ОтветитьHi Nikko. Love your content! Apologies if you’ve made a video like this already but I could really use your advice on how to be assertive/maintain some agency in this industry. I can be really shy and socially awkward and so it’s easy for me to let people who are more assertive bully me into doing things. For example, my agent acts like my boss. It doesn’t feel collaborative at all. I just got new headshots because my agent said mine weren’t competitive enough for the film/tv division. At the shoot, my agent sifted through the articles of clothing I brought and paired me in things she wanted me in but never once asked for my input. I could’ve spoken up for myself but I didn’t feel comfortable because I know she has more professional experience than me and she kinda throws that in your face.
ОтветитьI am an actress and I will be changing my agents soon, thank you for this video, this was great
ОтветитьThank you