Nihilum - Grand Empress Shek'zeer HEROIC

Nihilum - Grand Empress Shek'zeer HEROIC


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@Azalen24 - 10.01.2013 20:43

why ist arthur out of nihilum?

@Ub3rSk1llz - 10.01.2013 21:24

10 man? trash.

@runetotem1eu - 10.01.2013 21:44

Evrelia told: arthur is away for 1 week to visit family. But he dont know why he left the guild for that. He told that on his stream

@KleveeenRAAM - 10.01.2013 22:34


@Osena565 - 10.01.2013 23:02

really kungen? a female belf?

@fall0rn - 11.01.2013 02:01

since when is he playing 10 man and why?

@RakaelNet - 11.01.2013 03:00

Only 200 attempts L O L

@nerdguy4 - 11.01.2013 03:54


@Azalen24 - 11.01.2013 05:08

yeah right

@Horizons1992 - 11.01.2013 05:43

5 healing a 10 man ? seems legit.

@Grimsoul1 - 11.01.2013 20:22

did you here that excitement! when the boss dies "good job guys, good job...................."

@jena13132 - 12.01.2013 12:41

Fan man blir ju avundsjuk....min guild kan inte göra så här bra av sig...

@RazerrSnipz - 12.01.2013 16:31

How come the tanks do most damage O,o

@nimscrow - 12.01.2013 18:45

Try to breathe while in combat, so it's easier

@ahmedk1729 - 13.01.2013 02:58

hey bro listen bro yo bro what bro cmon bro here bro

@ZephosBalnazzar - 13.01.2013 19:14

Their healers are shit. You should of seen the stream when they tried 4healing it, people just dying to random damage \o/

@drizzxoxo - 14.01.2013 18:13

Sniffy's not my gf

@drizzxoxo - 15.01.2013 14:22

Sorry "Sniffy's not my gf" - Kungen was meant to add it to the list lol fail.

@Shirkon - 18.01.2013 22:24

Always will be one of the best

@horseman217 - 20.01.2013 03:57

Worst healers EU

@TheSurviver2 - 20.01.2013 17:30

Arthur quit wow?

@GRA.97 - 21.01.2013 21:21

Kungen, can you do a setup video? I think a lot of people would appreciate to see what you're rollin' :)

@surakiat1 - 22.01.2013 02:33


@RufftyViteazu - 24.01.2013 17:33

'WTF, what's up with the mail??" Everybody hates mail loot.

@TPTE5 - 26.01.2013 04:37

What are the names of the addons for the Cooldowns and the threat?

@DisturbedNorwegian - 02.02.2013 01:52

Kungen has a freaking WoW TCG card named after him, along with countless world firsts. What does Swifty have to brag about? He's terrible at the game, gets carried to anything related to PvP and PvE, other people makes his videos and the only reason people sub to his channel is to win Razer gear.

@SlippySlippy - 02.02.2013 21:17

i think calling him terrible at the game is a bit unfair, he is more skilled then most warriors you will find (dont missunderstand he is far away from being the best warr) but i agree with you that kungen is indeed way above swiftys league

@DisturbedNorwegian - 03.02.2013 05:40

Compare the amount of time he has put into the game and into his character, then look at the fact that he has gotten carried to everything ever since he got "famous".. how is he even remotely skilled? All Swifty has done during EVERY expansion is either grinding or getting carried to gear/rating. He has no idea how to play his class unless people tell him exactly how to do it, he has no clue of the current meta-game (other classes etc.) and he gets wrecked by anyone that has a functioning brain.

@SlippySlippy - 03.02.2013 06:42

As i said, he is not that skilled but you cant deny the fact that finding a warr that suck more then him wouldent be a problem. he do have some knowledge as to how to play his class regardless of the fact that other peoples have told him what to do.

@DisturbedNorwegian - 03.02.2013 13:50

Of course you'll find someone who's worse, but he's been playing the same character since Vanilla, anyone with that amount of time spent would have knowledge. The ability to grind and play a lot does not equal skill in my eyes.

@ledari - 04.02.2013 18:39

Swifty is the most famous WoW player in the world. Yes he aint good in PvP and gets carried alot. Oh yea and the 300.000 subs in his IRLchannel are also for Razer gear? His a cool guy and he has a superb community on him. Now go back to watch your anime and listen your screamo emo noises what you call "music" kiddo.

@evilcheese439 - 05.02.2013 21:11

Holy fuck, avoid the comment section, it's a bunch of 12 year olds bitching at each other over a video game.

@ledari - 05.02.2013 21:15

Oh little boy got angry when i mentioned about your shit music genre or even shittier little kid anime stuff. Jenkins dude who said one thing about 6 years ago and most famous? You are fucking hilarious. Swifty is the most famous WoW player in the world. Show me some wow player who has 700.000 subs total. And athene (lol) player is not counted. Yes he is sucky at the game. But great great person in IRL. And that matters the most. 10x gladiators just play wow 24/7 Swifty has the community.

@DisturbedNorwegian - 05.02.2013 21:56

You're the one who came to this video going "Kungen sucks balls, Swifty is the best ever!", you're obviously the one who is angry. I'm just proving you wrong in everything you say, yet you're a blind scrub that sucks equally at the game. Now you start talking about in real life stuff? How do you know he's a better person than Kungen irl? You can't possibly know. Some community he has, just look at his videos, 100% of the comments are "HEY SWIFTY I LOVE YOU, PLEASE GIVE ME FREE STUFF". Pathetic.

@ledari - 06.02.2013 22:43

I didnt write "Swifty is best ever" read my first sentence n00b. And you are just mad. Whats wrong with you? I play the game for fun, i have more important things to do in REAL life. He works for Razer, so ofc he is giving away free stuff. The fact is that Swifty as a gamer has the largest community on him. And NO his not giving free stuff on his IRL channel you kiddo hater. I won.

@DisturbedNorwegian - 07.02.2013 01:19

Do you even know why his irl channel has that many subs?Because for a period, when people subbed to his main channel, they got autosubbed to his alt channels by clicking the first "Confirm" button. The same thing happened to Zybak after he made videos with Swifty, and look at him; 50k+ subs and 2k people watch his videos. Same thing with Swiftyirl, 218k subs, 30k people watching his videos. You're the one who came to this video, whining about Kungen "sucking" when he's infact better than Swifty.

@ledari - 09.02.2013 02:50

"More popular streamer" ofc he is as he has been streaming his full gaming career in TWITCH. Swify has been streaming in athenelive for over a year now. So ofc that affects in amounts of viewers YOU TARD. And majority of Swiftys fans come from europe and when Swifty is streaming live the clock in europe is like 1:00 - 07:00 AM Nightime so not many ppl online Swifty is still more famous wow player. and you know it yourself swedish gayboy you are such a fail kid.

@DisturbedNorwegian - 09.02.2013 03:37

Right as I make this comment, Swifty and Kungen have both been streaming for several hours, Swifty has 700 viewers playing WoW (which he is famous for) and Kungen has 4100 viewers while playing LoL (which he's not famous for). Swifty didn't lose any fans when going to Twitch from own3d, infact he gained them after he made a video about it on his channel, but he still doesn't get any viewers compared to the big streamers. Wanna know why? He sucks at streaming, and the gameplay is garbage.

@DisturbedNorwegian - 09.02.2013 04:10

Bajheera best PvP warrior? HAHAH that's so cute.

@DisturbedNorwegian - 09.02.2013 16:00

Visste det ikke ville ta lang tid før en butthurt fanboy kom med tårene sine. Oh well, jeg mener at en 1800 spiller ikke kan regnes som "best", spesielt når han spiller på en patetisk BG som Cyclone US.

@nixksu - 12.02.2013 19:33

So you're saying that PvE doesn't require skill? Yeah of course it's easier than before but it still requires skill and knowledge. And why are you comparing Swifty and Kungen. No reason to compare them. Swifty does PvP and Kungen does PvE, 2 totally different things.

@klatez - 12.02.2013 22:45

its either a female belf or a unisex belf...

@RestoFlies - 15.02.2013 19:45

now hes a female cow.

@tjenixen00 - 19.02.2013 01:00

varför har du keps på dej? kungen förihelvete

@erbomb1 - 26.02.2013 05:48

@ledari Cool! I have been to the moon

@d4rks33k3rz - 07.05.2013 21:31

wow pve is easy, all you do is brute force bosses on heroic for kills wow takes skill bro, u just need a good guild thats it with 25 decent ppl who dont stand in shit and actually use their spells

@superomarf1 - 13.07.2013 16:52

Did he quit wow again???.

@Smokin438 - 24.06.2017 01:55

Oh god a Yankees hat....eww

@synthiaify - 12.10.2018 12:34

actually playing 10man special olympics
