can I buy ps3 game in ps5
ОтветитьWhen I try to buy a game it says “unexpected error plz try again in a moment” anybody know y
ОтветитьIf I subscribe PS Now. It's good or bad.
ОтветитьCan I play PS4 digital games in PS5 disk version??
ОтветитьI bought my ps5 from Pinoxcode on Instagram.. He did deliver fast and sure.
ОтветитьI bought my ps5 from Pinoxcode on Instagram.. He did deliver fast and sure.
ОтветитьI bought my ps5 from Pinoxcode on Instagram.. He did deliver fast and sure.
ОтветитьAre you using ps5 standard or digital ?
ОтветитьWait until digital games are on sale quit misleading people because in the next three years it’s going to go up to 90 some percent and they’re not gonna have no point in making this game anymore what does collectors items of this game cost in the 400s sometimes the 300s
ОтветитьWho cares buddy this game is ruined the hard drive in your system and calls it did not last then you have to buy and pay for another system I went through for PS4 is because of that crap and I have a did your collectionDigital collection digital collection and some of those directors cut games and the best version of the game on disc are in our very expensive in the hundreds of dollars apiece nobody wants to pay that
ОтветитьThis video was pointless to make
ОтветитьQuick question do you need a subscription to buy games on the store
Because i want to know before i get it because i have always been xbox and now i want a ps5
Jesus Christ love you
ОтветитьWhat was the point of the video lol? I don’t understand. You didn’t really show us much of anything beyond the obvious stuff. You basically just showed us how to buy games on the PS store…who doesn’t know how to do that? Didn’t even tell us how to get these so-called “cheaper games” for digital. Sorry, just wasn’t very informative imo.
ОтветитьSo there's no way of buying digital games from third party websites, at much cheaper rates?
ОтветитьSaid a whole bunch of nothing. Just show the process of buying the game and downloading it. Could’ve been a 2 minute video.
ОтветитьHow did you get the original 3 , vc and san andreas on your ps5 ??