Is Collectivism Really the Answer?

Is Collectivism Really the Answer?

Mike Gastin

55 лет назад

266 Просмотров

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@rotteneggconcept - 06.02.2025 15:22

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@rotteneggconcept - 06.02.2025 15:33

I think the greater problem is the individualism of the workforce , was this not Started by Reagan and Margrett thatcher , ultimately the programming of the workers to think unionism was communism was probably one of the best strategic moves by both growth movement and capitalist hence the focus on GPD and it work hence the election of Donald Trump.

There's certainly nothing wrong with socialism. Essentially, that's how groups of people have survived for eternity. Each member of the group has different strengths that we utilize to Benefit the group. For example, grandparents take care of the children while men use strength to work or Protect. Nassim Taleb makes a point of utilising religion to not relearn some of the traditions that have already been practised and Passed down for eternity, hence something like loving thy neighbour is a survival guide for forming strong communities
