthehighwayman - 19.09.2022 19:54

Amazing southern city. Broadway is very lively.

@crazyone1067 - 19.06.2023 02:07

8 yrs later and Nashville doesn't even look like this anymore.

@paulhunt4690 - 09.07.2024 06:32

Sure has changed a lot in 9 years.
