Insane to play a Mage in endgame content and consistently be the furthest person way ahead of your group when escaping, using absolutely zero cooldowns to assist your team. Even on the first mishap you can see, he's not even looking back with full mana. Oh sorry, his mana isn't full in that clip because he's constantly blinking further and further away from his teammates. Inexcusable. The fact he doubled down without so much as a "Sorry guys I kinda panicked in the moment" would earn an instant ignore from me if he was in my guild.
ОтветитьI wouldn't play HC because I'd 100% do the same. I'm not taking any risk once someone makes a mistake. If I make a mistake, I'd expect to be left to die.
But, again, that's why I don't play HC. If the expectation is to stay and help, he played terribly, and he acted like a dick afterward regardless.
I am glad you are doing new content <3
ОтветитьIt's like when women tell you she is great driver because she can drive to work and back with no accidents. Well good driver show himself when situations get unusually risky/stressful. And this is it. Everyone has panic attack and actually stops playing the game. No-one should've die here. Ever. But that's the price with playing with unexperienced players and that's purpose of the guild OnflyFangs and that's content. So far what I am not understanding is rogue complaining about mage an also mage taking no responsibility that he could 've done more. Rogue should easily save them as much as a mage due to evasion/poision/potion/blind/gouge/kicks. And that's more of them like persons then players. If you play MMO in group, just help others.
ОтветитьImagine your oven is on fire and your grandma is unconscious next to it and your hands shoot fire extinguisher juice, but rather than help, you run outside and head 5 miles down the road then get upset when people are baffled by your actions
ОтветитьMy take on this is that they could have all survived without the mage if that 3rd pack wasn't pulled. Would having the mage cast some blizzard 1s help absolutely, but once that 3rd pack was pulled, it was over. The priest, who I'll add, did everything right aside from not calling out pathing, but maybe they were just trusting their tank, died to the 3rd pack. The druid died to the 3rd pack, which he pulled on accident. He had a pot, and he could have recovered from 2 mobs, but 7, there's no way.
ОтветитьWent from being Piratesoftware to Ratsoftware
Ответитьlol he was not out of mana, 100% mage fault..NO he got them killed..
Ответить@hydra watch yams pov he didnt press any buttons, he could have saved the grp too btw. boss is even stunnable he didnt do a singel gauge or slow, not even dps just nothing.
ОтветитьThat drama gets me to so many other content creators and their takes and views on it. I love it!
Ответить1HP Ego trip + not using Rank1 Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, Frostbolt, etc...Just running saving his fkn noob life:D
ОтветитьEither the mage sucks or it's a grief
ОтветитьYamoto literally plays a rogue and didnt CC anything at all. watch the vod again, he just orbits doing nothing at all. Mirlol would have blinded two mobs, vanished twice and cheapshot two more mobs, gouged at least 10 times. Yamoto didnt cc one single mob... but he's a crybaby lol rager and threw the blame on the mage.
ОтветитьpiRAT is cooked lol ground him to org
ОтветитьIt's not Pirate's fault they died
But I think Pirate definitely chose to play the wrong class
He is not a good mage and does not have a good mindset for playing as or improving as a mage either
He is really all around not that good at wow
He should just roll shaman it's a lot easier to play
Look, here is an honest take. They all made mistakes except for the healer. However, the mage just straight-up Roached and did not play his class at all. That is my 100% fair and honest take.
ОтветитьPirate groomed a kid at furrycon
ОтветитьTrue..the mage sucks...complete noob...absolute trash
ОтветитьWhy does there have to be somone to blame? Just causes toxic shit between communities lol
Ответитьits not really about the mistakes or how well they played. its a game they play with inexperienced people. no one expects them to make no misplays. for example, even if the druid fucked up, he still was with the group, tried to help and was putting a lot of blame on himself. thats why no one is mad at him. its the same with the rogue. yes he was useless and he was bad but he at least stuck to the group and it was clear that he wanted to help even if he isnt good enough to do so in the situation. its expected to fuck up. but he at least had good intentions and did what he was supposed to do and was a team player. meanwhile the mage not only did fuck up and did not use the means his class had to help the group, the moment someone said "run" he didnt give a fuck about anyone but himself. he just straight up walked outside as fast as possible without even turning once to see how the group is doing. its fine to prioritise your own safety but seriously, he was miles over miles ahead without the slightest bit of danger to him. to not even turn around once and see how theyre doing or try to help them judge the situation, or cast a blizzard on max range with zero danger to himself is insane.
ОтветитьHey Hydra! Where is Calimist?
ОтветитьYour take on all of this is probably the most based. I hope tyler or sodapoppin watches it. Everyone else's takes have been so dramatic or clearly siding with people. But its clear that everyone's made bad choices, and could of done things differently, and to say that "oh well mage couldn't of done anything" or that "well ozzy was just trying to do his job here" or w/e is just silly. everyone was making poor choices (except maybe priest, i think priest could of maybe looked out for himself more imo lol).
Ответитьeverytime i lose a fight in open world or a duel. i just remember the morons that are in onlyfangs and i immediately feel better about myself.
ОтветитьI oscillate between thinking Pirate is simply limited by skill and inexperience — and him having real contempt for his team and not giving a damn if they live or die.
Ответитьif only they had a mage in that group.... then they could rank 1 blizzard so the healer can kite around in a circle when getting healing aggro....... but you need to have a mage in the group...... Soda even said that Pirate wasnt a real mage... so that was the main problem.
yes everyone had a few mistakes aka pulling the boss or the 3rd pack... but nothing would have helped more than a rank 1 blizz.
Pirate needs a healthy dose of «the law of jante»
ОтветитьOne thing nobody is talking about how Rogues in Vanilla are some of the best characters to peel with, especially in PVP. If you watch after they start running he only hits sinister striike 3-4x, sprint and blind on the boss which is immune. Could've done so much to prevent mobs from moving forward but didn't at the risk of his own character. Lot of people blaming Mage for being an easy to understand class, just blizzard/nova and u win. But Rogues can be just as valuable with Blind, Gouge, Kidney, Vanish->Cheap Shot. Have aggro on a mob+ evasion. Also, if they all dropped group they would've all been teleported out by the time they reached the entrance.
ОтветитьDid not even pov rogue he caused this...
ОтветитьYea, charge pot bear would have had him almost to the entrance with maybe a bit of daze left, but still one charge distance away from the hyenas.
ОтветитьPirate could of done a lot more ,however lots of mistakes where made. Their always seems to be lots of drama in Ozy's groups
Ответитьwe're only missing sara's take on piRATroachware now
ОтветитьPirate was pissed and did not help on purpose! to arrogant and self centred for a Team game.
ОтветитьThe max rank blizzard was not even an issue, it was not even an issue about him just being bad and making the wrong plays. He purposefully blinked 3 times and ice barried twice when nothing was on him. He could have used 1 cone of cold or rank 1 blizzard and 1 nova and everyone gets out alive. He is just a narcissist.
ОтветитьHe probably spent more mana on blink
ОтветитьRogue did litterally nothing to help his team. He didnt press any buttons until 2 people died. And he flamed/blamed mid combat. Filled coms with useless yelling. Litterally ran next to them holding all his cds begging the mage to save them
ОтветитьAnd no one talks about rouge misplays. No distract for boss or patrols. No gouge or blind for regular ogre. No change for cripling poisons. No chipshot and kidney for boss. The call "it is sawageble" in the worst spot between two patrols is the reason why priest, druid and warrior stoped and started fighting again and two of them got killed. All what rogue did is running around, screaming and blameing and made bad calls. It would be better if he would run away like mage. Imagine waiting rank 1 blizzard kite from clicker mage.
ОтветитьA lot of people missed the dogs have a 70% slow. The tank is almost perma slowed after the run call is made. That's why he so far behind everyone. That's why they stop at the ramp and goes back to help ozy as he getting nuked by all the adds. 1 frost nova would have been enough at start to get away from the cc mobs.
Ответитьits all 'they did this' and 'they did that' with pirate, dude isnt interested in ANYTHING ever being on him ever. Classic narcissist
ОтветитьSkipping trash in dungeons that could easily cause a wipe is always stupid.
Ответитьsoothe and walk passed a pack of 60 elites in a dungeon? dude...
ОтветитьEvery time I enjoy a specialty Trappist ale, have to watch a Hydra vid lol
ОтветитьSara did nothing wrong PepeHands
ОтветитьThor's to blame because he did not use the Sword of A Thousand Truths to save his group. Shame on him 🤡
ОтветитьPirate is a coward betrayer. The last person you want in your party is someone like pirate. And i've seen more clips where he just bails without even trying, leaving his group to risk dying.,
Ответитьanother wiseman without ability to make an actual content, but feeding on nothingburger and getting people canceled, lmao. Useless trash.
ОтветитьI think Snuppy was pretty fucked and charge wouldn't have saved him. THe range of charge is deceptively small, and it looks like to me he is out of range unfortunately.
ОтветитьThis is the result of people having insane mobility on retail.
ОтветитьSorry but that was not him making a mistake, it was fully intentional. He hovers his mana gem while saying he has no mana as an excuse and smiling at the same time. Also when Yamato is asking him to help, he turns slightly and clearly thinks about it, but then because of the way Yamato said it goes nvm and decides not to, as it clearly hurt his 'ego'. Completely disgusting loser behavior that killed his group for no reason.
ОтветитьI like how everybody's discussing this as if it's MDI or a 3s tournament while it's just a bunch of goons playing a game from 2004 and making sub-par decisions as a whole. If I were Thor and I saw how bad the rogue and druid played I would've HS-d out immediately.
"Oh but you're an asshole for not respecting the group"
Nah, it's offensive to suck at WoW :)