its like Destiny.. but cooler
ОтветитьI play this game already and this is far beyond the one that I'm playing right now
ОтветитьBest free to play space ninja game ever!
ОтветитьWhy did the walls bleed
ОтветитьThis game gives paid games run for there money
ОтветитьI recommend this to anyone who wants game what in many ways is bigger then most AAA games
Ответитьguys i really wanna get into this game but how much of this game depends on what i pay ?
ОтветитьAll I remember from playing this game is complete confusion; as soon as a mission would end I'd be back on a cramped ship looking at the most complex and unorganised shop/inventory. Gameplay was fun but there was no straightforward information for beginners. It just threw me in and left me to figure the mess out.
ОтветитьWarframe sure does look a heluva lot different than it did when i played it 2 years ago. I think I might check it out again.
ОтветитьLittle late on this GS....
ОтветитьWhy is warframe still so laggy and jaggy on the ps4?
Ответитьwow about late lol
ОтветитьYou took your time uploading this
ОтветитьRemember they will still have HUD clouding up the beautiful graphics. Hopefully they tweak the opacity or size individually. I don't want to know whats on sale while in doing a mission 😂
Ответитьwow destiny 3 look great i hope they dont ruin it with that play to win crap or plat
ОтветитьWhew, Gamespot if it wasn't for your quick timing in releasing this gameplay demo people could have missed out.
ОтветитьAs long as nothing in the bazaar costs platinum this will be great!
ОтветитьThis late and it's a copy and paste XD
ОтветитьGood job on your thumbnail pic choice--that way nobody will know if this video is old or new before watching. You are always looking after the gamers rather than seeking an audience Gamespot.
ОтветитьThis update, 'Plains of Eidolon' is scheduled for early-late winter, somewhere around November.
And yes, you can hear the dev's speaking over the video during Tennocon, explaining much of the gameplay and what to expect.
When warframe is better than destiny
ОтветитьWarframe would have one of the most "alien" of all settings, if the dev team had a competent worldbuilder to work out the kinks in its lore... it was awesome when it was just transgendered ninja zombie robots freerunning around and stealthkilling an evil army of defective vatgrown clones; now it's a mess of underaged ambiguously gendered voidspawned mutants playing around as transgendered zombie ninja samurais who keep strangely feral demutated animals as pets.
(If you can't think of the paragraph above as AWESOME, dive into Warframe and explore its lore until you do.)
That kid with that volt mask hè Will become
warframe is destiny older brother
Ответитьi thought taht it will be new gameplay
ОтветитьYour like a few weeks late.
Ответитьdo I need to play other story content to catch up or is this a stand alone story mode?????
ОтветитьThe only thing worse than fake news is super god damn late news
ОтветитьThis looks nice
ОтветитьThis game just gives and gives and gives
Ответитьdestiny 2 u are so broke
ОтветитьLook what God brought to us, he brought us a game made from pure gold
ОтветитьAnd hopefully I get to keep all my progress
ОтветитьThis video brought a lot of people to warframe
Yay :D more registered lo...users
DE should make a big trailer so they can really get fame
i never tought Gamespot employees are Snails and Sloths.
ОтветитьMy question is, is it going too use the same Tile-Set as the rest of Earth? Because after the Earth Remaster, I get about 30 fps and very hard frame drops ever 2 seconds. On every other planet I get a solid 60. Im just worried, because if I get 30 fps in a tile-system map, I can only imagine the open world.
ОтветитьThanks for updating me Gamespot!
Ответитьshoots wildlife:crowd cheers! lol
ОтветитьAlso spoiler alert, no one likes arch-wings.
ОтветитьReally good
ОтветитьWarframe=Destiny imo
Ответитьwill this be on earth ?...and i hope they put auction house
ОтветитьI played warframe when it first came out, Started playing again since this demo video came out. GAME IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THAN I REMEMBER. Im hooked this time around.
ОтветитьWhy are Orokin structures made of meat?
ОтветитьWhen you have a bazillion Tenno running around a tiny, 3 Km square zone with invisible borders, shitty Archwings to realize those borders even quicker, and fetch quests... you are basically looking at a WoW starting zone. Except now everyone has mounts and camps the shit out of everything, trolls, the shit out of everything, and basically any sane players will still be running the rat in the maze relic drops or whatever.
How good is Warframe?