trying new local restaurants  + cooking with meimei is back!! ‍

trying new local restaurants + cooking with meimei is back!! ‍

more meimei

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@joannlin - 28.10.2024 08:17

You should try ping's bistro if you haven't!

@debrachan1899 - 28.10.2024 08:28

Cooking Class Wars is so much fun to watch! Enjoyed the vlog this week. Love you guys! ❤

@roothly - 28.10.2024 08:29

if you want spicy from paik's, get their spicy seafood jjajjamyeon! IMO more flavorful than the classic

@karamiaone - 28.10.2024 08:30

Chef’s intentions! I love your vlogs so much! They’re my comfort “show”. Always makes me smile and laugh! ❤❤

@kaylateeuwen - 28.10.2024 08:34

Mei mei, I need to know where the “mix mix mix” song you always sing when you’re mixing food or drink is from? I think it’s so cute ☺️ I’m assuming you’re quoting something? But I tried to google it and the internet has no idea what I’m talking about 😅

@martinreiser7906 - 28.10.2024 08:53

You still got half a bottle of honey girl!!!!! lol jk I woke have use honey and sugar too. Honey is expensive!

@mistahdieu - 28.10.2024 08:55

Your vlogs are so fun to watch! :)

@heeaather - 28.10.2024 08:58

there’s still a Cool Tea Bar in the city!

@sheelovesfood - 28.10.2024 09:02

He’s a musician! 😂 You two are too funny! Chef’s intention.

@kikichu566 - 28.10.2024 09:13

my favorite place for jasmine milk tea is Societea in San Bruno! they specifically label their jasmine as stronger than other places and i found it to be the most fragrant and i always go there for jasmine!

@Shcleanne - 28.10.2024 09:14

I think I can speak for all of us when i say it's always nice to see your mom on here! We hope to see you more of her. Love how her and bird do legos

@TheValeriaB - 28.10.2024 10:16

As a fellow local, I loovvvveeeee finding new local favs through your channel! I can't wait to try Paik's Noodle and Mateo Pizza ! Chef's intention <3

@littlecaratcarrot9253 - 28.10.2024 10:49

Chef’s intention!
Thank you mei mei and bird for another awesome vlog!

@cilleelleboe - 28.10.2024 11:21

You can taste the chefs internation! I got soooo hungry watching this video!

@stephaniesosna8213 - 28.10.2024 11:23

I love watching your videos 💖 You two crack me up. It is so rare to see a happy, close relationship. Thank you 🥰

@mismuzicfreak2571 - 28.10.2024 11:47

lol “wow you’re a musician” 😂 so silly. I love you guys together 🙂‍↕️

@csjean-baptiste5805 - 28.10.2024 14:47

I’ve been waiting for a new video this whole weekend thanks meimei 💕

@Smilingcheezy - 28.10.2024 15:26

Chef intention. Oh you both are too cute. Bird both outfits fit you well very interchangeable.

@lisazhou9257 - 28.10.2024 15:56

The 3rd outfit with the bottom of the shirt out is great!

@heylo757 - 28.10.2024 16:00

Chef's Intentions!
Totally enjoyed Culinary Class wars. Ed Lee, Chef Maniac, Triple Star were my faves. Now we're watching all the post show interviews on YT.

@glory17tex - 28.10.2024 16:48

I love your fall recipe idea. I'm going to try it. Chef's intentions!!!! 😆😆😆🧡🧡🧡

@annalgam - 28.10.2024 17:34

We just got a Paik’s Noodle in SD too~ I also need to buy that ice cube tray haha

@guapachicana - 28.10.2024 18:25

chef's intention!! also I can confirm the fits looked good lol; i am a big fan of the fall colors :)🍂🎃

@cindyharvey8493 - 28.10.2024 20:15

Chef’s intentions ❤️

@cherrollC - 28.10.2024 21:46

"Chefs Intentions" This is my go to vlogs when I want to just relax...I don't know what it is about your opening music but it's so...I don't know how to explain it but it's like when you're having a rough day, the minute you hear your video start it's like ahhh, relaxing and all the stress just goes away.. it's like watching a series that you can't get enough of and just wondering what will the next episode (video) be about 🤣😂 Keep up the good work in your vlogs, it makes my day and always eagerly waiting for the next one. Sometimes I watch your old vlogs from here and your other channel when i'm bored because it just lifts you up..

@yeseniabravo6725 - 28.10.2024 22:00

My boyfriend and I were rooting for chef Maniac, chef Mafia, or chef Edward Lee, but I also wanted chef Auntie! Loved how you used your “chef intention” voices! lol Thanks for sharing the locations for Paiks noodles. So excited to try!! 😋

@jasminee204 - 28.10.2024 22:14

I watched Culinary Class Wars a few weeks ago and it was amazing! Was rooting for Comic Book Chef and Self-Made Chef until they left, and after that I mainly rooted for Edward Lee.

The dip vs. pour thing for tangsuyuk is a pretty big "debate" in Korea, not sure if you were aware. People get very passionate about it haha.

Also that Din Tai Fung merch was so nice!

@RS-ly7es - 28.10.2024 22:45

I loved seeing your mom and Bird doing Legos together.💖Tell Bird I really enjoy his "fashion shows" and thank you for starting to let us know what brand his bags are because I spent hours looking for his bag from last year.

@jordanpoku6041 - 28.10.2024 23:40

Chef’s intention 👨‍🍳

@VanisleGirl1961 - 28.10.2024 23:50

You two..... so cute. Bird's new clothes are awesome on him.

@stacyneuman8619 - 29.10.2024 00:33

I like fit two the best and I can taste the chefs intent💜😀

@johnmichaelreyes911 - 29.10.2024 00:42

Whew when I saw that peppercorn and she didn’t fish it out…ahhhh!

@JGat19 - 29.10.2024 01:55

Chef’s intention! Love your vlogs, they get me through the week 😅

@Charlottemodel2 - 29.10.2024 03:50

I like fit #1 on Bird.
Also, I love that you’re from the Bay Area so when you do these local vlogs I can actually go to the restaurants you recommend. I’ve done this several times already. I don’t know much about Asian food so it’s super helpful to know where to go and what to order.

@derrick.r.c - 29.10.2024 05:00

Bird is a national treasure i tell ya! We must protect him at all costs!

@derrick.r.c - 29.10.2024 05:04

I just realized Din Tai Fung is DTF lol jersey shore would be proud!

@sarinaelaine17 - 29.10.2024 05:16

Chef's intention! I love how funny and wholesome your content is and it's just you being true to yourself vlogging life! Would you do a middle eastern foodie tour in the Bay Area on your main? Would love to see that! Levant Bakery in Menlo Park esp!

@thisisgabbie - 29.10.2024 06:30

Not the magician musician tsuki reference 😭

@mt-pp4on - 29.10.2024 07:53

Hi Meimei, I love your Ghibli nails! Where did you get them done?

@laurenh825 - 29.10.2024 14:05

So happy to see mom! I have thought about her a lot.❤

@tawn33 - 29.10.2024 20:47

Chef's intention. 🧑‍🍳💕

@GPwithme - 30.10.2024 00:31

Fit 2!

@mikelemayes6033 - 30.10.2024 03:48

fit 2 is a classic combo

@dais6141 - 30.10.2024 20:41

Chefs Intentions!

@DanPham-h4g - 02.11.2024 06:16

chef's intention!

@DaniuLuo - 03.11.2024 07:39

i think cool tea bar rebranded to "my cup of tea" in SF

@HanaRalphs - 11.11.2024 02:33

Chefs intention!

@p1gbbong - 19.11.2024 07:24

Fun fact - your mayak egg recipe is from a white coat chef from culinary class!

@jujubee_1028 - 30.11.2024 08:42

“chef’s intentions”

@ToyLoop - 24.02.2025 20:46

@Bird, if you like Cool Tea Bar's Jasmine Milk Tea, definitely check out Milk Tea Labs since they use the same ingredients and recipe!! The previous manager at CTB is now the owner of Milk Tea Labs, Hope this helps!! @moremeimei
