The Gene Seed from Warhammer 40K Analysis by Roanoke Gaming - Reaction

The Gene Seed from Warhammer 40K Analysis by Roanoke Gaming - Reaction

Old Man Reacts

1 год назад

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@40kconquest10 - 16.07.2023 03:14

Boss to fans: do you know how many variants there are to the bolt gun it shouldn't be this hard
Fans to boss after hearing this: 5 minutes Lore on Boltgun when

@thetalkingbear - 16.07.2023 03:16

Still wondering what depleted deuterium is.

@Doctor_Sirus - 16.07.2023 03:17

Oh I love Roanoke. He does a bunch of scientific analysis, but as a result gets hit with copyright a lot.

@giuseppe9653 - 16.07.2023 03:19

Roanoke's videos are awesome!

@AntiKira20 - 16.07.2023 03:22

Because science is [M2 expletive] awesome, thats why!

@bbbbKeJodddd - 16.07.2023 04:31

Let's fucking goooo

@BoredDaemon - 16.07.2023 04:32

End of an era and the start to a new! Well as soon as part two is watched.

@MrDarthtelos - 16.07.2023 04:34

Roanoke is a quality channel. Breaks down the plot of games and movies that include biological science fiction and then explains how the mechanics of those critters would have to work if they were real. Cool shit.

@MrDarthtelos - 16.07.2023 05:03

69th like.

@dakotalange2858 - 16.07.2023 05:12


@dakotalange2858 - 16.07.2023 05:15

Do they still use the genetic labs in the Himalayas?

@dakotalange2858 - 16.07.2023 05:23

Hey old man Do you think the schola projenium is monitored by the astartes for possible recruits as they are kids brought up in hard military training etc so that could help prepare them a tad bit better for the implantation

@complex314i - 16.07.2023 07:00

I think you watched Roanoke Gaming's video on the biology of the Brutes from Halo.

@samiamtheman7379 - 16.07.2023 07:29

If there's no anesthesia being implemented, that could still fuck someone up. There was a case where someone was put under for surgery, but they goofed up on the gasses, so he was conscious, but unable to move anything but his eyes and it took 15 minutes for the doctors to realize before putting him under fully. They basically did something made him forget what happened, but the guy basically had PTSD without knowing why until he couldn't handle it anymore and unalived himself.

That's how bad surgery like that can mess you up, even if you don't remember what happened.

@bencebenedek2610 - 16.07.2023 14:13

Nesquick sereal, now with extra ceramite!

@samueltrusik3251 - 16.07.2023 14:34

Still waiting for other Warhammer videos from Roanoke. He is amazing.

@hadesdogs4366 - 16.07.2023 21:27

Hell even the stupid lasgun has many variants, sub variants as well as strengths and weaknesses, such as the nihlis pattern lasgun which tends to kill its operator via high levels of radiation, where it would be comparable to walking around a battlefield with a laser rifle that emits as much radiation as reactor number four in Chernobyl, to the humble galaxy pattern using the type four magazines, to the backpack powered hellguns, which is essentially a hand cannon in rifle form, and again the lore as stated is so vast where it allows people to create their own story’s and factions within the universe such as my own created regiment called the kandaris rangers which essentially functions as a cross between the warhawks and scions, relying on light and mobile units due to the nature of their home world being a cross between katachan and cadia as well as taking some inspiration from that moving cities movie, where due to the more aggressive plant life, most hive cities have been abandoned and so the inhabitants make use of mobile cities in order to survive as the hive cities have become abandoned and wildly overgrown, leading to bands of mutants and extremely hostile creatures. And again this is who I love 40K because it’s so open and free where as long as it follows the basic storyline anything is possible, be it a democratic republic like America or even a dystopian world which is similar to nazi Germany again it’s up to the individuals imagination and creativity.

@hadesdogs4366 - 16.07.2023 21:28


@John2r1 - 17.07.2023 00:19

I would like to point out that he got his height comparison between a Space Marine and Master Chief completely wrong. As Space Marines in armor average between 7ft to 7ft 5in tall. Captain Titus being an Ultramarine measures 7ft 2in tall. which is the exact same height as Master Chief is in armor according to Halo Cannon. And no Chief is not anywhere near the largest Spartan. He's actually on the short side for a Male Spartan. Now unarmored yeah most Space Marines are likely taller than Chief considering Chief unarmored is just 6ft 10in tall. So armored Chief is equal in height to Captain Titus of the Ultramarines. Making those Spartan vs Space Marine memes inaccurate to say the least in terms of height.

@RoanokeGaming - 03.08.2023 16:22

It is such a ridiculously powerful human and them eating metal, is nothing short of metal lmao Thanks for checking out my video man!
