I was really glad to see you had a new video. I thought this was interesting, though personally I am not American and more interested in pre-modern history. Nevertheless I thought this a good choice of video as it is clearly something important to you and that makes for a good video. Your personality came across well in much of this video and I didn't feel like I was watching a robot reading from wikipedia, which I had a bit in some of your earlier videos. Myself, I do find it hard to process if there are lots of dates and numbers in only a few sentences, but that could just be me, anyway it is probably worth trying to avoid overloading your audience brains with too many facts in a very short space of time, either spread the facts out more over time or decide which facts are important and which incidental. It is good that you use images as I think that can help in absorbing information. I learnt something from this, though American history is a very difficult topic to come to terms with when you think of the genocide of the Native Americans and slavery and their continuing legacy.
ОтветитьIn high school, my teacher made American history boring. I wish they made it more interesting. Here is next topic "Bonnie & Clyde"
ОтветитьCheck out the 1985 MOVE Bombing in Philadelphia
ОтветитьWhen history and politics collide- Truth is generally the victim. No side is exempt.