UC Berkeley Police Discuss Garrido Arrest

UC Berkeley Police Discuss Garrido Arrest

UC Berkeley

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@emely275 - 07.10.2021 02:57

Jaycee looks like Kara Robinson who was also kidnapped from her friend house bit she managed to scape both were do strong and brave

@jfraserfisher - 19.10.2021 11:30

All it takes is 1 person to change someone's whole life! She felt something acted on it, got help and together they saved 3 lives from any more horror💖

@Trumpingyall - 19.10.2021 20:15

Thank god for these women. God bless them and the impact they have in this case. Philip Garrido is the biggest piece of garbage.

@Amarillobymorning777 - 28.10.2021 00:02

Not justices.
The parole officers need to be punished.
The simple facts that the kids had extremely pale skin is more enough to ask questions.

@littleme9399 - 19.11.2021 16:44

Seems like not ACAB

@stephaniehunter3251 - 22.11.2021 07:27

I think it's pitiful and horrible discusting that all those times the probation officer went there and never even noticed ?? What a joke they are undoubtedly incompetent

@willmarinac5201 - 05.12.2021 19:10

My wife is very intuitive she's usually 95% right when she gets a reading from someone.
I remember how she warned me about 2 people from our work , I was like oh please 😆 well turns out she was right so right I never dismiss anyone's claims anymore.
My point here is if you sense something off about someone, something or the situation seems off REACT , LISTEN to that inner voice I've seen it through my wife . My wife reacts immediately and she has a way with people a way of talking to them. Instead of out right accusing the individual she asks questions in a non accusatory manner , asking difficult questions in directly.
The persons usually have no clue what she's doing . My point is react as I've seen it at work through my wife , intuition a 6 sense is real. Her story is absolutely unreal incredible story

@LythaWausW - 31.12.2021 07:50

I read her book last night, start to finish. It was so hard to read, I almost couldn't do it. I had a really hard time with the kitten portion, the cats. He knew she loved her cats more than anything, and she wrote diaries about Eclipse, about her love for him, and one day, kitty was gone and Nancy even hinted that the kitty was tortured before death.
She was given so many pets by him, how many survived?

@salikawickramasinghe1863 - 19.01.2022 12:26

Women's power. Best!

@8989griff - 24.01.2022 08:01

Imagine if that one woman wasn’t there that day; got sick, car accident or something… they would probably still be with him to this day and we’d still never know the missing where about of Jaycee. God bless her.

@witchintraining494 - 30.01.2022 08:08

It doesn't matter whether she had children or not, inappropriate question.

@johnjonzz4348 - 30.01.2022 18:21

This Monster was released well before his time, which resulted in Ms. Durgard's kidnaping and confinement.

@kenzie9200 - 31.01.2022 08:07

Thinking back on it all now its been so many years ago what kind of pain that poor girl went through and then to have to explain what the situation was to her daughters who loved that man as a father and she feared him as a kidnapper. Like will they want to visit him one day because all they knew was the love he gave them or will they hate him for what he did to their mother. It is the saddest situation. I hope they all have happiness and a normal life.

@bheenachoytooa1604 - 11.02.2022 15:01

Well done police ladies! , you have the admiration of the whole world. Love from Mauritius.feb2022

@minervacuervo4662 - 05.03.2022 01:59

The women deserve so much praise for their actions.Real life heroes

@vanessaurbina39 - 09.03.2022 16:01

There is a huge difference between “mother’s intuition” and none

@factoryobserver - 21.03.2022 13:01

God bless both these officers for following their intuition. Legends

@daniiiakasha4711 - 11.04.2022 20:40

Sounds like autism and ableism.

@quantumfineartsandfossils2152 - 14.04.2022 08:15

These 3 UC Berkeley Police are from the future, they are amazing, it is relieving in 2022 that in 2011 people had a formal understanding of the empirical world so that it seems like 2044 but in 2022 We will all keep progressing quickly because of them all of us

@camerrill - 27.04.2022 09:32

Heroines. Thank you for listening to and acting upon your instincts.

@Findpepperbridge - 08.06.2022 21:19

I blame his parole officer……. She was stuck there being raped and having children for years and years. I hope all of the girls can have a normal life

@PastaSausta - 11.06.2022 02:43

Funny how the nature of the event was named “Gods Desire.” Boy was he right..it sure as Hell was Gods desire to free these girls from the hands of their captor and these officers were the pathway for that to happen. True hero’s in my eyes!!!!!

@ayeshakhan-kl7th - 15.06.2022 21:39

Kudos to the police officers who rescued jaycee and arrested garrido and Nancy out of a very loose clue.they are intelligent people.

@foucault8964 - 21.07.2022 06:58

Women led to Garrido’s arrest. Men let it go for 17 years.

@michelleallred8521 - 25.08.2022 08:14

IF ANYONE HASN'T READ HER BOOK "A STOLEN LIFE" definitely read it. W all she went thru, it is incredible that she survived w any kind of sanity. Also watch the 20/20 interview w JayCee. She is so beautiful, so articulate, intelligent & thank God now happy. I have her 2nd book FREEDOM as well. These people who had any involvement, esp this one speaking are all definitely heros. God's blessings to JayCee & her sweet girls ❤🙏❤🙏

@Kayla3.0 - 08.11.2022 07:49

I do not want to be critical. I think the fact that these women saw something that didn't sit right and acted on it and the way they did is fantastic. But I do not think that it was funny or joking matter to describe the little girls in a disparaging way these are two little girls who are the product of rape and kidnapping and being held against their will. I am sure if JC Lee do guard or to watch this press conference she went pine their jokes about them being Little House on the prairie / robots very amusing. Again I want to reiterate, I'm not criticizing these women in a way they're heroes. But I just didn't think it was as funny as everyone else seemed to. Maybe I don't have a very good sense of humor.

@annemariemyburgh7252 - 09.11.2022 23:01

I am sure I am not the only one feeling like this, I AM SO SICK OF HEARING WHAT A GOOD JOB THE POLICE DID BS.....18 YEARS SHE HAD BEEN HELD CAPTIVE, you guys FAILED her for 18 years , the social workers FAILED her for 18 years, if the police really did all they could, the WOULD'VE BEEN FOUND YEARS AGO ,the neighbors raised their concern, and not even once did you get cadaver dogs , not once did you properly search the whole backyard ....... but ok....you guys did eventually helped her

@sonjapeterson686 - 27.11.2022 20:41

You know, UC Berkeley, the educational and training purposes is appreciated,, but the changes of the original dates is affecting me in getting the help need and it is confusing the Investigators.
What are your intentions at this point if you are not there to he helping the victims??

@Tonscm - 30.11.2022 13:18

God these women are amazing!!!!

@yolandaflowers8606 - 19.12.2022 00:04

This interview never gets old to me. I love the fact that these officers went above and beyond the call of duty. Nothing but love for them, especially my fellow Chicagoan.

@timodne5741 - 19.03.2023 19:13

Margot confessor auq

@BoEmery - 20.03.2023 23:53

It's obvious that God's desire was to save Jaycee Duggard.

@rudem.2973 - 21.04.2023 16:51

Sadly if they kept suspect Phillip Garrido in prison for his first kidnapping and rape, he would have never been able to kidnap a elven year old child. That being Jaycee Lee Dugard. She sadly was raped over and over. By the rapist Phillip Garrido raped his victim Jaycee Lee Dugard for eighteen years. The police , the probation department the parole board never inspected his entire property. They also never placed a ankle bracelet on his legs. So the suspect could drive any where and kidnap any person's child. This is very sad and very disgusting .

@pgryan1057 - 04.06.2023 21:15

Their boss on the left is well known for something…I can’t put my finger on what though… yes her name is Margot Bennet and she killed her own husband who was trying to kill her..you can’t make this up!! She was FBI at some point.

@Bagelrob399 - 14.08.2023 09:01

I hope these 2 women got a promotion because they were the only 2 officers that worked on this case that actually did their job.

@Shihtzu99hsuajienakj - 10.02.2024 18:18

Lisa and Ally ❤❤❤❤❤ thank you

@replyhazy - 10.06.2024 05:20

this gave me chills, it’s so so so important to pay attention and be aware. you never know if you’re walking by a missing person or child that’s being abused.

@amyjojinkerson-b6o - 14.06.2024 23:44

two guardian angels

@John-ws5oh - 27.06.2024 21:11

Now the woke would burn dwn everything for the criminal.

@GrowWildOutdoors - 27.08.2024 18:35

This is exactly why we need more women in law enforcement.

@B.I.H510 - 24.10.2024 18:08

Grate job officers 👍

@jeromerizzo423 - 12.02.2025 02:50

The fact the daughters were behaving odd plus the father is a known sex offender that is what tipped the 2 cops.

@EmEmEm579 - 14.02.2025 00:25

Coming back to watch this again. Thank you police officers!!!!

@03princesa - 18.02.2025 22:47

He give you tips to arrest him …hellooooo

@03princesa - 18.02.2025 22:47

Is not normal

@03princesa - 18.02.2025 22:48

Oh God he call you

@ottofifita2914 - 02.03.2025 09:06

Major massive Respect to these 2.
