Guys, this thumbnail is scary 🥺😅
ОтветитьI love it
ОтветитьOh no. I shouldn’t have looked up the Aglaonema Crown of Siam. It’s beautiful! It is a huge WANT. I have never seen an Aglaonema that commands that kind of price tag! Price given, my need is still Aglaonema Orange Stardust. I will be bringing that one home the next time I can find one.
ОтветитьYall doing it!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьI loved this episode! You guys are so helpful. I too fell in love with plants last year and I want everything to be perfect and when it doesn’t I get frustrated. I also put up some shelves for my plants so it won’t be so cluttered at the base of my ikea vittsjo. I learned I need to be patient with plants.
ОтветитьPlant burnout is REAL. 😢 Great tips, guys... I like to take one room or section at a time. But in 2025 I will be scaling back or purging what doesn't give joy. Thanks for this video.
ОтветитьI take over Richie grow folds plants that he has plant burn out and revive them 😊
ОтветитьHello there ❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьDarn it took me forever to find you, I can't find you on my list, of you tubers? Then When I finally found you, the show was over, It was supposed to be 7:30 p.m. But apparently we must be an hour behind you????
ОтветитьYour show was so interesting, I wish it was an hour long!!!! But what you say about plant burnout, and losing interest in some varieties of plants is SO true!!!!! I'm in the middle of downsizing my succulents, and some rescue plants. There are succulents I won't part with, but I sort of like my cactus better. Then I got some Hoya cuttings, BIG MISTAKE , if they don't have roots and aren't fully potted up, I'm not touching them again!!! I have had to toss too many. I have 4 right now, 3 are growing well, one is about to get potted up. I hope there's roots in there. LOL But it's alive, hasn't dropped any leaves and likes water with Superthrive in it, So I'm crossing my fingers. BUT no more Hoya's for me. I have my 2 bigger Indian Rope Hoya's, have had them for years, then one smaller outer variegated one. I had an inner variegated one, but after quite awhile here, it finally died. So won't be buying another.
ОтветитьMy Plant collection is a bit of this and a bit of that, I still have 13 Thanksgiving and Easter cactus, two of my yellow ones bloomed for me, and the one I gave, my Oldest Grandson's wife Flowered beautifully. When I downsized them, I kept one of each colour, and all the yellow ones. Yellow ones are very hard to find her, and I love Yellow, so they stayed. But I still have other various plants, that will be going, I want plants that I love to look at. I could go around and pick out about 10 plants right now, that can go. But they are just single plants, of different varieties, that I thought I NEEDED but apparently don't know.
ОтветитьI love my IKEA cabinets and one shelf, but once I finish downsizing, my plants won't be too close together. I try really hard, to make sure they aren't touching each other, but once a bunch are gone, then I can spread them out better. I don't like looking at jam packed shelves, or houses that have big plants all over the place. To me that just doesn't look nice at all, and plants get lost in the mess and sometimes get forgotten, and die. I would like to buy one more shelf and a Wide Ikea Cabinet, my 2 are narrow, which makes it hard to put wider plants in. Yes I do have 3 Agaolnema plants, 2 are the same, the Red Siam, the third is Lady Valentine, just got her and one of the Red Siam's a little over a week ago, so they are in Quarantine, right now. But the one Red Siam, the one I just bought, I bought to try different growing methods with, so it got chopped into 3 plants. and are in water right now. Going to be interesting to see how they do. But I do want more Agaolnema plants, but Only Red ones and Pink ones. They will take me a long time to find, so not worried about not enough space right now, thankfully. But I think we are ALL doing a lot of thinking about which plants we really want.
ОтветитьAs for Time to water and check plants, since we are retired, I can check them every time I walk past them. Thankfully the watering doesn't take long, as I water some plants at different times. My Hoya's are VERY thirsty, not the Indian Rope Hoya's the other ones I have, so they get watered much more often. But I do have 3 plants on our kitchen table and a box of varies kinds and colours of Geraniums, that are thriving and flowering in the house. They look so pretty when they are flowering. I love Flowering types of plants, especially in the winter, it Brightens up the house, and my mood.
ОтветитьSo Thank You Richie, Steven and Janee" for having this podcast, it is SO interesting to listen too and watch. RICHIE, Please Show the Dying Plants too, just showing healthy plants, only tells one side of the Story. Hope you get your shelves built soon, you will LOVE them!!!!
ОтветитьHedra helix
ОтветитьLet’s gooo helix!!!!!! ❤
ОтветитьNice plants! Awesome podcast! I hope more people share your show!!!!!
ОтветитьI really enjoyed this episode. I recently went through an extensive plant burnout and lost my monstera albo and aurea through it...sad times😢
ОтветитьHello, When I had plant burnout, I rehomed some that didn't give me joy. Ones that weren't growing well I also rehomed. Now I will only buy plants that are different then the ones that I have. Right now I NEED a neon pothos TUHDAY😮. Do you each have a wishlist? Thanks for sharing on cultivation corner.
ОтветитьI've been feeling burnt out for a few months, so this video is EXACTLY what I needed!😭 Thank you Richie, Janeé, and Steven for being so honest with your personal experiences.💚 Hoping everyone has a happy and healthy new year!🥳🎉✨
ОтветитьI've def experienced plant burn out 😮
ОтветитьOkay plant burn out storytime!
Im still consider myself a "new" plant parent and about 85% of my collection has been bought in the last year or so...
I started collecting in 2021 to bond more with my mother and sister but during my move in 2022 i went from 30 plants to 16 (damn that texas heat!!)
When i got to my new house we theived for about 5 months then i got pregnant, at that point i had about 20 plants.
After pregnancy i had 5 plants left from my initial 2021 plant collection...and i call them my OGs. I have my aloe vera, my schefflura amate, my snake plant, and my mixed pothos pot.
Now that im back up to 35 plants post pregnancy, balancing motherhood, work, being a wife, and taking care of my hyper active german Shepards when i feel the burn out i check on my OGs, and if they are okay i am okay. Every other plant can kick rocks/be replaced, but my OGs will always be the plants that i look after and can restart my collection around 🥰
I always appreciate this topic because it is "real talk." Any plant lover goes through it if you have a large collection. I feel like whatever is going on in our lives affects how we care for our plants. That being said, it's always better to maintain a manageable collection so that when those difficult times in life occur (and they will!😔) it won't be so hard to still take care of a smaller collection. I have downsized a lot and going forward for next year I will only buy plants that I absolutely love (rarer Aglaonema, my favorite genus) and maybe a few more hoya. I will try my best to continue to rid myself of the plants that I have now that I am not really loving. Loved this video, ya'll are doing great!!
ОтветитьGreat episodes!!! Perfection is not reality!!
ОтветитьFrom this podcast thus far "Be practical"-Janeé is the best advice all of us could get, but also give ourselves when it comes to our collections, in regards to plant burn out. Richie saying accepting, and forgiveing yourself is so important!
ОтветитьComparison is the thief of joy!
ОтветитьRichie, I just wanna come over and water for you 😂 A 10 hour a day job is rough and you are literally a superhuman imo for all you do! When do you sleep brotha?! 💕
ОтветитьNothing is worse than having like the flu or something when you have a huge collection. Honestly though, cup half full, keeps ya going and for that, it makes me appreciate my collection even more!
ОтветитьRichie, thank you for being transparent with us like that. ❤
ОтветитьI loved the points of styling Steven had. It gets to the point that sometimes, you can't even visually "see" that little cutie you fell in love with at the nursery!
Ответить"Respect the plant" lol love that.
Ответить"Hey Ruth" 😂
ОтветитьThank you guys for the smiles today. Love "ya'll" 😁
ОтветитьYou guy and gal please keep up this podcast very interesting
ОтветитьI'm so hard on myself when a plant isn't doing well.
ОтветитьHedra helix!!!! Happy new year!
ОтветитьTo group plants by care schedule is not the best thing to do in my opinion. Because if I will place cacti together, aroids together, gesneriads, orchids, bromeliads, etc...together, my house will look like a nursery or a floral shop, and that is a no-no to me. I want a nice living space for my family and multiple cats filled with diversity of well grown plants. I found a decision many years ago. I had to leave for a couple of weeks to visit my mom. My husband was in despair. For him I put in each pot a cocktail straw of different color and a note on the wall: all reds - Monday - 1 cup of water, all pinks - Tuesday - 2 cups of water, and so on, and all yellow - do not water at all. With this "system" he spends one hour every evening and killed only 4 from 400+ plants by overwatering.
Right now I will mark only newly repotted plants to keep my eye on them. And are you willing to dedicate one hour is your choice. I do more than one because I want to check every plant "under the tail" for pests.
Happy New Year to you, guys! Best wishes!
Yes we need to dose ourselves lightly. It makes it much easier. And don’t get what everyone else is getting. Get what makes you happy. ❤ I have burnt out at least 3 times! LOL
ОтветитьI could listen to these podcasts all damn day.
ОтветитьWhen I have a plant suffering and I dont love it anymore I give it away. Someone else will love it. I am on a local plant group. I post it there and say we are breaking up. We dont love each other anymore. Come and get him
ОтветитьCatching up on these now 🥰😬
Ответить“I just can’t do right by it right now” why does this sound like he’s talking about a relationship and a plant?