Yeah i saw Tipster has put his old videos back and has started doing Drama videos again. I cant wait until he starts saying stupid crap again 😂😂😂
ОтветитьTipster should join the Lolcow podcast
ОтветитьTippy tippy gonna give keffals the dippy.
ОтветитьMan, Tipster's downfall is so sad. He was my first introduction into commentary back during the Lucy Lu situation. And he burned all the goodwill he earned there.
Ответитьlol i saw his stream notification in title was donate buy merch etc... the grift is back in full force, tipsy needs tips to get tipsy again. The grift never ends and like P.T. barnum said there is a suckers born every minute, thats how these guys (tipsy, dr disrespect, kem star, etc) thrive.
ОтветитьYou know what they say. You can’t keep drama out of tipster, and neither the 4 Big Macs.
ОтветитьI’m unaware of the Tipster Omegon lore. Who did tip fuck over?
ОтветитьTipster basically jumped ship after he burned his down, joined a pirate group that steal from people and do illegal stuff behind the scenes "HRT to minors, drugs ect" and when the pirate leader says.
OmG I'm getting to much hate, it's just a character and not the real me I quit!
Tipster is now trying to put the pieces of that burned boat back together just enough to make a raft so somebody can rescue him.
News flash tipster, the raft can't hold your weight, nobody wants to save you and you LITERALLY abandoned your religion to get some inside out tip puss.
You are done, stop trying and just leave.
you paint Warhammer? that's awesome, i have the entire death guard line almost fully painted
Ответить“Shit-baggery” 😂😂😂
Ответить"I'm Clara Sorrenti!" "I'm Clara Sorrenti!" "NO I'M CLARA SORRENTI! I'm just a girl, retiring in front of her community, asking them to keep sweeping about the fraud I committed."
ОтветитьI love to laugh at big Tippy 🎃
ОтветитьYo Omegon what army you're maining on Warhammer? (Prob alphalegion)
ОтветитьMaybe he should just join the other fat pariahs on Lolcowlive podcast at this point, or would Boogie threaten to minecraft himself again cause his cut might go down again?
Ответитьhe better watch out, there’s a new Tipples in town!
Ответить"YOU hurt my friend, and that means YOU are MY punchbag" 🥶 🧊 😎
ОтветитьTipster is like a seasonal virus
ОтветитьI used to enjoy watching Tipster...but I also shed no tears for those who fall from grace because of their own actions.
ОтветитьWhat an absolute nothing burger
ОтветитьWhy am I not surprised? I knew that Tippy streaming Resident Evil to 3 people wouldn't last long, the endless cycle of a lolcow continues.
ОтветитьAGP leffals have ruined many lives.
I feel bad for the victims that he made, i feel bad he isn't locked up. I don't feel bad for AGP keffals.
Fatser really hae reality, especially looking a vids, they r clearly not grounded in reality, as the opposite is more true.
No, AGP keffals gave fatser the tip, somehing he clearly always wanted from AGP keffals.
The return of the incel
Ответитьwho da thought some ordinary gamer would be nail in the coffin
ОтветитьJust here for the tip!
Tipster should join Lolcowlive if he wants to earn anything 🤣
ОтветитьHe treated Hannah in way that no man, much less one who calls themselves progressive, ever should. He deserves everything he's gotten and what may come next too.
ОтветитьTipster is over.
ОтветитьHe's trying to appeal to the woke left..
ОтветитьWhats you’re warHammer army :)
ОтветитьConspiracy theory - He's preparing to be on the Lolcow podcast...😶
ОтветитьYou are British tipster
Ответитьall these grifters will have their accounting
ОтветитьTip is back? I feel like I need to say a rosary, and I’m not even Catholic☠️
ОтветитьDoes anyone knows what Keffals dead name is?
ОтветитьReminder that Keffals' real name is Lucas Roberts. He will never be a woman. He is just a man twisted by drugs and surgery.
ОтветитьThere is zero evidence that she's got a case going on in Canada. What evidence existed that she had a case initiated lacks additional evidence to prove that the case is active and ongoing (the lack of this evidence, in fact, suggests that she did not maintain the court motion and it was dismissed). Besides having moved to Ireland.
ОтветитьI always get Tipster and Vito confused.
ОтветитьTipster and Keffals are the Lolcows of the year!
ОтветитьIf you all hate the dude so much why do you all still watch him
ОтветитьI've been wondering what is going on. Thanks Ome!
Ответить"Oh that was just a persona", the ubiquitous fall back for people who realize their toxic behavior is finally being called out and having repercussions.
ОтветитьTipster has no original thoughts, ideas, or convictions. He's nothing but a cloutslug.