this game show me that: even in space, melee is a option
ОтветитьThere is a space battle in one of the Gaunt's Ghosts novels where the Lord admiral gives a pretty epic speech, and it reminded me of this.
Ответитьcoward warping out
ОтветитьI think this might be the best 40k game trailer. It is certainly my favorite. The Imperium and humanity might die, but we are taking them with us.
Ответитьi hated the unskippable cutscenes with a passion.
ОтветитьAbaddon: "Yes! Victory shall finally be mine!"
Spire: warps in behind you "I'm about to ruin this heretics entire career"
Emperor =Humanity
ОтветитьChange "Emperor" by "God" and sond to much badass
ОтветитьWe are the defenders of humanity, we are the Emperor's blazing sword and the Imperium's crushing fist, hundreds of billions of hands ready to die for our missions in the cold and unforgiving space, we are THE IMPERIAL NAVY!!!
ОтветитьFor the longest time I've been looking for a 3d model of that battlecruiser with the giant winged grim reaper statue on top. Or even just the statue itself. It would be the most awesome thing to isolate and then 3d print...
Ответитьwhy do I feel patriotic
ОтветитьEverybody gangsta until Spire shows up
He's like 40K Erwin Rommel, Gothic Fox :)
The best way for to destroy a ship is ramming speed
Ответить5 seconds into battle and chaos troops are on every deck already? You sure that guy wasn't a traitor this whole time?
ОтветитьFavorite line at the end. "We are the Emperors Blazing Sword and the Imperium's Crushing Fist!"
ОтветитьIf the ship have Astartes Insignia then is it still belong to the Imperial navy?
ОтветитьI had a 40 k erection XD
ОтветитьMy ship is infested by daemons!
Chaos troops are on EVVVVVVVERRRRRY deck!
The TECH PRIESTS have overloaded the warp engines...
It is better to die for the EMPRAH , than to live for yourself!
Good ol' 40k. It's a nice take on how easily zealotry can take root and override our reason to the point of martyrdom. Admittedly, having the forces of hell itself as your adversary makes the propaganda come easy.
Chaos can be the good guys, that is why it is called c h a o s and not evil, it changes, and fights a tyrannical, stagnant, superstitious empire based on hating everyone else.
ОтветитьCommander boreale. Enemy forces in our perimeter
Then drive these emperor class battle ships into the enemies
Lawful Evil vs. Chaotic Evil
ОтветитьI watched this after the co-optional podcast animation. I have to agree with them, this is pretty metal
ОтветитьEven after all these years, I still come back to watch this video as one of the single best ever made.
ОтветитьImagine a Warhammer+ short with this graphic engine.
Ответить"Life is the currency of the Imperium. Spend it well."
Captain Titus
I love when Spire shows up and gives his speech.
ОтветитьThere is not a better 40k trailer I’ve seen than this
ОтветитьThe British navy should adopt this trailer :D
ОтветитьI regret that i have only one like to give for this video.
ОтветитьAnd after 6 years, it is still the most epic trailer on the intermet
ОтветитьFocus Entertainment
193K subscribers "Today, the Emperor is watching us. Today, we will show the Imperium that the Imperial Navy never falters in the path of it's duty. We are the rulers of the stars, and each of your ships is a vengeful sword that can cut off the Despoiler's head. Into the jaws of DEATH, into the mouth of HELL!"
The Emperor Protects!
ОтветитьI wonder what daily life is like for the average worker in a Chaos shipyard?
ОтветитьGracias por poner subtitulos en español.
ОтветитьWatching this while listening to the Immigrant song.
ОтветитьThis game was one of the best ones that ever created in strategy genre. Still gives the excitement and chill
ОтветитьAnd as the final survivors finished their prayers and gripped their weapons, prepared to hold until dead and then hold even then, their prayers were answered with a single vox-call.
"This is--Captain--...--of the Imperial Fists--...--Battle-Barge Unbroken Resolve--...ntering your space now--...--the Emperor Protects."
This is the best shit i,ve seen in my life
ОтветитьThe most LITERAL launch trailer 😎
ОтветитьCold af
ОтветитьThe trailer of the mortal Imperial Navy always pumps me up and it's the best naval trailer out of every Wh40k factions.
ОтветитьWe want third game.
ОтветитьDas Spiel ist ziemlich schwer auch am Ende müsste, mal gefixt werden . Ansonsten ganz gut .
ОтветитьThis trailer has 1.2 million views, and I’m pretty I account for a good third of them…
Ответить" Tremble, for chaos comes! LET THE GALAXY BURN!!!"
ОтветитьWho else was impressed by the amazing voice acting in the first game? I would have really loved it if they had repeated the same quality in the second. one.
ОтветитьYamato space ship vs more Wh40k battle ship who win?
ОтветитьThe guys who made the trailers for this game seriously get Warhammer 40k better than just about anyone.